Humanbeing on Disappering track

 Human Beings-the Biggest Power and Fear of Earth


Human Being in Disappearing Track







Dr. Nimananda Rijal




Ashok Pandey

Ayuska Parajuli

Mukti Rijal






ASEAN       -         Association of South East Asian Nations.

EC               -         European Community

GDP             -         Gross Domestic Product

ICA              -         International Commodity Agreement

LTA             -         Long Term Agreement : On International Trade in                           Cotton Textile.

MFA            -         Multi Fiber Agreement

MPH            -         Mile per hour

NATO          -         North Atlantic Treaty Organization

OECD          -         Organization of Economic Co-operation and                              Development. The Organization Formed from the 24                     developed countries. The review International                               Economic Issue.                              

SAARC       -         South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation.

USA             -         United States of America

UK               -         United Kingdom

WTO            -         Warsa Treaty Organization.









          I am in great debt of my wife Mangala for providing me support and encouragement during the period of writing this book.  My daughters Prabalta and Prashamsa were deprived from the time which they deserve to spend with their father during the long hour of writing; they have tolerated and provided assistant whenever asked.  So I would like to extend my gratitude to my daughters.

          I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to Dr. K.Belbase, Mrs. Muna Belbase, Dr. Bedari, Mrs. Meera Bedari, Mrs. Bhattacharya, Mr. S. Rajbhandari, Mrs. Mithila Rajbhandar, Mr. J.J.Banjade, Mrs Pratima Banjade, Mr. B.L. Shah and Mrs. Bimala Maskey for listening and providing suggestions in the gatherings of Nepali community of Botswana where I used to put the debating issues in the topics which I was writing during the time.

          To Mrs. Geetharam who the red entire document and provided valuable suggestions, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude for her dedication to bring the book into existence.

          Last but not least, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to Mr. Kalika Timilsina, Mr. Devika Timilsina, Mr. Mukti Rijal, …  and for reading entire document and providing suggestions.

          Finally, I would like to extend my gratitude to … for typesetting and for the entire staff of …. Who took the responsibility for printing this book.



Copyright 1996.

@: Copyright is reserved to the writer and publisher. This who tends to retrieve any chapter of this book for publication without the written permission will be liable to face public prosecution and claims of damages.



-             Acknowledgement                                                            I

1.          Introduction                                                                     1

2.          The Earth and human being    2

3.          Incest and degenerating human races     3

4.          Material development and disappearing human being    5

5.          Desire/need and disappearing of of human being    7

6.          Internal factors for dismentalling the earth and its        

             Effect on human. 9

7.          Ocean and humanbeing                                                                                15

8.          Food Production and humanbeing                                                                                17

9.          Effects of external forces to the earth     19

10.        Utilization of non-renewable resources and humanbeing                                                                                22

11.        Use of pesticides/chemicals and effects on human generation                                                                                   27

12.        Protectionism and free market  30

13.        Nuclear energy/nuclear waste and effects on human  33

14.        Sex, morality and humanbeing on disappearing track     38

15.        Emerging of regional powers and destabilization of         

             Neighbouring countries.                                                                                    45

16.        Arm race and human on disappearing track     52

17.        Religion and humanbeing on disappearing track     64

18.        The sum of negation                                                                                      77

             Notes.                                                                                             81


1.                  INTRODUCTION:

Existence and disappearing both remained as two sides of a coin throughout the natural phenomena of this planet, when something emerges another disappears. Today around forty-five thousands of animal species even more plant species are in danger of dying out,1 Dinosaurs had ruled this planet about 300 hundred million years, today it remains as fossils. In the extinction and emerging process many animals are in danger of disappearing sooner or later. Human being is a developed animal who is ignoring the fact of being of themselves on disappearing track. Now humanbeing is as an insane elephant on their technological development and advancement. There are many factors of leading the humanbeing towards disappearing track, some of these are analyzed in detail in this book.

The golden lion Tamarin lives in the rain forest of South East Brazil. It is becoming very rare as people destroy more and more of its forest.2 Likewise Giant Panda are found only in bamboo forest in the mountain of South west of China. Panda eats the shoots and leafs of bamboo, in late 1970, the bamboo forest bloomed, when it gives flowers, the bamboo do not produce shoots and leafs,  So the panda were starved to death by nature. It happened even for pet animals at the time of draught in African continent .

The great Indian Rhinoceros found in the North Western India and Southern part of Nepal.  It is in danger as subtropical forest destroying rapidly and inhabitants like Rhinoceros are endangered.

Some of these animals are the examples; many more animals are in danger. The cause of disappearing would be different but some of them are disappearing due to human error. Invasion and changing climatic conditions. Human being themselves have been creating their own track for disappearing and some of them are created by nature for over throwing the infected or damaged part of natural system.

How human being disappearing, it is a very concerned question for 21st century; the human have declared the contradiction between nature and human being but social injustice, conflicts are growing like a veld fire. It indicates that human being is not developing in right direction. As a regulation of removing infected part for preventing further damage to the natural system, human being will be removed for regenerating new creation.


The earth is a planet of this universe and human being is a creation of the planet. It is pointed out by a Hindu philosopher that ' MATA BHUMI PUTROHUM PRITHIVYAH ' (this earth is my mother and I am a son of this earth.) A Hindu philosopher reveled himself as the nature (Krishna) and said whenever virtue subsides and wickedness prevails, I manifest myself to establish virtue, to destroy evils, to save the good, I come age to age.

The symbolic form of nature as Krishna had interpreted virtue (Dharma) in terms of human behavior. It includes 'let us live to others, love to live and acknowledge the existence of other entities in the planet.' These basic forms of virtues are determined by the nature to the human being for living in co-existence.

The earth existed since millions of years but human history is around fifty thousand of  years , The earth is a planet in this solar system where as there are thousands solar system in the universe, This thought will encourage the younger generation for exploring other solar system if the planet allow to exist them.

The evolution of human being in the planet one of the supernatural phenomena, It had taken millions of years, In the process of evolution thousands of years are as a fraction of a minute, The existence of human being is an infant for the evolution process of this planet, A duty of the mother is to create an environment for the development of their offsprings, It the off springs violates the created boundaries of the environment, simply they will be in trouble and mother will neglect the disobedient child. Human being is crossing the boundaries without knowing the consequences and the ideal ways of life.





'May all beings be happy, may all attain bliss; may all see happy days, may no one be subject to suffering.' This was the prayer of those old sages but now the prayer has narrow2ed up to 'AHAM BHAVANTU SUKHINA' May I only live happily.

The internal evil force of humanbeing AHANKARA (ego). 6 It has been manifesting for 'me' and subsides for 'we'. Ego is revealed with creating boundaries, ethnic groups and religions for assaulting the very mother planet.'  The human assault on the earth not only threatens the very earth but also entire forces of nature of life, of life itself which will cause the death of man himself.'7

There is no difference between human being and animals to the planet, as a mother she cannot discriminate her children.  If the human being fails to respect the relationship for mutual co-existence, the nature will manifest to over through her infected part.


Today sex and sexual exposure has taken a major role in every sector of life from marriage to selection of clothes, shoes, ornaments and entertainment. Sex is the creation of nature which should not be given priority in life; at the same time it should not be obscured from the exposure, a balance should be drawn between sex and life.

Sex is beautiful itself but the beauty of orgasm has been exploiting by the human being since its origin; where and how to use sex as a driving force of life has not been observed.  It is over used and exploited.  Since the origin of human being, incest is taking place, incest problem is genetic problem.  One of the characteristics, which define cells and organism is being alive.  It is their ability to reproduce the offspring similar and identical to their parent, because they make what they possess the ability to make the same kind of proteins as did their parents in a similar and precisely controlled way through out their life cycle.  These characters inherited from parents are said to be inheritable for genetic.' Different ver5sion of particular gene might arise by mutation.'8

Gene determines the original characteristics of human being. Due to incest human characteristics are dehumanizing.  The symptoms of dehumanization are rape, killing, creating white terror by the power of gun nationally and internationally, not only creating terror for their human fellow they would be ready to eliminate entire entities from the planet.

If we go back to the Athenian history, Athenian children of the same father but different mother was allowed to marry. Marriage between uncles were also accepted and indeed some time encouraged. Plato wrote a law about incest.

In a close society marrying kit and kin is common because of unavailability of others to marry. Almost every society has suffered from encaustic problems. The result of incest is not pleasant which experimented in rabbits, rabbits lost their originality in size, strength and behavior. So it may affect the reasoning and analytical power of the higher race.

Dehumanization is growing rapidly due to mutation. According to the Hindu philosophy same 'Gotra' should not be get married. Their next generation would be unhealthy. Children are the future of humanity. If they are abnormal in thinking, reasoning and creating activities. The future of human being would be in danger.

Immune system of each and every person is very week and it should be protected for surviving. If they loose their thinking power, they will be destroyed even from common viruses. Since the late seventy's human' is struggling to be protected from 'AIDS'.

It is horrifying us which might be the early waring by the nature.

'Struggle for survival ' is s basic rule to exist in this nature bit we are weaker animals as compare to other animals. Humanbeing applied their thinking power to be a super animal. If they loose their creative power, they will remain as history for another developed creature.

Physical development cannot determine the psychological development, exploiting, poisoning, murdering, genocides are some examples of dehumanization which had  made history and still now it is in the process of making history.

Since the evolution of humanbeing, incest practice was common. 'People got married to their own tribe, not from out side. 'Why incest practice became common.' It can be said, one who can create have the clue of destruction. The very rule might be implemented on humanbeing through incest practice.


The human being's development exploring natural resources for scooting the life and maintaining supremacy among all animals, The population increased geometrically then we created an environment to be super among ourselves. Men were forced to exploit the hidden wealth of the nature, to exploit the earth, they need equipments and machineries. To supply for the demand of the society we reached at the edge where ourselves are endangered. Exploring other planets, understanding the micro magnetic forces of the universe are some of the examples of the material development.

Material development and human development are antagonistic with each other, the developments which men enjoying are the be-product of human brain. The nature has blessed it with unlimited power to create.

Modern sophisticated materials and human life are synonyms. Very few technocrats and labors are sweating to run the present world. Rest of the humanbeing is paralysed. Within thousands of years it will come stand still. One day artificial machines(robots) will replace the present labour force which are demanding food, shelter, education, medical care. Where would be the situation of humanbeing where labour force demands only lubrication?

We humanbeing  are preparing to go beyond motion, 'Motion is the source of life, 'If motion stops life goes off. The present form of material development is measured by artificial machines and now we are competing with each other for using these machines, preparing indicators of development, ranking the people from developed and under developed world, humiliating each other and spending just to identifying either rich  or poor.

We are highly developed living being knows how to imitate and to create than other animals. At present we are depending on machines even to do simple additions. Why should we exercise our brain if there is a calculator in your pocket? The man will not be able to calculate himself, he heeds calculator, his brain is paralyzed for calculation. A four year child starts thinking life miserable without television, housekeepers thinks life miserable without dish washer. These are some example of technological advancement. It is depriving us to conduct the life the way which nature want.

'Since few organisms live to maturity than are produced there must be a "struggle "for survival; which organs are not in use will disappear slowly. 'The very simple evolution of human hand is one of the example, as indicated in theory of  evolution, the hands were the front leg of Rama pithecus, homo sapiens. It is believed that the present from humanbeing is the evolution of homo sapiens. The front leg of homos sapiens were used for climbing  trees, picking up fruits, collecting foods and killing animals and many more activities. Due to constant practice of generation to generation, the front leg became as hand and humanbeing started walking upright using only two legs.

Limbs that are in constant use will become stronger and stronger, that which are not in constant use will be paralyzed during the course of time. How the artificial equipments are in use for sophisticated life, the same way we are termination ourselves as a slave of artificial equipment .These equipments which makes our life easier and lighter, are actually pushing us on the track of extinction.


The nature has its own systems of communication, some people say is co-incidence. If provides simple facts which are very important to observe. Before a tempest the atmosphere would be very calm. Our fore-father were able to predict the changing nature without the help of any modern equipment. Another way of communication where by we are seasoned to survive any type of weather condition. It also provides very sophisticated type of communication which is sent through different channels, before earth quake animals feel uneasy and some of them even makes wounds–cow moo and even cockroaches never remain in the premises, it will come out to save their life from the disaster. Many animals understand the signals of communication sent by the nature. Telepathy also is a form of communication.

We have our own reasoning, analytical and generalizing power. The nature has provided different types of receiving and feedback channel. The nature's communication system is more developed than technological development of mankind. Providing the example of calculator man, what the nature wants to tell us, 'human you should not be a slave of your own creation'.

The exploiter and exploited both are in a sense equal sinners- the exploited should have the courage to raise his voice against the exploiter. 'PARITANA YA SADHUNAM VINASHYA CHA DUSHKRITAM'.'To up hold good and destroy evil is Dharma 'the duty. 'It should be realized by man mohterwise  he is denying his own right in this world .Each and every person got their own right on earth, no matter he is rich or poor, cleaver or stupied, employer or employee, producer or consumer. The whole universe if exits in motioning the human is paralysed by their creation the existence of humanbeing is in danger.


Natural  phenomens are also affected by internal and forces, which are the cause of social and physical  changes. The need and desire of humanbeing are also unlimited in the limited planet.

The fulfillment of desire and necessities of the society yp to a certain level aimed by the society is considered as development. Society has developed to a stage where individual or personal possession or acquisition have been guiding principal for all social action. The Single mindedness or selfishnessed to the situation to exploit man for accumulation wealth and power. Fellow men f\are \forced to survive under animals. They are mechanized as machines and waiting for the final tickets. Exploiter they do not want of think, fex poited one have no time to think for the benefit of the human race and their planet.

'BHU SHETRA.JIEEVSANGYA YADANADI NIHAVANDHANAM.      'The earth is for different activities of humanbeing where they are bonded themselves by the result of activities. It further explains that we do not try to look forward about the future of our future generation. Our activities are so self centered that we think that the earth should be here until I am here.

Industrial revolution has taken place indifferent time in different time in different countries. The factories are forced to full fill the demand of the society and we need everything for being better than others, which created competition for material development. But we ignored the limited capacity of the earth whether she is capable of not to accommodate us with our unlimited material development in the cost of her breast.

Why breathing is difficult-nobody is interested on happenings. After the industrial revolution, factories of all over the world are producing carbon dioxide (CO2) twenty four hours of the day; it is happening since last 150 years.

The earth ha its own rules and boundaries to exist in the planetary system. Excessive activities might be violated her rules. Acid rain which has got the capacity of turning the world as a desert which is a product of excessive human activities,

The earth has her own dimensions which were discovered by different scientists. Newton discovered the 'Bravitational force', of the earth. It had provided the thought of external exploration, we have un limited way of expansion and the earth has limited dimensions. Certainly the result would be disastrous when the earth refuses to cope with the advancement.

If an inherited part is decayed simple the nature will remove it, In the present context, humanity at large can be considered a worm for the planet .The planet will remove the worm as 'Vermox or Zentel' removes the worm from the stomach of the human.

Every atom has it's own magnetic area, if they are charged they attract with another atom and creates violation; likewise, the earth has her own and shielded by her existing rules, if these shields are broken, the existence of the planet in the same balanced form will be in danger. Human existence is with the existence of the planet. Rules are the rules of the nature as a form of supreme power; many religion has taken it as God. The definition of God is given in 'YAJURVED'.

'The supreme being is omnipresent, immutable and pure. He is formless, there is no need for Him to assume a physical form to excite. His will, for He pervades all living thing. He is immune to diseases and suffering. He does not have blood vessels or pulse. The supreme entity manifest absolute purity. He is never tamed by any sin. He transcends desire, hatred, attachments and anger, There are some cannot touch him. He is omniscient. He is infinitely wise. He is all encompassing. He is self existent, eternal and everlasting (SANATAN).He is the creator, preserver and dissolver of the cosmos.

If you dive deep down the described form of the God can be viewed around you which is the nature. The universe is in order, If the order is disturbed due to human error for accumulating wealth and paralyzing themselves, not only the humanbeing by all entities of the planet will be in danger.


Creating and constructing is not an easy task; it demands a lot of thinking for balancing internal and external forces, If the internal force is weaker than external force, the construction or creation collapses, It is known as structural failure, It has a disastrous result, 'Some famous examples of structural failure including the Tay bridge in Scotland and Tacoma narrow bridge in U.S.A. which were collapsed when exposed to winds of 42 M.P.H.

The same principle is working for balancing the natural system of the earth. When the internal structure get destroyed, the external forces will easily invade the earth, The internal factors which are dismantling the earth are Global warming, depletion of Ozone layer, Deforestation, Excessive mining and Pollution.


6.1        GLOBAL WARMING:

The term global warming basically known as 'green house effect'. The earth is warmed by the sun. most of the heat is sent back or radiated into the atmosphere, carbon dioxide traps some of this heat, preventing from escaping into space which keeps the earth warm, if there is too much carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere, it will become too hot. It is called global  warming.'

The sun is the prime source of climate and the source of life of earth. The sun provides energy source in the form of light, 'about 25% incoming energy from the sun is absorbed in the atmospheric zone and another 25% reflected back to space by the atmosphere, mostly from clouds. The energy again sent back to space  from the surface of the earth which is trapped  in the atmosphere by the gases released from the earth.

Excessive production of carbon dioxide and other gases from the chimneys of the factories and oil rigs makes a layer of carbon dioxide, it is clearly visible in the atmosphere, the blue sky gets obscured. The regularities of the earth gets constipate..'Any changes in the chemical composition of the planet's atmosphere that will lead to a change in its climate. The earth do not possess the same climatic condition in the past, it took billions of years to develop a balanced tree of climate where animals can survive. Due to global warming, snow melts and the sea level rises up. Low level lands are in danger of drowning .It will destroy the land.

'Industrialized countries are consuming 75% of the total energy consumed by the world. The population of the world is around five billion and 1/5 of the world population is with the industrialized countries. Artificial energy production is the main cause for depositing the huge layer of carbon dioxide around the globe. 'Air lines are also responsible for 3% percent for global warming. Due to high movement of people one country to another, one continent to another, the demand of air lines is increasing, if Air lines increase their service to full fill the growing demand, by 2020, air lines will be responsible for 30% of global warming.

The figure shows the thick layer of gases in the atmosphere of the planet, where escaped heat is trapped.


As human are self centered and profit motive. We are out of the conscience to control the global warming .  It is increasing in alarming rate.

The effects of the global warming are in many areas of earth. The rise of sea level, increase in the density of the sea water which contains most of the liquid for balancing the earth. Some vegetation will not survive, yielding capacity will be destroyed or the quality will be destroyed. Human health is mostly affected, some animals will not exist, ecological system will be changed, In this changing situation many animals would disappear.


Many people have been thinking humanbeing can adapt adverse conditions. But it is not true for the climatic change, because they need a constant type of condition of the earth even to survive. Weather and climatic change effects in human health in different ways. 'Firstly, the incidence of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases are already highly co-related with extreme climatic conditions.

Many researchers have indicated heart related problem increased due to climatic change respiratory irritation increases if temperature rises. Many diseases are seasonal, the natures communication is in a symbolic form, which warns us. If you destruct the balance of the nature you would be in danger.


The impact of climatic change would be in rainfall pattern, it will be irregular and some time long drought will hit certain areas of the world, The result : herbivores will extinct .As an early warning system of the nature. It has been happening since many years in some part of the world. Many animals during the time of draught. People survived with imported food. If draught hits around the world for 7-8 years what would happen? Definitely the existence of humanbeing will be threatened.



Pollution will rise dramatically due to rise temperature of the earth. It will create inhaling to the humanbeing, impure inhaling is a cause of degrading of humanbeing. If the human body does not receive proper energy, how it can work properly. Irritation, illogical decision, tyranny and crime,  many more, many more improper the various ae the symptoms of degeneration of humanbeing. Pure oxygen would be difficult to get from the nature.

Plot thought for classifying humanbeing. All entities were honored equally in the East. 'The supreme personality is situated as the supreme soul within the cores of hearts of living thing whether moving or non moving, including men, birds, animals and indeed all living entities in the form of trees. If human being were aware of their role for mutual existence in this planet, the situation would have been controlled, but in contrary ,they have concentrated to maintain their supremacy exploiting the natural balance of this planet. It happened due to high aspiration of humanbeing, now the problems reached at the apex where we do not have the capacity to control.


To understand and to reach in the core of the relationship between humanbeing and plant, the following diagram would help .

How beautiful are the creations of nature. Inhaling and exhaling air is just an example. The exhaling air of humanbeing is required for the plants likewise exhaling air of the plants is required to the animal kingdom. How dependent with each other are for their internal combustion force-which is a form of life. This reality should be understood by the humanbeing as taught by Hindu philosophy. A Hindu philosopher pointed out that there is no need to born these poor tree any longer. Let what ever trees still remain- be happy, indeed, you should be happy. Now there is a beautiful will qualified girl named Marisa, who was raised by the trees as their daughter, you may accept this beautiful girl as your wife.

The value tried to establish between humanbeigh and plant is becoming more significant in the contemporary society. Plants and animals are interdependent. Since the beginning of human history, trees are playing vital part for development, Timber is utilized as to form shelter even in the modern world. Most easiest form of material is wood. We have been destroying the trees very rapidly this is done by humanbeing to accommodate uncontrolled population who become most inhabited animal in this planet. 'Over twenty million hectors of tropical forest are being cut down every year.'

The nature has provided super consciousness to human, who is blind to understand the effect of disappearing interdependent living thing.


Forest are providing shelter, food, air and breeding ground for all animals. All living thing need to eat,  breath and reproduce; for these activities all living things are interdependent. Animal helps animal and animal helps plants likewise plant helps animals. An injury to one is an injury to all. Let us think once how are they helping with each other.

Animals help animals: Strange thing happens in nature for surviving. A bird honey guide attracts the badger to break the hives. Here both animal and bird are working together for surviving.

Animal helps plants: Very simple example is bee, it helps to many plants for pollination. Pollination is the act of carrying pollen from one plant or flower to another plant or flower of similar plant or flower. It is a creation of nature because bee moves from one plant to another in search of nectar, during this process they are helping to pollination. ‘Did you know that there are over 900 types of fig tree and each one is pollinated b different type of wasp.,34 Likewise all animals helping plants indifferent ways.




The relationship which nature has created is the law for interdependent and creating sound ecosystem of the planet. All animal deserve foods from plants directly. The diagram will explain about the food web in detail.



Birds                                                                                                   Lizards


             Snails                                                                           Insects


                                                      Land plants

‘If the population of one of the animals in a food web is altered, all the others are affected.’ 35  The nature is in the balance to create conducive environment for mutual coexistence. The materials are stable in the natural system, for example: Plants need good soil, for formation of good soil organic materials are needed,   Dead animals are decomposed by bacteria and fungi which makes good soil structure to grow healthy plants for animal consumption. So basically, in nature there are consumer, producer and decomposer. These are working together for recycling the natural materials.

Many link exists between plants and animals. They help each other with food, reproduction and defense. But this also means that the removal of just one plant or animal can disrupt the lives or even kill many more.

The result of deforestation will be most of the animal lost their breeding ground, soil erosion, irregular rainfall and landslides. It will affect on the food production which will force people for migration. People will loose their value and norms for surviving. Surviving will be basic norm for human being. It will lead towards disappearing track for human being.




The water element in the earth anatomy can be compared with blood stream in the human body. The water part of the earth is called hydrosphere. Ocean, ground water, running water and lakes are the main parts of the hydrosphere. For keeping the balance of this planet, hydrosphere also as pivot but human being neglects the important part of the planet as if these are made for their disposal. During 2nd world war thousands of tons of gunpowder was poured in the oceans. Poisonous waste  from the industries were dumped in the river, lake and sea. Oil tankers have been exploding almost every month and some time deliberately toxic oil was dumped into the sea. The industrial waste and untreated sewage system turned the ocean water poisonous.

Some of the lakes and rivers and coastal areas of the sea is highly polluted. The metallic element such as lead, mercury and others are left in the river which turns the fish and other sea food as poison. All sea food should be checked before supplying in the market. We act according to our will and wish forgetting the consequences. Hydrosphere balances the temperature and moisture contents of the planet. The chunk of hydrosphere is highly polluted. The polluted moisture affects this planet. Decomposed material mix with water when water gets evaporated it automatically pollute the air which we feel and depended as combustion for energy.

One of the most widespread forms of water pollution is the oxygen deficiency brought by the eutrophication.’36 Due to eutrophication, the oxygen level in the sea water depleted as a result living animals in the water finds it difficult to survive. Unknown diseases develop and mercury poisoning becoming common as mercury related waste released directly into the river.

If impure blood cycles around the body, what would be the condition of the body, the body malfunctions and indicates that it is sick. The same way, our planet is sick because of its blood streams are highly polluted. How this impure water system affects the entire entities of the planet will be explained providing a flow chart of water cycle.



7.1        THE WATER CYCLE

                                 Clouds form

                                                                Water vapour condensed


 Polluted atmosphere

                                                                Water vapour rises

Ground rainfall

River flow into lake, swamps and sea               water.

Flow chart 37


The water cycle is very simple, polluted water gets evaporated and falls as rain. When the water evaporates, other elements are carried with the evaporation which decomposed and mixed with the water. So the rain pours down impure water gets absorbed in the ground and comes out as sprinkle. To understand the nature of polluted even rain water and underground water, the particles which are acting in the atmosphere should be understood. ‘There is a tiny particle called Neutrino, the greek symbol NU. The neutrino has an electrical charge either no mass or very little but it is able to possess both energy and momentum and has an intrinsic spin’.38

These neutrino are the product of beta decay ; such kind of charging and decaying process are common in atoms world. H+H+O = H2O. Atmosphere is highly polluted and universe is flooded of neutrino ; such there is no way of escaping from polluted atmosphere.’ The neutrino penetrates the earth as if it was not there.’39

When the atoms are charged by the electrical power in the atmosphere , some atoms are discharged with the rain water , which carries impurity in the rain water.

   If the sea water is highly polluted, the purifying process of the nature would be failed and human do not have he capacity to purify the raining water. The nature has warned us providing acid rain.

The sages were survived with water and air for a long ti when they were in entrance for thinking spiritual findings.  ‘The thought is micro and things are mire micro which we do not possess the knowledge of it’.40 Still some saints possess the power of desired death.41

    In the polluted atmosphere, the mental is imbalanced. In the imbalanced mental state thinking power would be imbalanced.



‘O food giver (nature) provides us with healthy and energy giving food. Grant happiness to those that give in charity. May all living being be pleased with energy giving food ,.42 This is a meal time prayer whose energy depend on food.

Pure blood is needed for the better function of brain. The food which is consumed is digested in the stomach. The fibrous part of the food turns into the discarded part, some parts turns into blood and helps to build up the worn out tissues. In the forming process, the semen formation is very micro part of the blood. For formation of healthy semen, Satwik (pure food) should be consumed. The brain needs pure blood, unhealthy food cannot produce pure blood; only Satwik food produces the pure blood.’ Due to the labour of the brain or mental labour of the human being are the factors of decreasing the energy of the blood. So heart needs to send the blood towards needed area.

The process of thinking depends on the types of food consumed. According to Hindu philosophy, mainly three types of food are available;  Rajo guni;  Satwo guni and tamo guni. Rajo guni food produces a kind of spirit of work but it does not long last and consumes the energy of the brain very quickly. Sato guni : this type of food is useful for the brain. These food are milk, fruits, wheat, ghee, grapes, apples, green vegetables and light foods. Tamo guni : this type of foods add fat in the body, makes dull and it cannot provide the strength to the brain.

We can say that there is a connection between brain and food consumption. But the first question comes; how could you determine the real good quality of food which is healthy to consume? You may think, this is a silly question in this scientifically developed world. What do you think?

Human being is under the threat of ‘Radiation’. The earth as such is under the threat of radiation. After the ‘Chernobyl’ disaster some part of the Eastern Europe was highly affected. The food production was highly radioactive which was condemned for human and animal consumption. The radiation absorbs the soil and remains for long period of time.

‘To fullfil the demand of the society, intensive farming technique is applied. Combine harvester gather tons of grain from enormous field’.44 World population is increasing in alarming rate; so intensive farming should be done to meet the growing demand; for bumper harvest Chemicals and fertilizers are used without limit.

Intensive farming technique is after loss and profit; they are driven yo maximize their profit. So they are using different types of chemicals to protect their farm. ‘They kill indispensable earthworm in the opinion of growing the fertility of the soil and to impair the nutritive quality of the plants that grows on it’.45

Mostly industrialized countries are after intensive farming technique because very few % of farmer should produce the food for large number of people. High chunk around 95% people are employed sector in the industrial sector. So some of the people of industrialized countries have not the natural test of the food; The test is altered according to used fertilizers, consumed food by the animals; test of milk changes as provided feeds. Fruits are produced in genetic engineering concept. We are consuming many fruits without seeds; but it is an form of impurity of fruits. The way we are producing the foods was not asked to produce by the nature’. These production is determined by demand and supply’.46

‘The discipline that organizes the mind, the life breath and senses is sattawik (yogi). Action performed without love or hat, without desire for its fruit, the mind that knows the difference between work and renunciation, right and wrong, bondage and liberation fear and fearlessness is Yogi’.47 To find such kind of person in this impure world is most difficult. Impure food consumption produces impure blood which receives by the brain and such brain with full of impure blood can nit determine the sattawik path of life. So the genocide becoming common in the present world. The impure food production also contributing for human degeneration, degeneration is a step forward on disappearing track.


To understand the affects of external forces on earth we should understand the nature of an atom. It will help to understand the position of earth in its solar system.

9.1. ATOM

‘Atom is the smallest part of an element that has all the properties of an element’.48 More than 150 years ago, English chemist Dalton had given this definition of an atom. Today, we know that an ‘atom’ is made of more  smaller with three different components. If you look at an atom of element , you will see small particles that are spinning around the nucleus, the orbiting particles are ‘electrons’. In the nucleus there is another particles called ‘protons’. It is heavier than electrons. Each protons has a charge of electricity, it is said negative charge of electricity.

Atoms are the constituent element of a compound. Those are combined together in different ratio. The formation of water is given as an example. The symbol of water is ‘H2O’49 There are two particles of hydrogen and one particle of oxygen. These particles are elementary particles and possess an electromagnetic force.


‘Each atom is made up of electrons circling around a nucleus. The nucleus is made up of protons and neutrons’,50 Three different elements structure is given in the diagram.

Hydrogen                            Helium.                               Lithium

O proton (+)                        0 Electron(-)                               0 neutron

Diagram 51                                                                      (Neutral)


Ordinary hydrogen ha a nucleus of just one proton. It is the only atom without neutrons. A single electron is spinning around its nucleus. In every element the method of formation looks the same; the different is adding one proton at a time for each new element. If the protons are increased the same numbers of electrons are also increased. So in each atom , the numbers of protons and electrons are equal. For each increased electrons, a new orbit shell comes into existence.

‘Imagine that an atom is like a tiny solar system. You can think of nucleus as the sun and electrons as the earth and other planets circling around the sun’.52

The earth is just like a particle of a matter in the solar system which is functioning its own way for existence. The earth has its own gravitational force; to go beyond of its boundary extra force needs. There is gravitational balance between earth and sun. In the balance point, many artificial satellite are kept and started functioning as the Moon or those are moving around the fixed orbit of the earth.

Every ‘atom’ has its own magnetic field. So they are capable of attracting another particles. Polar molecule attract each other electrically. If some of the particles are affected by external forces, there will be internal imbalance of the particles.

If the internal force is weaker due to destroying different components of the earth, the other planets, asteroids can affect the gravitational force of the earth. If an asteroid attracts towards the earth, the existence of the present earth will be in stake, the earth might be dismantled and the position of the earth might be pushed back further from the sun. The point where the earth is positioned in the solar system is vital for developing living things. If the earth’s position is changed, the present life of the planet will be destroyed. Once it happened in the history due to the asteroid which is called as the Ice Age. The Ice age is after the Dinosaurs epoch. Due to high acceleration of asteroids, every living creature of the ground was destroyed.

The solar system and position of asteroids.









The path of all planets around the sun is elliptical. They move in different speed and they will not be in straight line forever. The diagram shows their position in the solar system.

‘ In the milky way and outside the solar system, there are millions of bodies that do not follow regular paths. They hurtle through space until they are pulled by the gravity of some large body; some of them are very big, these bodies are called Meteors. Some burns out due to the friction of atmosphere and some does not’.54

If external forces have stronger or weaker gravitational force, it will be the cause of collision. The second collision will be the change in orbiting path of the planet. The Halleys comet changes the axis of orbiting. If it comes to collide with the earth, the earth will be dismantled.

The position of Halley’s comet.











The earth is a form of matter, the combination of matter dissolves and attracts  with each other. In planetary system, earth is an atom, sometime or other it comes under destruction. Whatever has formed must be broken that is the rule of nature. ‘ Destruction is inevitable’.56 but the time is not predictable.



Human being themselves are the product of this beautiful planet; their attitude toward their mother is rough. Mother has an obligation to grow them up and the off springs deserve the right to survive on the lap of their mother. All off springs are sharing the common resources of the planet. But the human being is the most selfish animal among all living entities. They have created their own boundaries on earth.

Many economists and political economist have scratched their head to create economic thought for the development of human being or for that particular society where they have grown up. They are provoking free market economy, free market policy where human being are not free to move from one place to another then how can we imagine about free market.

Market is the place where people have choice of purchasing and selling. But the present situation of the human being is as caged bird in his own birth place           (Planet). If you want o move out of your cage, you have to bear the bullets or solitary confinement in other side of the demarcated line ; tribes are divided and killed on the offence seeing or meeting their relatives. It is a living fact which is happening in the so called boundaries of all the countries.

Free market, free competition for surviving the better way than others are the provocations of superior mentality, in reality super powers are not followed the course, what they preached for; they have protected their interest to maintain their supremacy; if you are barrier of the super power’s interest, you will get power full punch on your face. So there are so many trade barriers under free market economy which are protected by heavy machinery, in real term military capabilities.

Resources are exploited under the name of development, the cost of development is unbearable for the planet because every country, society want to explore the hidden resources and trade.





Natural resources are the asset of this planet. Gold, oil, diamond, platinum, silver, aluminium, copper, iron, mica, magnesia and many more like natural gas, water trees and others. The list of the materials would be long; these are exploited the human being.

The resource which are under the category of extraction from the earth are non renewable resources. These materials are formed as a structural part of the planet.

These non renewable resources are not divided equally in all part of the world and some resources are found more in one part where as another part is without any underground resource. The planet is for all entities but resources are to those who explored them and utilized them without the concern of all entities of the planet. There is no yours and my place, the planet is for all living beings.

Middle east is rich because of exploitation of underground oil reserve. The oil is a resource of this planet, but these are exploited only by the few and the consequences of the exploitation of these resources should bear by all entities. The wells of oil are burning with emission ‘SO2’57 carbondioxide ; it is also another cause of acid rain. Utilizing natural resources and accumulating and developing mass destructive weapons and destabilizing neighbouring countries such as ‘Gulf war’ is one of the result of unworthy exploitation of natural resources.

Most of the energy consumption is done by developed countries , which is one of the another cause of acid rain and depletion of ozone layer.

Some of the countries are exploiting their natural resources such as minerals and selling it in the world market; Excavating process not only steals the part ; it also weakens the total structure of the planet. They are accumulating their asset on the expense of the planet.

When the earth was formed the nature did not distribute the natural resources equally. Excessive mining damaged the balance of natural system. Due to imbalanced distribution of natural resources some human are enjoying and some are struggling for survival. The figure below shows how our fellow beings are suffering.

‘-1.3 billion people lack of access to safe drinking water. These are from under developing countries.’

‘-2.3 billion people (around half of the world population ) are suffering with lack of satisfactory sanitation facilities.’



The development pace of the development was not accelerated at the same time of the different part of the world. Each part of the world had its own development period. It was not accelerated at the same time. Some parts of the world’s people were engaged in spiritual development. Because they were content with their social set up. These were mostly from the bank of Ganges. These people were self sufficient while some other part of the world people were living as nomads. They did not posses simple skills of agriculture.

The people who were living in the fertile plain of the Ganges were highly devoted for spiritual development and developed the oldest religion of the planet as Hindu religion. Veda (source of knowledge)  were written. Veda provide the highest philosophical background of the hindu religion.

Buddha left his palace n search of ‘Mukti’ enlightment. Around ¼ of the world population are following his way of life. Buddha left his palace around 800 B.C. , in the west plato was struggling to create his ‘Republic and law’ around 600 A.D. Athenians were dividing human being as inferior and superior as Barbarian and Athenian.

Athenian were sent out to create colony, they were practising eunism thus they were growing in population and in military power.

When sailing mechanism developed some of the European countries started controlling nearby places. Britain became the colony of Dutch. Portugese started the business to the east. They had used their military power for overthrowing the ruler of the countries. The same way German expanded their colony and later stage by the British ruler and became a country of never sunset. Almost half of the world was ruled by the British empire.

Looking at the past ‘Hindus has been more successful than any other civilization in elaborating a philosophical and religious system.’

‘Thirteen century ago Islam formulated a theory that all aspects of human life- technological, economical, social and spiritual are closely related- a theory that has been only recently been rediscovered in the West in certain aspect of Marxist thought.’

‘The west, for all its mastery of machine, exhibits only the most elementary understanding of the use. Potential resource of that super machine, the human body; in this sphere. related question of connection between the physical and mental, the east and far east are several thousand years ahead. They have produced the great theoretical and practical summer  represented by yoga.’

These examples indicated that some parts of the world were engaged in spiritual and mental development while some other part of the world (west) were engaged to expand their colonial system and mechanism development.



The colonial system tried to overthrow the culture of the people and they tried to overload their imported culture, slowly endogenous culture subsided as time passed on the culture developed to suit with contemporary society.

Free flow of ideas for balance development stopped which was grounded under the yoke of colonialism. It appeared being a most harmful for human being. The colonial master left their cultural way of life ; it happened in most of the colonial countries.

As a result of colonialism, the people of same creed were divided and social conflicts started. Some of the new generation became anglo...

Colonial master were after exploitation of natural resources. Most of the valuable minerals were taken back to their countries. The exploited money was used to build roads, buildings, schools, Hospitals and many more. They developed their educational system for technological advancement. When they were mining, the mining technology was in primitive stage and they mined very roughly as a result most of the resources were discarded and dumped.

They misused the non renewable natural resources. Precious stones were transported to their country. They took accumulated wealth back to their country and indigenous technology was stolen and refined. They sold the same technology in high prices to the colonial countries.

Human value was degraded, slavery system was introduced and killed the natural talent of the people. The status of women was degraded as second class citizens. It is still in the concept of men, which was brought by the colonial system. Women were regarded in some part of the world as Goddess and possess high honour in the society even though they had gone through some dark stages of the history.

The study of local language was not encouraged and method of educating the people was changed by force and in most of the countries they did not provide proper education, they promoted missionary schools, especially those run by Christian missionaries.

Racism developed very highly, men started to hate their fellow beings according to the caste and creed, some of them were considered below the animals. ‘ Separate benches were kept in railway station for the natives in India by the colonialist’.63 Some of the ugly face of racism  still can be seen in South Africa, Toilets, Area, Restaurants, Schools were separated for White, blacks, and Asians. The newly formed democratic government is trying to abolish it but the mentality of the human nature will take time to rub it out. Still racism exist in its full peak, every year racism related crimes are increasing in European countries’. Los Angeles riot in U.S.A is a part of racism related riot’.64 where many Asians shops were burnt out.

The colonial power was exploiting both natural and human resources. They have developed as industrialized countries which are producing the high priced goods from the exploited materials. Officially, colonialism is not existed but economically they are controlling, even they possess the power of over throwing the government; if the government do not serve their interest.

Men have the right to utilize the resources which are renewable for their existence but when question arises for non renewable resources should be considered for human race, the hidden so called resource is not only the right for particular country or race. If the human being is the creature of this planet, every effort should be utilized to upgrade the quality of life but not in the cost of human existence.

3.6 billion people do not have not enough resources whereas 1 billion people have more than enough. The nature is trying to balance it but human is creating more problems themselves. If one human is in misery then another human also in misery. Look at the example of AIDS. It is attacking regardless of colour, continent, countries and developed or under developed.

 If the human continue to exploit non renewable resources further for another 100 years at the rate of present consumption, most of the resources will be vanished from this planet. The core of the planet will be weaker, volcanoes and earthquake will be frequent whereby the human existence will be threatened.



The human population is increasing very sharply, the projection of human population is given below.



4           almost                                                            





   1800  1930  1960  1975  1990  1996



‘In 1800, the world population was 1 billion’.65 As shown in the projection, the world will be 6 billion by 2000. The urban population is in explosive situation. By 2000, almost 2/3 of the population will be living in the urban areas. Urban areas are growing in the developing world around five and half time faster than in the developed world’.66

It indicates that many people are going out from the agricultural activities even in the third world. Especially in the third world, resources are little to cope with vast number of population. So agriculture related business would be one of the most flourishing business for the next century.The people will starve, to full fill the demand of the food supply bumper harvest would be required. Most of the grass land of the world including America, Canada,Ausrtralia and Newzeland should be ploughed. To control the pest, pesticices should be used. It has been using since many years and the use of pesticides will be increased dramatically.

11.1      PESDTICIDES;

Any substance used to control or destroy a pest population.Repellent also is classified as pesticices. 'Pest may be regarded as animals ,plants or other orgamism that at a time or in some situation are considered to be underirable for health, economic or aesthetic reasons.

The use of pesticides has increased and stabilized the yield of farm product. It has also beneficial in controlling the incidence  of malaria and many other deseases which are transmitted by insects.

'The use of pesticides is growing very rapidly since 1930. Which affects the food grain as poisonous mercury. It get concentrated concentrated more as they move up each stage of the food chain. For example, if a fich is affected by the mercury, who eats the affected fish, they will also we affected by the poisonous mercury. 'It is believed and suspected around 1950 the DDT has the same effect as mercury.

The natural system is interrelated, eradication of insect that might effect wild life, poisoning of birds. The men themselves are in danger as other insects by the pesticides. 'The pesticides effect has been shown in the ground water also,'



Some pesticides are highly toxic and short lived but some of them are permanent… These toxic are non degradable once which have all the various compounds of mercury, arsenic and lead.

Pesticides are poisonous and these are frequently used every where such as kitchens to kill cockroaches and insects. In the garden to kill ants and other insects, in the bed room to kill mosquitoes ,in the library to kill book worms. It shows that human life synonyms with the pesticides.

These pesticides affects directly to the nervous system of human; slowly it is affecting in the brain system and most dangerous part of the pesticides is affecting in the genetic system. It is the cause of deaf, dump and immature of child birth; in 20th century, immature child birth became common.

Whole world is breathing poisonous.'72 million liters of deadly chemicals was poured in the forest Vietnam during the Vietnam war.' There are many expert. Who we are convinced that natural ecosystem are profoundly disturbed by pesticides and who predict that the earth will progressively become unsuitable to human life if present trends of pesticide use are continued .

Due to deficiency in human chromosomes, the world population would be handicapped one way or other. The cost of this is not countable where the entire human existence would be in stake.

'Both body and mind belong to the nature and must obey the nature's law.' Otherwise the destruction would be nearer.

'The mid 1980 world wide sales of herbicides exceeded four billion US dollars per year'. It indicates that how much humans are consuming pesticides to make their life more comfortable and safe. Each person is spending around 80 cents per year. The majority of pesticide user are from developed country. If the  human do not use the pesticides wisely, the natural system would be broken where the human existence would be in stake.




Many economic divided the economic stage for the development of the country. The question is not with theperticula country as limitation of the mother planet becoming narrower and narrower. So the impact of international economic reflects in the natonal economy. It is complex and interdependent, IN tis complesworild of economy every countries are trying to protect their economic system using their different ways of controlling. Some countries declared closed economic sister; forexap\male before Rajib's era of India. Some country they do not declare but they are imposing different yare of trade agreements so that their market would be in their hand very minute ,USA 's economic system can be taken as as example.

12.1      MARKET.

'The area within which buyers and sellers interact of effect economic change', is market . The access of the market is the prime source of the developing economy . If the market is closed the exchange or the heart of the economy is not beating. The market is accessible or not accessible; it happened due to market division between so called development countries. Even they are not behind to create their puppet type of government in third world countries for accessing their market. It indicates that there is no free trade in the world. The free trade is controlled to sell their low quality product in the global market, the aid package will some together with the trade agreement.

Different type of trade agreement and treaties are made to control the free trade. To keep the people in illusion, they are provoking free market or market economy, where the people's movement is restricted, how can we practice free market economy. The concept of free market economy no longer serves the real meaning. The reality is different in the global market.


'A nation of country that relies heavily upon market forces to determine the levels of production and consumption , investment and savings, these are determined by supply and demand . The government is depend on heavy taxes.

The general term of free market is to determine production upon demand and supply and market forces determines all factors of economy within their boundaries.

In the global term it is not the free market economy, If the market is controlled how the market forces determines supply and demand. Behind this free  market scene heavy military capabilities are guarded to protect their interest. Human resources are also a major part of any economy system buy these resources are restricted to sell their skill and labor in the global market . The free competition for free market is restricted in the so called free market concept. The contempory concept of free market economy serves only to those countries .Who possessed capacity to break the boundaries of different agreements such as MFA. LTA. Tariff Agreement etc.

The free market economy provocateurs are not ready for real free market. They have created trade barrier such ad ICA.


International understanding usually reflected in a legal instrument relating to trade in a particular  commodity and based o terms negotiated and accepted by most of the countries that export and import commercially significant quantities of the commodity,' Export quotas are introduced to protect domestic product. If is highly introduced in developed countries between trade with other developing countries.

Some the developed countries have subsidized their product just to export the product in the global market, France subsidized the agriculture product: many other developed countries subsidized their product either way round.

The developing countries do not have proper irrigation system and modern scientific technology for their agriculture production, how can they are forced to sell their raw materials in cheaper price to developed countries and returned back to them in higher pieces. How these developing countries can cope the competitiveness of the global trade. In one had developed countries are restricting to import imposing different agreement and on the other hand they are creating technological gap between developing and developed countries. In the name of development, they are forcing to utilize their defined product which do not control by any trade agreement even with the quotas. Free flow of refined product in the third world market or countries. If there is imbalance of development ; there is no free market economy.

Some of the economist pleaded for controlled up to the certain stage of economic development. According to them economic stages are; 'Barbaric, Pastoral, Agricultural, Agricultural manufacturing and Agricultural manufacturing commercial. They have suggested between the two last stage required economic protection until the final stage was reached.'78

In the world market there is no place of free entrepreneur people, they are suppressed by the so called developed economy, a caret weaver of Nepal has a very prosperous market in the developed countries by the/she is controlled by different barriers. Let the human resource compete with each other force prosperous development by it is not happening. They are controlled and made limited by different barriers and boundaries.

Third world countries are depressed by slow economic development and  they are loosing the ground of international market. If they are coming up with the market strategies; they are suppressed with so called developed technology; what ever they produce, the thing is available in good quality in their local market. Which is imported from developed countries. Thus third world countries are suffering from developed countries. There is a lot of technological gap between third world and first world countres, third world countries became the fostering ground for developed countries, in word they are exploiting weak situation of the third world countries.

Developed countries had exploited the natural resources in excessive way.  It helped them to prepare their technological background and third world market.  They do not want to enter with the free trade agreement especially with the third world.

Free market do not serve any type of restriction, it deals only with the supply and demand of the market forces.  If there is any type of agreement between two parties.  It falls under the controlled economy. In this concept threre is no free market economy in any part of the world.  Every country is protecting their own product.  This is a great barrier of producing qualitative and competitive product for the consumption of human being.  Developed countries are provoking free market economy; but they have prepare to control their market.  Their concept of free market is to prepare the market for their product.  If their interest is not served; they will create market terrorism especially for third world companies and countries.

To maintain the supremacy and to divide the market of the third world, they are creating conflicts civil wars etc. It will help them to sell their weapons, which is the beggest industry of the developed countries.

'Supremacy is a form of dictatorship which is guided by their vested interest to maintain the supremacy.79 It is Ahankara, (ego) a quality manifest in the behavior of the human being.  In some country people are dying by starvation and in another country people are busy to dump their bumper harvest; here the quality of human being is manifested.

'About 10% of the planet potentially fertile land has already been turned in to desert or waste through human interference while further 25% is in danger.80

Human being is not concerned about the planet, they are concerned about their development.  The same thing is happening in the concept of free market concept; So called developed countries are not interested for real free market which will benefit entire human population of the world and will be carried balance development without putting in danger the planet and human species but they are concerned for creating their market only.

'The developed countries which environmental damage they have done needs to spend 60 billion US dollar a year just to maintain the present situation of the planet.'81 But they are ignoring the fact what they have been damaging the planet.  This situation is created from so called free market economy where there is no balance development, they have kept the existence of human being on stake.


Energy plays a vital role for development of any country. The supply of the fossil fuel is limited and it is non renewable. In early 1970, some alarming projection were made. According to the projection, if current rate of economic growth continued, there would be a devastating shortage of fossil fuel by the year 2000.

The rise of the oil price in 1974 caused a back in demand and economical growth in many industrialized countries. So, alternative resource of energy was developed as ‘Nuclear power’. Many industrialized countries established nuclear reactors.

‘The earliest work on nuclear was done in U.S.A and nuclear power was first used to generate the electricity in the early 1950 in Britain. The nuclear power station has been built in most industrialized countries, even some of the developed countries like Brazil. It is believed that still it is the cheapest, safest and most economical means available at present to generate the electricity on a large scale’82



Uranium is mined in America, South Africa, Australia and Russia. The crude ore is crushed and chemical as solvents are added. The chemicals are used to make yellow cake- a mixture of uranium oxides. A very small (7/1000) part of uranium is known as U-235.

Uranium is used to prepare the power by harnessing the power of the atom which undergoes under chain reactions. This is the process of charging and bombarding the atoms of Uranium. If the process continue unchecked and the uranium packed densely enough, a nuclear explosion would take place. In a nuclear reactor, the density of uranium fuel and the rate of reaction are carefully calculated to ensure that it burns evenly. The energy given up in the fission process is used to heat steam which drives the generator turbines’83


All materials used in nuclear cycle are radioactive. ‘The involved materials, including towels are contaminated with products such as Strontium-90, Caesium-137, Plutonium-239 and Americum-241; which are not safe for thousands of years’84
The effect of radioactive materials on the living thing is called radiation. Radiation is a very powerful form of energy that is absorbed by everything around. A certain level of radiation is acceptable for living thing. If it is more than the certain level then it is very dangerous. It affects the chromosome which carries the hereditary factors of animals, the effect remains for hundred years.



Nuclear reactors are closely monitored by experts and it is built in a very safe manner. It is a kind of illusion because every constructions are not safe for long run. Every material has its own life span and decays within certain years. So reactor fraction of time, the present physical form of the planet would change. The place of India where the earthquake was hit known as safe place for earthquake, but an earthquake which recorded 6.4 Richter scale and devastated the area.’ ‘Around 10 thousand people died’.85 such kind of accidental threat always faces the earth.

13.4      HUMAN ERROR

Human being is surviving under different stresses, emotion, frustration, ego, hate and others. These who are involved in nuclear reactor highly trained professional even though they can make errors. Human errors are supervisory errors, detective errors, inaccurate reading scales, weak construction and material combination errors. These errors can lead towards disastrous accident. The ‘Chernobyl’ accident is a lively example.

‘After the 7th day of Chernobyl accident, large area of Europe received significant contamination, as rain washed radioactive elements out of the radioactive cloud. Children in Eastern Europe were particularly at risk’86

The Chernobyl is taken as human error, no matter who they are, they must have been affected with the present situation such as family breakdown, bureaucratic processes, unhealthy working situation, personality clashes and mentally imbalance. The human negligence always existed due to the certain circumstances in the working situation.


Every material has its own life span, the life span of the material can be shorter and weaker if it is used in abnormal environment or condition. The same story might be applied to the material which are used to build the nuclear reactors. The nuclear reactor might be broken quickly than the expected period where the expert might not even thought of it. The used materials condition should be checked time to time and must be replaced within certain years. It is not cheaper as they claimed. The nuclear reactor should be renovated time to time. In some cases, they have to reconstruct the reactor. If the accident occurs, entire living thing will be affected which might be one of the cause for disappearing human being.


The used fuel in the nuclear reactor has to be transported away for dumping. The common practice to reduce the level of high levelled radioactive is by evaporation. The process is not safe at all because the radioactive cloud can be formed and it will affect the whole environment if it is not re condensed. Evaporation process is safe might not be told in this stage because radiation can not be reduced by evaporation, it will transform the level of radiation one to another form. After the evaporation, the high level radioactive substance are stored in special cooling tanks. In some countries fused into pillars of dense glass for final disposal.

The high level radioactive materials such as Plutonium-239 and Strontium-90 is transported in heavily screened containers by rail or ships. If these rails  or ships get involved in accident, the total area will be contaminated. As the construction of nuclear reactors are increasing, the rate of radioactive accidents cam also increase. The projection of increasing nuclear reactors is .given below which was projected in 1973.

‘In 1973, 40 plants were in operation, 56 were built which were ready for operation, 101 were planned. By 1980, 401 plants would have been operated throughout the world.’87

The nuclear reactors construction pace is not accelerated as projection, even though some of the countries major electrical energy is nuclear energy.’ In 1986, 366 nuclear reactors were at work in 26 countries providing different % percent of total energy required by the country.’88

France            65%

Sweden           42%

Japan                        23%

U.S.A                       16%

Russia            10%


These countries are the developed countries, their energy requirement is very high comparing with the rest of the world. It indicates that the nuclear waste is produced in substantial quantity and these large number of nuclear plants waste are transported through different cities, town and villages. Those cities, town and villages might have been running private companies. There is a trend, especially in capitalistic society, they estimate the margin of profitability; in another word ‘cost effective approach’. It is found both in private and public sector. If the reactors waste dumping is too costly, why should they be ventured on it but they have seen the high profit margin keeping the secret of dumping hazardous waste material. To make it cheaper, human value and in long run human existence is in the cost.


Nuclear dumping is another issue in nuclear business. Different countries are adapting different methods for dumping the nuclear waste. Some countries like Sweden built large scale underground stores for dumping their nuclear waste. They claimed it is built in geologically stable ore.

Low level waste which may range from reactor coolant to paper towel are discharged into the sea or buried. Some countries have not decided what to do with the nuclear waste ‘They are investigating the possibilities of disposal in the sea or either by dropping in containers designed to penetrate ocean floor in the less deep areas.’89

‘The waste from nuclear power station in U.K (United Kingdom) and France sent to a nuclear re processing plant, where the waste is separated into different radioactive part. Some low level waste is pumped straight into the seda.’90

The produced energy is used for heating houses, running factories, trains, radio, fridge, television etc. The countries which are involved for using nuclear energy cannot escape of it because they are involved deeply for creating jobs. Enough energy source is a most important factor for economic growth and development. The more they produce the nuclear  energy, the more dangerous effects are growing. The future generation is in stake due to highly exposure of radioactive materials.

The effects of radiation explained by K.C. Morgan, he emphasizes that ‘the damage can be very subtle, deterioration of all kinds of organic qualities such as mobility, fertility and the efficiency of sensory organs.,91

Te affect of radiation will appear from generation to generation. The new generation will be affected more because the movement of radioactive materials are growing rapidly. Many ships with heavy loads of food and materials cross the sea where they have dumped the radioactive materials who has given the guaranty. The effects of radiation is not in consuming the fish, especially sea fish. Most of the exporting area, they do not check the effect of radiation unless it is brought in attention. The fact is nuclear energy source remained as synonym of human life.

Not only nuclear waste, other waste are also human health hazardous. ‘ The OCED countries produced 300 million tons of hazardous waste in 1990, 70% of it is dumped in land  fill.’92

Sir George Porter, a noble prize winner of chemistry said that ‘man has grown up enough to be trusted with nuclear reactors.93’ and Illegal dumping of nuclear waste is increasing. It is a dangerous practice for human beings which might throw human being aside from the planet.


Most of the people are afraid of talking about sex. They think talking about sex is a sin but it is nature’s gift to the living beings for keeping up their generation. Human being is a super conscious animal, among them, sex is taking place frequently than other animals but they are not ready to realize it as a force of driving their life. It is the factor of creating family’. Marriage involves in exchange of love and affection.’94 As told, sex is the prime factor of love and product as offspring are the blooming buds of love.

Coitus is an outcome of emotional feelings- attracting the opposite sex. Animals even tiny insects experience this feeling. Many wars were fought for sexual reasons. Once women were the chief of the clan and they were free to have sex with whom they desired. As development increased and leadership shifted from woman to the man, they were not ready to accept it. On the other hand, woman were captured from other clan, they were forced to have sex with men because they were the ones who captured them. The power struggle started between woman and man. War was fought which slaughtered sisters, brothers, mothers, sons, daughters and fathers. In the war, they captured their own sisters, wife and mothers; then they started to keep their own personal wife to satisfy the sexual desire. Later o, it developed as family relation but women were highly suppressed, it still exists in every type of society and in every corner of the world.


Culture, it is a reflection of the social behaviour which has been brought in from generation. People were living in the forest as nomads but they set some norms their day to day activities and other social pattern, such as marriage, sexual behaviour, celebrations and feasts. Basically festivals were centered around entertainment, the entertainment was centered around sexual exposure. Many rituals were made for sexual pleasure; circumcise can be taken for an example.

Sexual behaviour was determined upon availability of opposite sex. Many tradition maintained to show up sensual part of the body to attract opposite sex. Marriage traditions are maintained as society progressed on in sexual behaviour. Today we are the witness of polygamy and monogamy societies. Even traditional dances are centered around arousing sexual feelings mad many dances are created for stimulating sexually. Sex becoming the center of human being, sex is required no one will deny it but what should be the sexual behaviour of the contemporary society has been remained as prime concern. Many rules and regulation are made on it.


Sex, which can not be talked frequently in the public places, still human deny what the real thing is, they will enjoy talking about their dogs, but not of sex. Everybody is a product of sex. The art of sex has been developed but the young are prohibited from acquiring tat knowledge. Some of the thoughts on sex, which has prevailed in the society are:

1-                 SEX FOR REPRODUCTION

Sex is required for maintaining the life cycle of human being. During the time of Plato ‘EUGENICS’ was practiced for producing healthy child. Spartan had selected the healthy child for the country, others were given away. The child was mainly for the country, after the age of five, the parents had to surrender the child to the country; the country had the responsibility of training, educating and grooming them as responsible young citizens. They were free after a certain age. Since, they were groomed as required by the country whereas in the East it was mainly for child production.


‘ When Kasayap was meditating, Diti, his wife appeared and she desired of sex; she expressed ‘O learned one, cupid (Kama) is taking his arrows and distressing me forcibly as a mad elephant troubles a banana tree.’95


Here, she was very open with her husband about her sexual desires, this happened because her husband was present, she was so conscious that she did not beg for sex for her bodily requirement, but for a son. So she was ready to have a sex at right time even though Kasayap Muni was meditating in a trance. She said ‘you should be kind towards me by showing me complete mercy. I desire to have sex and I am much distressed by seeing the opulence of co-wives, by performing this act you will become happy.96



Biologically, sex is required, no one denies it but here question arises how to use sex for fulfilling biological requirement. People are mostly involved emotionally during sexual activities in the name of love. Love with the opposite sex manifest as love making session but the sexual activities are taking place without love. Frequently, in every part of the world, brothels are registered by the government, and men are using them to satisfy their sexual need.


Human being are independent animals and are highly conscious but they are misusing their independence. In some countries, very few people are stick only with only one partner, some of them have more than four sexual partners in their life time. Very few men and women are faithful with each other. A new survey in America showed that ‘7.3% is the median number of sexual partner per man.’97  It indicates that sex is taken as bodily requirement.







Enlightenment is Mokshya or salvation where hatred, attachment and ego are vanished in their action (karma). Sex is described as a source of reaching nearer to the salvation if it is used in proper way and direction. ‘Ego vanishes in copulation,’98   Egoless character is a form of enlightenment, for a moment we have reached in the form of agelessness and ‘timelessness is created’99  At the moment of real copulation neither past and future remains- where two souls are united. ‘The intense desire of the being is to know one’s real self- to know the truth. To know the original source which is eternal, which is timelessness, to unite with which is above time, pure egolessness.’100 This is the form of enlightenment, it is only possible me  the art of copulation in short time and space.’ Even after a life time of sexual experience a man is not able to detect that in an intercourse, there is a fitting experience of Samadhi, a peeping into super consciousness, and that is the gravitational force, the super attraction.’101


The thought of enlightenment prevailed in the decade of 1970/80. To create the vacuum of the moment is not the form of enlightenment; ‘it should be realized in the form of husband and wife where husband becomes the god and wife becomes deity, only in this form the power of sex will be realized as a form of enlightenment. We as human beings have mis-utilized the vibrant energy of sex.


14.3      THE FAMILY


We might wonder what could be the relation of sex and family, the origin of family begins with the division of work for surviving. Whether there is real family or not, sex is taking place which is a natural instinct- the product of this instinct is a child. The child needs a  lot of time from the adults and proper care for helping them to develop. It is the beginning of relation of sex and family. In the later stage of the social development, personal wife came into existence which is needed to perform the cooperative works for the existence of the family. Wife and husband are the guiding forces of the family. The family chart indicates the cycle of the family which has been running from generation to generation.














Stage of no 7 is the beginning to setup a new family. In fact, step no 4 of the family cycle is the new generation. The inherent capacities transferred from the old ones. So the new born baby should be free from defects but it is not possible for the contemporary society because the family concept is going to be minimized. Not only this, every minute of a woman is raped also.


Three billion people are under stress for daily living, almost all people are affected one way or another. Mostly, sex is taking place in distressed, hatred, irritated, frustrated and emotional stage of mind. In this stage of mind, if the child is conceived, the child will not be developed properly, especially in the stage of mind.


‘In Britain only 1.25 million children are with single parent.’103 ‘The children are distressed both psychologically and emotionally. In society like Britain highly industrialized and individualistic society have to be good income to live better life.’104 This is an example of developed country what would be the situation of developing countries; 3/4 of the total population of the children are suffering from mental and physical distress. Girls under the age of 16 are abused sexually. Some children are living in the society where drugs and gangs are dominating the society. Some other children are living under the barrel of guns; these are social problems which affect the young brain.


We are free from an early to mix with the opposite sex and no longer restricted for choosing someone from our own village as life partner. The kind of attitude that said a woman should be virgin on marriage has been disappearing from almost all parts of the world. It is disappearing rapidly as living conditions are going to be difficult. An American survey shows that ‘the median age, the white men lost their virginity at the age of 17.2 years.’105 the society is in the middle of the transitional phase whether old tradition and values are restricted and new values have not established.


Both married and unmarried indulge in sex since teen age. One of the famous Indian literary write ‘Premchand  knew about the sex at the age of 13.’106 It displays that many children are exposed with the sex at an early stage of their social life. Comparing with other society, Indian society does not accept the involvement in the sex especially to their children even though they are exposed to it. what would be the situation of the children where the sex education, sex shops, pornographic magazines and television shows  are sexually motivated. The vibrant sexual desire is becoming the guiding factor for their social life. In this situation how a child can except a sex as a positive major  of life.




Human being is confused in the powerful world of sex. They have degraded below the level of animals for sexual behavior. Animals have their own pattern and entered into the wilderness; most common sexual behavior are:

Homo Sexual: The sexual contact between man and man. It is widely expanding and they put their views as human right. Is it the human right?


Lesbianism: Homo sexual woman; sexual contact between woman and woman. It is also expanding as veld fire. ‘In the western countries, there are homo sexual clubs.’107 Kinsey study of 1948 of American sexuality stated that ‘homosexual accounted 10% of the population.’108 ‘The New York Times once estimated that they are more than one hundred thousand homosexual population in San Francisco only.’109


These two forms of sexual behavior are known as Gay. These gays are the reflection of the degrading generation. They are asking homo sexual as human right. What form of human right is it? This is left to decide ourselves. Is it another form of human degeneration?


Human animal sex: performing sex with animals, human a conscious animal fulfill sexual desire with other animals especially dogs are in the fore front.’ The poor animal is stimulated to have sex with man. At least animals have kept their boundaries but human have became wilder.


Rape : Forceful sexual intercourse between two individuals which is becoming quite common in our world today. ‘For example, the rape case in |South Africa happens once in 83 seconds.’110 What would be the situation of rape around the world? Specially women and teenage girls are highly victimized. Among most of the cases, around 85% are not reported.


Artificial sex: To satisfy the sexual desire, artificial sexual equipments are used such as vibrating machine as penis or as vagina for men.


Masturbation : Stimulating sexual organs oneself for fulfilling sexual desire and practiced by both sexes.


Oral sex:  Stimulating sexual organs as a form of sex. ‘An American survey showed that 43% of black man performing oral sex while 62% reported receiving it and 79% of white men reported performing oral sex while 81% reported receiving it.’111 It shows that oral sex is common.


All these forms of sex are not the art of copulation. The forms which are mentioned are dehumanizing behavior of the human being.




The question arises what is moral. Sometime moral is described as time and situation but in this context of sexual morality can be taken as human behavior. Sexual desire which can be controlled and used if needed cannot be explained as biological need. If it is regarded as biological need, should not be performed with others than husband and wife. Ditty represents the sexual morality.


If the sexual trust is not established between husband and wife, the entire society will be robbed and deserted. It robs the happiness, develops misunderstanding, lightens the value of love and the concept of family will be eradicated. Family is the most important for up bringing the offspring. Without the proper love of mother and father, the child would be developed as lost human being.


Observing the sexual behavior of the human, it can predict the future of the human being. The sexual morality is lost and in the name of free society, the human values and norms are lost. The human being is indulging around the sex which an unfortunate reflection of human generation. ‘The libido is more vibrant than lightening and more powerful than nuclear energy’...112 is misunderstood and used it without love. Sex no more represent the ‘action of love where the woman are tortured for sexual satisfaction.’113 There is something wrong in the social order, which should be change. In the changing process, the human being might be endangered.




Due to the fast economic development and protection by the super power; some of the countries are raising their head as regional authorities. Some of them are members in regional organization. Regional organizations like EC, SADC, ASEAN and SAARC. The objective of these organizations is to enhance regional co-operation. Under the cover of these regional organizations, regional powers are emerging and some of them have applied in Security Council for permanent membership. Some of the regional organizations were formed to control the growing popularity of socialism. These are aligned forces to combat against communism in regional basis. The guidance and shelter is provided by the capitalistic block. The main objective of these regional powers changes as world’s political situation changes. The emerging regional powers are after grabbing the regional markets.


These are American military bases in Europe, it is justified military presence saving them from the danger of communism. So, USA is controlling the building up military capabilities in European countries. The regional powers are under the banner of super powers. It would be easier to control the small tiny or powerless countries through their puppet powers and they will share the available market.


Super powers are manufacturing mass destructive weapons such as chemical and nuclear weapons. They are armoured with long distance chemical war head missiles and large military capabilities. The regional powers are trying to build up their military capabilities following the route of super powers with the ambition of being super power.




In most of the cases, regional powers are engaged to destabilize their neighbouring countries so that the neighbouring countries’ economical and trade affair remain as aligned with them. South Africa is a regional power in Southern African territory. South Africa always promoted trade with neighbouring countries and tried to make them economically dependent on South Africa. Making economic dependency is a form of neo-colonial system. To promote trade and investment peaceful society is a prime factor, so these regional powers are provoking peace. In reality, if neighbouring country does not accept their neo-colonial policy then the destabilization process starts.


These regional powers are aligned with the super power either way round so that they will feel secure to exploit the backward technological situation of the neighbouring countries. They will object the self reliance policy of the developing countries because the self reliance policy is a threat to the market of the developed super powers.


Almost all neighbouring countries of South Africa possessed very high potential for development which was taken as a threat by the apartheid regime and they destabilized the neighbouring countries. The cost involved for destabilizing is very high. ‘South Africa’s military aggression and destabilization of its neighbours cost in the region 10 billion US dollars in 1988, over 60 billion US Dollars and 1.5 million lives first nine years of 80’s code.’114


Sound development is the process of sound social system. Where society feels insecure, tension then the citizen condemns the government and the government blames the people. Thus distrust will be created between the government and the society. This is one of the cause of civil disorder and the development process will be stopped.


21st century is a trade century, the war between trade to trade. The super power will be threatened by the economic development of the third world countries. The fostering market of the third world will be grabbed by the developed countries if the third world is not aware of it. in this economic war fare, local expertise will be developed and the countries basic infrastructure will be established and the living standard of the people will be uplifted. Society will be changed from saving oriented to consumer oriented society. In this economic war fare, every small countries possess the power of economic development. ‘Hongkong, Singapore and Thailand are the example.’115


Regional powers are emerging in every corner of the world and they have seen the value of market creation. So these powers cannot tolerate the neighbouring market going out of their hand. India has a regional power in Southern Asia, Iraq and Iran in Middle East, Netherlands and German are emerging power in Europe, Canada, Mexico and brazil has regional power but the are trapped by their big brother USA.


The regional powers have their ambition to be a super power which will cost billions of dollars for military expenses where as human being is suffering from malnourishment around the globe.


The basic nature of the super power is to squeeze the world underneath their palm. If there are many super powers, they will divide the world into their territory. In this dividing process, another world war may break out. Third world countries will be bones between many bull dogs.







Nepal’s trade dependency with India dropped 60% within twenty years. The second was to some extent nationalistic politics of Nepal did not allow for fulfilling the vested interest through t he government of Nepal. Thirdly, Nepal was exposed in the international market. These facts were not bearable to the regional power India. If India want the peace, co-operation and development of neighbouring countries then such kind of transit treaty would not have been imposed on Nepal. It displays that India wants to control the neighbouring countries trade applying various means.


The same way the situation of Sri Lanka can be assessed. Sri Lanka was a very peace loving country with majority Buddhist. The Tamil descended from India created problem. The people who live there might have some problems but could have been solved in the negotiation table but India was not interested on it. India wants to prolong the civil war between Tamil and Sinhali so that a prosperous country which might as threat for trade of India. If they divide the tiny country in ethnic basis what resource will remain in Sri Lanka. Iraq’s invasion over Kuwait is one of the lively example of destructive nature of regional power.121


In the ambition of being super power, they will exploit their natural resources at any cost. What cost will py by man for over exploiting the natural resources. it is out of their conscience. Due to this ego (Ahankara) of the regional power, thousands of wells of oil were burned or destroyed in Kuwait and Iraq. Those burning wells were polluting the Northern hemisphere of the planet. The regional powers and super powers are not concerned about it. Who is going to pay the damage? Is it payable damage? Certainly it is not a payable damage. It is threat for animal existence in this planet.





This varies from place to place, country to country and region to region. For example, ‘Lesotho is a land locked country with no independent economy and four hundred thousands of Sotho are working in South Africa. Main source of income is tax revenue and tourist from South Africa. South Africa has launched murder raids, kidnapping and some sabotage attacking against South African refugees and their friends. Nearly, five hundred death resulted between 1980 and 1988’116


In Swaziland, destabilization process was different between1980 to 1988. ‘Swaziland’s transport link to Maputo have been sabotaged to deter shift in export and import routes., Botswana also have suffered from South African destabilization policy- Botswana has lost one hundred lives and spend 225 millions of US dollars for defence. Botswana is a land locked country, as a result, Botswana has to depend on South African ports for exporting goods from South African port. ‘The net cost of Botswana of higher South African prices and reduced custom proceeds amounts to about US$ 300 million over 1980-88, while net excess transport cost are roughly $50 million for the period.’117


Similarly, destabilization process  in Southern Asian countries, where India stands as more than regional power. Pakistan and India’s dispute over Kashmir has been a war zone and both of them are trying to destabilize each other. A war was fought in 1972, where many lives destroyed and billions of US Dollars was spent. Both Pakistan and India has been spending their resources directly or indirectly to build up military capabilities. Both of them are suspicious on each other.


Small land locked countries like Bhutan and Nepal are in vulnerable position. In 1989, there was a dispute between India and Nepal on trade and transit treaty. India wants to combine trade treaty with transit facility. There is no any link between trader and transit. Trader depends on the economical situation of the country. So these two different aspect should not be linked together. ‘ Land locked states would have the right of access to and from the sea, would enjoy the freedom of transit through the territory of transit state.’118 The UN charter have clearly stated that transit is neither facility nor sympathy, it s the right of the land locked country. India violated the UN charter. If the land locked country want even to explore sea, international community should have considered on it. Vast oceans are another important natural resources, these resource should be utilized even by the land locked countries.


‘A treaty was signed in 1950 between Nepal and India by governments giving national treatment on the basis of reciprocity.’119But it was not honoured by India and relation reached almost in critical phase. ‘During 1989, India imposed unilateral trade embargo which ultimately brought drastic change in the political system and the form of the government in Nepal.’120  Nepal had to bear cost of billions of US dollars including close down of many factories and the high cost of petroleum which was transported by aeroplane.



Creating terrorism in another country is another face of regional powers. Terrorism has different nature. Driving away minor groups which migrated from neighbouring countries and have been inhabited for hundreds of years. Driving away Nepalese origin population from Assam state of India is one of the main example. Driving away population have to settle in Nepal. The cost is high. Creating civil war in Mozambique became the heavy burden to the neighbouring countries especially for Malawi. ‘Malawi’s economy devastated  mainly because of the sabotage in Mozambique. It has forced 90% of Malawi’s trade to distant port of South Africa. The mass terrorism that has brought nearly seven hundred thousands Mozambican refugees to Malawi.’122 it is not needed to involve directly even they can use their puppet government of neighbouring countries or they do not initiate to solve the problem which was created due to the misunderstanding between the neighbouring countries. India for example remained as spectator in the driving away process of Nepalese origin people from Bhutan. ‘Around one hundred thousand Bhutanese refugees are living in different part of Nepal. Refugee problem comes directly to the next country. India drove away the Bhutanese refugee towards Nepal. It is a part of terrorism created by the regional powers.s



Creating market monopoly is a part of market terrorism, to create monopoly any type of trick can be applied. So small scale industries would not survive in the neighbouring countries which is a great barrier towards self reliance. Self reliance is needed in the early part of the economic development of the developing countries. If we don not accept the self reliance policy, the world economy, monetary system would be controlled by a small number of capitalist. Regional powers are invading directly or indirectly in the market of the technically less developed neighbouring countries. Nepal’s economic problem is to compete with the Indian products that are cheaper in the market. The same type of problem is in Southern African countries. South Africa is providing is in Southern African countries. South Africa is providing more qualitative product in the market than the manufactured in the country. They are not only providing cheaper goods, they are also trying to control trade with the developed countries. If these regional powers feel as threat t their international trade from neighbouring countries. Directly or indirectly they will create problem to the neighbouring countries. Countries like Nepal will be forced to export their products by air transportation which is a costly affair. As a result, demand will be less in the international market. The national economy and unemployment rate will be increased dramatically.

 Nepal has been exporting handmade woolen carpets in the European market. In early 90, Nepal’s carpet is labeled as product of child labour but the fact is different. Nepalese carpet producers were sending carpets in the Netherlands for washing which was costly. To cut down the cost of carpet to be competitive in the world market, Nepalese established carpet washing plant. As a result, the washing plant of the Netherlands threatened as well as some jobs of Dutch people. So they publicized child labour to the buyer in European countries. The point which I would like to clear that Nepal was selling the carpets since many decades and the buyer in European countries never raised the issue of child labour. Certainly the child labour as a form of exploitation should not be accepted. They know child labour is slightly better as a form of training than child abuse of their own developed country. When they felt threatened, their business and job market due to the development developing country then they raised the question of child labour. This is a characteristic of Hegemonism and it is a part of market terrorism.

The countries which are destabilized throughout the world have done to create their market. Let us look at the example of Angolan civil war. Angolan civil war has been going on since past twenty years. How and when it will end is up to the decision of their aligned super or regional powers. The war against the Angolan people and its economy is ruined. ‘In Angola, South African forces intervened openly and massively along side of its proxy force –UNITA- that was supplied by US.124 This civil war ‘displaced over 1.5 million people, and made refugees of 500,000 (five hundred thousand) more. Angola has the largest number (40,000) of limbless people.’125

Another example of Chile: ‘Chile is a country of South American continent where socialist allied regime nationalized the American owned copper industry. The Western Bank  cancelled their loans, the American government reduced its aid to almost nothing and the CIA and a group of multinationals engaged in a destabilization campaign which brought right wing government to power.’ The same story repeated in Jamaica, ‘where the Prime Minister Michael Mainly increased taxation on the Aluminium ore which is exported by Western multinationals. These company helped finance the election campaign of his right wing opponent, Edward Seaga.’126

All these ate the examples which are brought for overlooking the existing situation of human being. The threat are posed by the human fellow. The powers are trying to exploit the natural resources for their own benefit. If a weaker country tries to uplift their situations, they are suppressed. It is a clear content of dehumanization. These powers are busy for developing their military capabilities whereas millions of people are malnourished, dying from starvation and sleeping under the sacks. This is a clear evidence that human being is degrading.



‘At least 20 (twenty) million people have been killed in 150 (one hundred and fifty) armed conflicts since 1945.

Casualties: ‘First world war 5% civilian was killed. Second world 50% of civilians were killed and in Lebanon war 90% of the deaths were woman and children.’127


‘A twenty mega ton thermos nuclear bomb exploded on a clear day at a ground level on a large city would create a fire ball one and half miles in diameter, with temperature of twenty to thirty million degrees Fahrenheit. Every thing in the town area, the streets and the earth below and all living thing will be vaporized at six miles from the epicentre. All people will instantly be killed by a huge silent heat flash travelling at the speed of light. Glass would melt and building will collapse when hit by a supersonic shock wave and wind of 300 hundred miles per hour.

Even mild wind of 20 miles per hour would carry fall out as far as 1500 miles where everyone exposed could receive a lethal dose within 24 hours. Sub lethal dose would produce an increased incidence of still births, foetal malformation, leukemia and cancer. In subsequent generation, genetic damage would probably appear.’128



Man used arms to defend themselves against wild animals. It developed as killing wild animals and accumulating foods. In the stone age, axe was used to kill large animals bigger than their size. As thinking  ability and the population of human being increased, the use of available materials developed to protect their life from different threats. Thus human being became a dominant animal of animal kingdom.

Fire played a vital role for self defense, the method of controlling fire and producing fire was one of the significant achievement of mankind. When the population of human being increased, they need more area for collecting foods and they have to be more stronger than other clan of tribes. They started to produce more weapons to protect them from others.

The present situation of huge stock pile of destructive weapons is the result of being super between their human fellow. So that they will be able to control more territory than others which is reflected as their development.

During the first world war, very few human lives were sacrificed comparing to second world war. During first world war, there were no stock piles of destructive weapons. So destruction was less.

‘During the decades of 1947 to 1978, USA alone had spent over a trillion dollars on armaments which is three times more than the figure of its participation in the second world war.’129




In the history of the development and evolution, many Emperors of different territories tried to rule this planet by their military power. Dutch, British, Germans, Japanese, Mogulas, Byzantine and many more ruled different countries.  At that time there was an obligation to defend their country from being yoke if imperialism. So the people developed the arms which can protect them from other rulers. It was a symbol of development and power. Even tiny countries made canons to protect their country. Many wars are fought to get free from colonial powers and they have succeeded to some extent. After second world war, many countries of the third world became free and people saw the tragedy f being under developed. So the government started to develop the arms military capabilities and some of them again emerged with imperialistic ideas. They tried to be the boss of the world. Since the October revolution of Soviet Russia in 1917, the cold war era started. The era was known as arm race era.

Together with the demolition of the colonialism a new progressive ideology emerged threatening the rotten social system. Society always progresses towards the truth and justice. To demolish this emerged power, the imperialist formed a group to control the threat of social progressive force.



Russian October revolution emerged as a threat to the capitalists and their values. So the west and allies were more frightened. The progressive force was growing like a veld fire all over the world with the change and liberation. These progressive forces were attacking the imperialism and colonialism throughout the world. Liberation movements were growing. As a result many countries were liberated and towards the end of 1970 almost all colonized countries were free. Newly established socialist countries were under attack of imperialism and colonial power. The imperialistic forces tried to overthrow newly born socialistic system using old revisionist forces of the country. Even it happened in Soviet Russia. In 1921 and 22 around two million active counter revolutionaries flooded to Paris, Berlin, Istanbul and in the capitals of other bourgeoisie countries and continued to fight against the land of Soviets from there.

Soviet Union built up their military capabilities to protect socialism. So west allies were more frightened by the emerging forces if workers and they build up their capabilities to suppress the movement of working class. In 1932 most of the German voted for Hitler. Vote of the communist were also rising. Hitler claimed that only he Nazis could prevent a communist from taking over. Basically the world divided into two polar, socialism versus capitalism.

Capitalism basically based on exploitation of the labor forces and creating monopoly on the world trade. They were highly concentrated to exploit the natural resources of the third world countries. The division of society was between exploiter and exploited class. The founder of Marxism established the relationship between two historical process; the emancipation of the working classes from bourgeois oppression, on the one hand struggle of the oppressed nations against colonialism on the other. Lenin stresses that ‘the replacement of capitalism by socialism is a historical epoch comprising whole series of democratic and revolutionary movements, including the national liberation movement, in the underdeveloped, backward and oppressed nations.’

The main role of October revolution was to spread national liberation movement. The colonial power backed by imperialistic power were suppressing the national feelings and at the same time colonialism was hampering in independent economy, culture, etc. During the second world war the western power attempted patriots of Egypt, Syria, Algeria, Madagascar, Malaya and the countries of Indochina.

The Soviet army had made major contribution to defeat the imperialistic power. One step forward and two step backward policy was utilized when the red army fought against the German fascism. ‘The Soviet Union lost 20 million lives in the war against the Nazis (Hitler) defending themselves and rest of the world.’

‘In December 1960, 15th UN General Assembly session adopted an historic declaration on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples.’ It was a heavy blow to the imperialistic power and they failed for direct rule as a colony and adapted a new method which is known as Neocolonialism. Under this method , these imperialistic powers are controlling the economy of the third world countries so that they will move around their orbit. In one hand imperialistic powers are lowering down their flags, on the other hand they are attacking massively newly emerged forces of working class. To full fill their desire and creating the market for their product they engaged to build up the arms and organizing capitalistic forces against the working class of forces. Globally military presence of the imperialistic power is the main aim of controlling the growing popularity of the working class, the formation of NATO in 1950 is one of the major step of military organization of the capitalistic forces. The massive aid and military presences of USA determines the guaranty of security of Europe. ‘An elaborate system of formal alliance around the Eurasia rim land a supplemented Washington’s bilateral or otherwise multilateral securities to Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Australia and New Zealand.’

The people liberation movement were in full swing and Soviet Union have supported some of these liberation movement and provided some facilities. The liberation movement no longer remained the peoples movement, the two super power had over taken. So ‘The Soviet Union leap forging of the old containment ring has eventuated the acquisition of facilities with varying degree of access in numerous third world locals Algeria, Angola, Cuba, Ethiopia, India, Kampuchea, Libya, Mozambique, Peru, South Yemen, Syria and Vietnam.’

All these military presence and their allied made the world as a ball of two big powers; for influencing the under developed countries, they have piled the destructive weapons and sold for their puppets. ‘The basing access co-relate with a close arm supplier client relationship- featuring a sole or predominant major power role.’ Some resources reported that ‘US bases has been reduced to about 700 from 7000 during World War II.’

During the peak stage of ideological conflict, national liberation movements were interfered by the super powers and prolonged the civil war; Angola, Vietnam and Mozambique were the victim of the super powers. The world was a battle ground for testing their ideology. These super powers and allies are contributed to the most if the human misery in the 20th Century.

Intervention on the liberation movement is a tragic aspect of human life; the social conflicts are for the betterment of their society. It sprouts as exploitation grows in the society. These conflicts cannot be controlled by the arms and cannot be liberated by the foreign military power. Liberation is an internal phenomena of the society. The society should be ready for the liberation from exploitation then the society will be liberated; no one can control the liberation which is driven by the united power of the people. Every aspect of the liberation movement should be uplifting the life of the people. If the society is dedicated for their own betterment; what the use of interventions. The imperialistic powers do not want to see the society other than their developed; they considered it as threat for them.


16.4      SPACE RACE

In 1955, both USA and USs had announced their attention to launch a small scientific satellites by 1057 as contribution to the international Geo-physical year but the American had no idea. The Russian launched their first SPUTNIK successfully then American took it as their political and prestige value. ‘Let us get this particular show- not on the road but off the ground.’140 After three weeks, the Sputnik did not send the signals, the USA continued the wok on the Navy’s space project at the American Eastern test range at Cape Converal Florida. ‘On third November Soviet launched Sputnik-2’141 To make it more attractive, they had sent a dog in it. ‘On December 6, 1957 just two months after Sputnik-1, the American were ready to lift off into marathon race.142 \it failed to inter into orbit. The Soviet Union launched another model Luna-2 landed in the moon after 34 hours of lift off.’Up ti 1959, there were 35 space launches-19 of them failed all those 19 were American143

Both super power have taken their space 0roject as their political  and ideological prestige. Scientifically advanced countries had influenced in the arm production and selling.  The American get to blow in space projects; so they organized and ordered for increasing the arm budget in their alliances es specially in NATO countries.  Other side USSR was suffering from defending the new social order and economy was not fostering as technological advancement.  Both powers had spent quite substantial amount in their space projects.  They are using their, satellite for different purposes most of them are collecting information for spying with each other and they were creating terror to the people.

After six years of NATO’s birth, the socialist block organized under WTO in 1955.  This was established as competitive force with NATO.  The people of USA and USSR were not willing to see the arm race between two super powers but authorities were creating scandals of attack from each other.  To justify the expenditure on destructive weapons, they have given the name of ‘national security’.

Now, the space is full of satellites most of them are lying as wreckage. ‘In 1989 NASA scientist were astound to discover a cloud of debris’.  144 There is no count who and how many satellites are sent to the apace.  The future generation will be survived in the debris of the wreckage if this planet allow them to survive.

16.5                CHEMICAL WAR ; 1960 -1980:

People want change to make their life more easier and better, which has been happening throughout the history of the mankind.  The same way Vietnamese revolt to overthrow the feudal system of Vietnam. Moe interesting thing happened, USA took interest to control the people’s desire for change as if it happened in their own country.  They deployed US army, started bombarding the areas where most people were living.  They have taken the ground for testing their newly invented chemicals which they spread throughout the forest of Vietnam.  The US strategy is to bombing in massive area and intensive chemical and mechanical forest destruction. The ultimate aim manifested as testing effectiveness of chemicals in war.   In short this US strategy represented the intentional disruption of both the natural and human ecology of the region.145.

‘More than thousand chemicals were tested in the USA during second world war.’ 146 The USA eventually expanded a volume of more than 72 million of liters ; the major anti plant agent that were employed by the USA , in Indochina War.  They were color coded’ orange, white and blue. 147 The chemicals were used for military purpose, First, UK attempted to use chemicals as military weapons in Malaya.

Some of the third world countries also have the access of chemical weapons.  Large quantity is stocked in Iraq and Germany.  In the world more than 150 thousands tones chemical weapons and 55 tons of highly toxic nerve agents are stock piled.  A large part of it is deployed in Europe.  Even some of the cult group have used nerve agents in Japan. These nerve agents are very deadly weapons which can kill millions of people by few kg.  The American have put in to service UX the most powerful organ no phosphorus toxic agent.  Whether taken through respiratory organ or applied to the skin one Kg. Of that agent can kill almost four million people.148 Such kind of deadly chemical weapon developed and stock piled around the globe.  Due to security region, all countries do not expose what they have possessed but most of the regional power shave these type of chemical and biological weapons.


The people and the forest of Vietnam became the testing ground where we can see the effects of chemicals on human and in entire ecological system of Vietnam.  The chemical weapons destroyed most of the flora and fauna and wild animals of Vietnam.  Short term effect could be eradicated but it has left the long term effect on human.  Adverse effect of chemicals are chromo some defect and mal formation of fetus.  The used orange agent it contains Dioxin.  ‘\human exposure to dioxin occurred both directly at the time of spraying and indirectly through the diet owing its lengthy environmental persistency and its more or less environmental mobility (with movement occurring up food chains which culminates in human).  148 \if any chemicals enters in food chain as a form of poison it will effect to the new generation.  The war for new generation which very dangerous to the human existence.

An intensive study showed that ‘Dioxin is an extra ordinary potentic disfunction, It is shown in laboratory mammals to be Carcinogenic (causing cancer), Tera togenic (causing birth defects) and its lab

Oratory test has shown that it is potentially Mutagenic (causing genetic is DNA or gene damage.150

It showed that only one super power can make subsequent damage in the environment.  What about other super powers, they have not sat back as spectators; they have also developed chemical weapons for their own security.  \it explicated that use of chemical weapons even to possess only might be a threat to the human existence.  Let us look at another examples of \nuclear weapons displays around the globe which are more destructive than chemical weapons.





Development of the nuclear war head is entirely the game of two blocks.  They have produced nuclear war heads to maintain their supremacy and to fool around their puppets.  They are relying their security on nuclear related technical facilities which are deployed in different military bases which are in the strategic points of the globe.  Most of the development have done by own country but they have full range of capacity to cover the globe within no time.

‘The USA and its NATO allies had continued to deploy nuclear armed.  Hercules air defence missiles.  There are 320 Nike Hercules missiles in Germany only.151  These Hercules are the old models which can strike around 160 miles in average.  As time pass on the developed technology is improved with more accuracy so These old model was replaced by conventional.  Improved Hawk and patriotic missiles. These new improved missiles are deployed around the globe especially in the NATO allies such as Belgium, German, Italy, The Netherlands and Turkey.  Some of these are also deployed in South Korea.

So called power balance concept have robed the happiness of mankind; if we come to know about the power play of these two super power blocks then we will realize the position of human being in this planet.  Not only the USA, The same route also followed by the Soviet \union.  ‘USSR also deployed several models of nuclear armed SAMS : ABM-1B Galosh, the SJ-04/08, SA-Gammon.  The Soviet \union deployed a total of 2500 SAMS, many of them are nuclear capable.153.

In 1983, Ronald Regon said that one day the America ‘might make ballistic nuclear weapons.’ 155  He wanted America to go ahead in all aspect of technological development especially weapons and the tone of language spoken was as the supremen reality of the universe.  \let us read the another tone of Regon,  ‘We will maintain sufficient strength to prevail if need b. And they (new nuclear missile system\0 ae our best hope in ...winning).

All these examples shows that nuclear was head have taken the measure for war winning The war with whom ? It might be with the existence of humanbeing.  They had linked arm development with the national security’ where as the developed arms possessed the capacity of destruction of entire planet and its living thing.

Nuclear bombs Neutron bombs and atom bombs are the achievement of so called superpowers.  They can destroy the world’s entities about 13 times as one source coated.  These superpowers are ready to fire the fire balls. If they feel their interest is jeopardized in any part of the planet.  These super powers are capable to monitor the activities of any part of this planet.  They can detect very tiny things from their spying satellites.


Basic aim of the war is to win and rule.  The powers had made targets for entire population of the world and it will increase even to capture other planet in the modern war.  It had clearly shown in the second world war’ at the time of second world war, the USA had have few atom bombs and use against the people of Japan. This is a historic example where the law of war was broken and civilian were made targets. Time to time fascist powers had threatened the human lives during the wars.  What the plants of Vietnam had done to the people of America, why the forest of Vietnam destroyed massively by chemicals.  Were those innocent child, animals, women and elderly people enemy of the American soldier and people ? Certainly, they were not.  When an imperialistic power involves in the civil war they destroy every an; fascist will make thing in because the ethics of war is eradicated from their vocabulary.

There is no such measure to control the technically advanced war against the civilian; fascist will make the major target to the civilian.  The word ‘ethic’ is removed during the war.  The ego of super power will not let them down; so they will use any available means to destroy adversaries.  It will use any available means to destroy adversaries.  It will not destroy only their enemies, they will also be destroyed.

During second world war, n 7th December 1941 ‘Japan used suicide air craft Eagle 353 destroy the American warships and military. They killed 2403 militaries and destroyed 18 US war ships in Pearl Harbor in America.157  In the Gulf War (16th January 1991) the milk power producing factory for children was bombard by USA AND ALLIED.  It indicates that the word of humanism is eradicated from the dictionary of the super power. What had done by the children of Iraq to USA and its allied. The child of Iraq will revive the history.  Will those children forgive them ?

Affect of radiation will appear after long time. During the Gulf War radio active weapons were disposed and the effect appeared in 1993. ‘American soldiers who were involved in Gulf War were affected by a mysterious diseases.  It is believed that they are highly affected such as memory loss.158  What is happening at the side of Iraq is unknown.

An American nuclear physicist A.W.Weinberg has given some sort of explanation for understanding the destructive nature of nuclear products such as weapons and reactors.  He said that ‘there is an understandable drive on the part of men  of good will to build up the positive aspects of nuclear energy, simply because the negative aspects are so distressing.159

These super powers are keeping the entire entities under the very hot fire ball which we humanbeing ignored to  feel it we labeled it as development.  We people also part and partial of it. Have we ever organized protest marches when our countries testing and developing nuclear and chemical weapons ? Certainly no we became proud of it; my country developed nuclear weapons, so we are great.  These Ahankara pushed to the entire human being under the fire ball. The existence of nuclear war heads, nuclear bombs and other bombs are threat to the existence of humanbeing.  The history pointed us that there is no ethics for war the only ethic is winning.

People are not concerned what is happening around their environment; the governments are misunderstood the power of people.  They have been exploiting the weak point of the people. We have elected the government ; it does not mean that they are doing the right thing; because there is no transparency between government and people.  In the name of creating jobs they have made big industries only for producing mass destructive weapons.  The people want to overthrow the corrupted and based on rotten system ; they are protected by these super powers and supplied arms instead of controlling arms.  The people have to be vigilant as watch dogs to the wrong doings against the humanity.

Kuwait was captured by the Saddam Hussain, what the children of Iraq had done.  The milk factory was bombard;  why was it done ?  It  proved that in the war there is no ethics ; the 20th century wars were fought without regulations.  Most of the victims were women, children and elderly people.  The nuclear weapons producer do not understand that the weapons and bombs do not recognize the producer and adversaries.  It is made only for destruction.

16.7      POST COLD WAR:

Cold war was the main source of arm race.  During this period both block did understand the language of power.  Powerful one is determined who possess the most destructive weapons.  These unbridled powers are the one who brings poverty, main nutrition, unemployment, genetic disorder and they tried to create horror around the globe. If they had used the amount which had spent for arm development, the world world would have turned to be a paradise. Once Brezhney said that ‘we are forced to improve our defence, I repeat we are forced to do so because we are faced with an unbridled arm race.’ 160  These unbridled arm race was robbing to mankind 400 (four hundred billion) a year and 1 (one) billion a day.161

After collapsed of Soviet USSR, which was trying to establish a socialism in the country, cold war era came to the end but more violent social order are emerging; Somalia, Yugoslavia, Rwanda, Pressure on North Korea and many more are the examples, Still the super power and its NATO allied are seeking social control by using military power.  \use of military power for peace and prosperity is not the solution. It is the domination.  If any society feels dominated, it will manifest as revolt after some time, still people trying to be escaped to be slave of the power.

These super powers do not want others to develop the nuclear war heads because on human Tarian ground but the reality is different. \if they are really committed to humanity, why are they not committed to dismantle the nuclear war heads which they have possessed, Simply they do not want to develop as their parallel force in the third world countries.  Always they want make the third world countries depending on them even for small matters of their own.

Can we believe that during second world war who did not hesitate for killing more than one hundred thousand people of Japan and left with genetic damage for thousands of people, will not use another Nuclear bombs if their interest is jeopardized.

Scientist have seen the external threat from asteroids and these super powers want to destroy the asteroid using nuclear war heads but it is a utopian thinking .First of all asteroid  should be destroyed in the space itself which is posing the threat to the  earth. If it enters in the zone of earth, there is no use of Nuclear war heads: if they have time to do so also they will not save the planet and entities. The reality is they are not ready to dismantle the existing nuclear bombs and warheads. They just want to justify for keeping their nuclear war heads.

Now USA and its allied are after China and North Korea. In their eye these countries have some sort of different social system which are proved better for the majority of the people and it is not based on the exploitation of the individual people. Recently "China entered and market competitor in the global trade and they said that it is a socialistic market economy. Under the social system of  China, the economy is growing around 1 to 2% of their GDP. Arms industry is one of the biggest industry of these super powers. If these industries closed sown due to lack of demand , they will loose a huge income for the country and unemployment will b increased dramatically. So they want to maintain the arms production. To maintain the arm production, they will try to create market creating terror around the globe. 'USA is supplying patriotic missiles to the South Korea. 162 It is justified that  they have sold these because of protecting from the attack of North Korea. This is a form of creating terror for selling their arms.

'Science has made the danger more eminent but real problem lies in the minds and hearts of men, we always have the opinion to choose between hope and destruction but of our hand for ever, 163 .But the choice is almost taken out of our hand.



Religion it cannot define what it is but it is absorbed in the humanbeing. ‘There are thousand religion around the world. Some religions among the primitive tribe of New Guinea for example or the isolated jungles of south America, may not even have been discovered yet by civilized man.164.  They have also find the way to be transcended as other religions.

In the materialistic world religion is regarded as ‘Opium’ (marx) and for its counter told as ‘Tonic’ (Vivekananda) Both of them have their own justification.  What direction the religions have been taking to direct the action of the humanbeing ; it should be examined.

‘History is full of examples of wars being fought in the name religion, particularly religion being propagated by the sword of riots and deep seated enmity between the adherents of different religions and of heirs of various sects;165 Human being is highly motivated in the spiritual world as manifested in the religion.  They already to sacrifice themselves in the name of God or religion; the action which are to perform can be performed only with psychological attachment.  It indicates that religion is deep rooted in the heart of the humanbeing.

Being the early religion, Hinduism had with stand with different blows from different invasion over Indus valley.  The people of Indus valley developed the first civilization, they have practiced over thousand years before invasion from others; Some western writer tried to bound the Hindu religion in the time frame.  It cannot be bind in the time frame.

The ‘Hindu’ is derived from ‘Indus ‘ valley and the religion ws practiced since the emergence of religion.  According to the Hindu philosophy, the time cycle is divided into four (age).  Two different leader of hinduism regarded as God, Rama and \Krishna led in two different Yuga.  The fact unveiled that Rama’s yuga was Treta and Krishna’s yuga was Dwaper.  To commemorate the memory of Rama, his son Lava, Kush and king of Saravasti, king of Kaushal built a magnificient temple at the palace of Shri Rama’s birth place Ayodha.  It was renovated by Maharaj Yudhistry of Mahabharat fame in 3100 B.C.’166

The Yuga of Krishna begins after two different Yugas elapsed.  The people of those Yuga had lived in different places and developed own their way; they might had gathered only for religion conversations and to celebrate the festivals.  The Buddha enlighten through his own way, but the Nepal.  It displayed that this area; (Mokshya) During the time of Buddha (around  2600 B.C. ) Kapilvastu (present one of the district of Nepal) was a developed city which is discovered and preserved by the Archaeology department, government of Nepal.  It displayed that this area; present South East Asia was the fostering ground of spiritual and physical development.

The hindu religion had passed the very dark stages in the history; it was forced to be confined in the hand of exploiter.  This was the cause where the society divided into different groups; it is known as caste system.  There religion utilized by feudal as a means of exploitation.  Still some conservative Brahaman of India and Nepal have this feeling; even they did not hesitate to say the Veda should not be read by the untouchable and women.  If we scrutinize this statement through vedic literature, the vast Hindu religion was used as means of exploitation by the exploiter during the age of feudal system; still this system existed in the under develop economic system.  It sow the seed of conflict in the society; the caste system kept the society in the darkness which is the set back of Hinduism.  Many saint and sages tried to profound the vedic culture where every human are regarded equal.

The scholarly people were fought to overcome from the dark stage and succeed explaining the fact of vedic concept even though Hinduism diverted into many branches and prepared ground for philosophical thinking for all sorts of religion and philosopher.

The social conflicts which are evloed by the name of the religion are the set back for all religions.


‘The West Asia, the birth place of three leading religion of the world Christianity, Islam and Judaism is living today under the shadow of persisting tension, terror and strife’167 The fact of terror and killing between Israeli and Palestine can not be separated from religious conflicts.  It can be tracked back to two hundred years as historical conflict.  Mostly the centre of origin of three religion had sparked the conflicts all over the world; it is carried out in the name of religion.  So it is important to understand why the West Asia became the battle ground for long time ? It is associated between Islam and Christianity backed Judaism.



It is a problem of political thinking based on religion.  It can be seen in one of the statement made; The rise of the Islam is perhaps the most amazing event in human history. Springing from land and a people alike previously, Islam spread within a century over half the earth, shattering building up a whole new world the world of Islam.168

When the Jews were expelled from the land of their birth place presently the area which is occupied by Syria, Lebanon and Jordan.  The Jews forced to live their homeland and they settled all over the corners of the world wherever they could find the place.  It present, the place where Israel located is called Palestine.

The Jews homeland question raised and tried to solve by the League of Nation which is known as ‘Balfour Declaration’ of 2nd November 1917.  The declaration was promising to lay down the foundation for Jews national home in Palestine.  The declaration ‘expressed its willingness to create a Jewish state out of the British controlled territories of Palestine and Jordan.  However the plan could not be carried through ......169

The Jews were executed by Nazi Germany, ‘Holocaust’ is the famous scandal in the world of religion.  So the demand of the creation of separate Jewish state gathered momentum in 1947. ‘The UN general assembly recommended the creation separate Jewish and Arab state in Palestine on the expiry of British mandate. Following this recommendation a Jewish state of Israel was proclaimed on 14th May 1948.’170

Around seven hundred thousand Arab lost their home and forced them to live as refugees in tents in the desert of neighbour countries especially in Jordan, Lebanon and Syria.  The declaration tried to solve the problem of Jewish but another side? it was over looked.  The USA declared its recognition as independent separate state as Israel ‘The following day, 15th may 1948 combined Arabian Armies of Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon invaded the newly born Jewish  state.  A cease fire was enforced on 7th January 1949 but by that time Israel had made 50%  increase in its territory. Major war was fought in 1956, 1967 and 1973’ 171

The war which was not desired by the people were fought and destroyed the peace of the people since the establishment of the Israel.  The West Asia remained in tension and terror of declared and undeclared wars.  In 1964, Palestine Liberation Organization which is well known as PLO, Its main aim was to restore their home land and the PLO succeed in focusing the attention of Palestine problem worldwide.  ‘In 1974 Arab government and UN formally recognized the PLO as representative of displaced Palestine.172


The same organization as UN allowed to form the Israel nation and it recognized PLO as displaced Palestine people’s representative.  Is it not enough to be suspicious in its intention ?  What they want to do to the people of West Asia ? More bloodshed and violence, terror and developing hatred each other.

The Palestine problem is not attached only with settlement problem; it should be examined from the angle of religion.  The Islam movement do not want to allowed other religions to be taken over by displacing their followers.  So the counter attack launched within the second day of declaration independent state of Israel.  The Israeli are backed by the West and its allied forces – mainly dominated by Christianity where they do not want to lose.  Bombarding over Lebanon in the name of terrorist, killing with each other is the present situation of West Asia.  This is the symbol of present human relationship in the world.

The seed of conflict disseminate between two human fellows; one day, they should be ready to live together sharing the common territories of land and sea.  If the religion cannot teach peace, friendship, mutual coexistence between different faith and values, what we expect from such religions.



The history of Islam is full of war, They have conquered by the sword.  The life of the prophet Muhammad and Islam should not be singled out for exploring the Islamic world.  The holy Quran was revealed through the prophet Muhammad who was illiterate but generous and purity in manners. He orphaned at the birth.  At 20, he was already a successful business man and soon became the director of camel caravans for a wealthy widow.  When reach 25, his employer recognized his merit, proposed marriage even though she was 15 years older than him.  He married her..'173  It indicates that he was sympathetic to humanity.

When reached at the age of forty years, he started preaching his thoughts as he was revealed.  The earliest converts to the Islam were his bosom friends and people of his households who all intimately acquainted with his private life.'174  At his time,  those rice Arabs were worshiping many idols and prophet Muhammad's message humiliated to those rich Arabs which was as against worshiping of idols.  So he and his followers were kicked out from Mecca, his birth place.  He went Medina. 'This emigration or hijrah, in 622 C.E. (A.D.) marked a significant point in Islamic history.'175  There he became a ruler and spiritual leader.

'He was forced to fight in defence of the freedom of conscience which he preached, he became an accomplished military leader.  He won some spectacular victories.'176  'He conquered mecca (630 C.E.or 8th A.H. Muslim Year) and ordered to destroy three hundred and sixty idols of Kabba,  all the idols and house hold gods of Mecca and round about were destroyed.'177  He cleaned out destroyed idols from the Ka'bah (Kabba) and 'established it as the focal point for pilgrimages to Mecca that continue down to this day.178  This was one of the major victory of his expansion work.  He continued it throughout his life.

PERSIA. The Sassani empire in Persia was in a state of anarchy, following its long struggle with Byzantine empire.  Byzantine empire was seriously weakened, more the majority of native Christian population of Syria and Egypt had embarrassed with Byzantine and the Byzantine orthodox church.'179 This situation led to the Arab as Islam foe expansion in these areas.  The Islam was in full swing of war and expansion. 'Muhammad sent a troop to invade settled Iraq, the expedition was against Christians and Arab tribe the motif of invasion was religion.  He declared holy war (JIHAD) those who died in the war were regarded martyrs. '180 Even after the death of prophet Muhammad in 632 A.D., the expansion of Islam continued by his successors.

After four years of death of Muhammad the Arab had won the battle against Byzantine emperor – Heraclius. 'In 641 A.D. Arab army took Egypt,  the richest province of Byzantine.  In 649 A.D. Muawiyal seized the Cyprus.  Ommiad forces attacked great city of Constantinople present Istanbul, they lasted for seven years 674 – 680 A.D.'181

CONQUEST IN CENTRAL ASIA.  The Islam forces under Ommiad Viceroys eastern Iran and Transoxiana was conquered during 700-715 A.D. In Transoxiana and Afghanistan, the Muslim found flourishing.  They destroyed Buddhist centers.  The Muslim armies raided into territories and intervened the affairs of central Asia. 182  It indicates that they were confronted with well established religion Buddhist in Central Asia, ' AHIMSA PRAMO DHARMA. 'concept of non violence is one of their noble truth was destroyed by the sword of Islam.

The same way they wanted expand the Islamic movement in India.  They had invaded Sindha, the lower valley and delta of Indus river and 'subjugated it in 710 A.D.' Islam did not expand in the people of India as other part of their conquer areas where they felt only sword is not enough to win.

WESTWARD MOVEMENT :  Islam spread like a veld fie in North Africa and westward.  In 670 A.D. Kairovan in Tunesia was founded as the Arab base ;  By 675 They conquered Morocco.  With the conquest of Visigothic kingdom in Spain they had foot hold in Europe during 705-715.183

These example of wars clearly disclosed that the Islam was expanded together with the sword.  The sword does not recognize humanity, it propagates tyrant where others are suppressed.

Christianity also followed the same route to defend and expand their religion.  A religion expanding by the sword, what are they trying to teach their disciples? What moral and values would they develop?



The concept of religion is given as to convert the people in to their faith. They have been working as missionaries throughout the world since its inception.  They have divided society into many pieces and cultivated deep rooted enmity between their brother and sister.  Early history is a history of struggle.184  The struggle was to establish the Christianity in Europe.  It began worldwide movement during the time of Alexander the Great.185

In most part of the Europe, Paganism was inherent religion. Pagan they worship in Temples and they believed in natural Gods. Natural Gods are fire, sky, sea, thundering etc. In Rome during 98-117 B.C. teaching of Christianity was a crime.  Who tries death penalty was announced but there were loop holes for practicing Christianity because the Magistrate was not bound to search the Christians.  During 379-395 anti pagan government resumed, Theodosius forbade all the sacrifices and closed all the temples in 391.  A further step was taken prohibition of private exercise of Pagan.  In 392, Rome voted officially abolition of Pagan.  'Theodosius was a Christian Emperor.  He made Christianity law of land and given a place for bishop in the state and recognized their jurisdiction in all the matters.186  Christianity was forced to adhere for the people of Rome by the converted Emperor.  So there were blood shade in the history of religion.  The most famous example is crusades between Islam and Christianity.



The war between Islam and Christians were fought during the period of 1096-1291, almost two hundred of years of war; most probably this should be the longest war in the human history. At the close of 11th century, the religious head of Christian, the pope called upon all the Christian countries of Western Europe to wage a holy war to recover Jerusalem and other Christian holy places in Palestine from the Muslims.  Muslims and captured these places in 1076.  This led a serried of religious wars between the Christians and the Muslims.   The war is known as crusades. …. They had fought mainly eight wars but in all wars Christians had defeated.  The most illustrative crusade was children's crusade.  This defeat gather the momentum in the Christian world for revenge and some Christian put forth a proposal to send children's army for returning their captured holy places in Jerusalem.  The basis of their proposal was a statement in the Bible where in it said that a small child would lead the Christians.  Consequently a French shepherd gathered an army of (30,000) thirty thousand children while (20,000) twenty thousand German children under the leadership of Nicholas marched to Jerusalem.  But it turned out to be a fiasco.  Out of the French crusading children only one and out of German children 200 survived.  Some perished on the way a while others were sold in to slavery by the Muslims.188

The war between Muslims and Christians had outbreak number of times and in number of places which had led to sacrifice from children to adult.  The children who did not know the religion had sacrificed in the crusade.  It would not be forgotten in the religious history of mankind.

The religious conflicts caused by the Christianity can be traced back since the origin of Christianity; especially from the concept of Jesus Christ.  The church was not founded for the comfort of its members.  Jesus told his followers to spread hi9s message to all nations beginning at Jerusalem and early Christian risked their life to do do.189  It disclosed that the missionaries were encouraged for spreading their faith through any means.  In Europe the Saxons were slaughtered by Bhristians.  Establishing their religion was their main task which was provided by their God.

'The religion is not only creating wars between different religions;  They are creating social conflicts inter religion as well the fight between protestians and Catholic in Northern Ireland is one of the famous example' 190 It indicates that there was a revolution between catholic and protestants want to convert catholic to protestants.  It carried up to 21st century where many lives have been sacrificed, 'The rift increased as Dr. Martin Luther from Germany reformed the way of doing things in the Christianity.  The Pope send a troop to capture the Martin Luther and political situation did not allow it.  After Martin Luther almost all part of the Christianity started thinking in the new direction which is developed as Protestants.' In 1993 Protestants killed more people than IRA in North Ireland.'191

If they are creating war between themselves what would be the situation with other faith; certainly they will not tolerate. They had done to the Pagans in Rome.  The religion was spread by the help of colonialism.  First powerful military invaded and captured the country than they started converting people in to Christian faith.



Islam and Christianity known as missionary religion.  The aim of missionary is to destroy others with different means and tactics and establish their faith in the society.  Thus these missionaries are creating religious conflicts between their fellows, neighbours, and tribes.  The same story have been repeating many time in India. India was ruled by many famous Muslim rulers.  Once Muhammad (not prophet Muhammad) vowed himself to attack India every year and 17 times of his attack is illustrated in the history of India..... In 1009 A.D. he attacked the temple of Thaneswor and robbed a lot of jewels and money, the status of Chakra Swami taken away to Gajani and thrown in the public place.192 lt mosque ‘When Muslim ruler ruled the India, They tried to destroy the temples and built mosque ‘When Barber, a conservative Sunee, attacked over India ; he had given the name of war as Jihad.’193

It indicates that the claim of Rama’s temple is not only the cause of rioting between Muslims and Hindus, the Islam is a missionary religion, when they attacked they had attacked in the name of holy war and Hindus they do not want to be invaded by the other religious faith.  The struggle to gain the temple of Rama is an example of religious manifestation of humanbeing of 21st century. The conflict of Rama’s temple is known as Ayodhya conflict.



On December 6, 1992, Once more Hindu Muslim conflict break out for regaining the place of Rama where the Babri ld. ‘One source coated that 16th century shrine reduced to rubble after hindu hard liners swarmed over it, tearing out stones and bricks.’194 The conflict spreads all part of India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and other part of the world.  The Muslim started demolishing Hindu temples.  Many more lives were sacrificed in this riot.

This conflict did not outbreak all of sudden, it has a long history which should be looked at.  In place of Babri Mosaque, the Rama’s temple was built ‘ by the King Kaushal to commemorate memory of Shri Rama.  He built it in the birth place of Rama and the temple was renovated by the Maharaj Vikramaditya on 57 B.C.’195  Many invaders over India desecrated the temple of Rama.  ‘Salar Masud desecrated the temple arund 1030 A.D. but local hindus renovated it.196

In 1528 Mir Baqui, commander of Moghal invader destroyed the temple after a fierce fighting with Pt. Devideen Pandey,  King of Hansbar Sri Ravijaya singh and Maharani Jayaraj  Kumari.

He tried to build the structure of Mosque.  Hindu launched four attacks and around one hundred thousands of lives lost.  During 1530-1556 ten more battles fought; during the time of Akabar 1556-1665 A.D. twenty battles were fought  He had permitted to hindus to build Rama Chabutra for worshipping Rama.

During the time of Arangzeb 1605-1707 A.D. thirty more battles were fought.  Aurangzeb regained the control and destroyed the temple, killed ten thousand hindus. During 1798-1857 around eight battles were fought for gaining and regaining the temple of Rama.

In 1857, when the independence struggle of India started, Hindu and Muslim unity realized.  The independence fighter and Shanta tried to bring the harmony between Hindu and Muslim community.  They fought for independence.  Muslim decided to handover the Rama’s birth place to Hindus.  ‘1860 British allowed Muslims to enter the structure and Hindus continued to worship at Rama’s  Chabutra outside the structure 1912-1923.  Hindu fought two fierce battles and 1934 hindu possess the site.  Muslim discontinued to come there but the British ruler who want to divided and rule the country rehabilitate the Muslims at the place.  Thus 1528 to 1934, it is believed that there were more than 77 armed conflict and  more than three hundnred thousands (3,00,000) Hindus sacrificed their lives to restore shri Rama Janabhoomi temple.197  Even after 1934 the dispute continued.

Many wars fought for restoring the temple of Rama which have been upbringing; the social conflicts even in late 20th century; it might be continued for centuries.  The colonial powers left the seed of social conflicts all over the world in different from.  They had utilized the weaknesses of the society.  India and Pakistan fought a very dangerous battle over Kashmir; it was a left over part of the colonial system.  The country divided into two different section Pakistan and India in the name of religion.

The religion becoming the powerful means for dividing the society and country.  In former Yugoslavia, the major conflict is over the religion which have dismantled the old powerful and peaceful Yugoslavia into pieces.  Many thousands of people lost their lives.


In the name of religion fighting, the terrorism activities are carried out in Ireland and West Asia. ‘The major act of terrorism attributed to Protestants was the planting of bombs.  In Dublin in may 1973 in which 33 people died the largest single killed in bombing.  Protestants groups have also been engaged in criminal activities such as arm robberies ........’198

Since the advent of Islam  shi’ism have provided the fuel for movements of protest and rebellion’..199  After the death of prophet Muhammad the Islamic world divided into two different section.  Sunni and Shi’ite; it happened for selection of successor of Prophet Muhammad.  Sunni believed the principle of ‘elective officer’ and Shi’ite believed true successor comes from blood line and through their cousin and son-in-law.  According to them Aliibn Abi Talib ‘who married t prophet Muhammad’s favorite daughter, Fatimah.  Their marriage produced Muhammad’s grandson Hasan and Husayn.  They believe ‘Ali as the legitimate successor but the first three caliphs had cheated him out of his right ful office’... ‘Shiah believe that there have been only 12 true Imams, and the last one of these, Muhammad al-Muntazar, disappeared (878 C.E.).’  They expected him to be appeared ‘as the Mahid (divinely guided one) to restore true Islam, conquer the whole world and usher in a short millennium before the end of all things.200

How the Shi’ism starts in Islamic movement has provided a thought for Jihad.  Once ‘the a former Iranian ambassador to Lebanon explains that government have been the biggest obstacles for starting Islamic movements in the world.’201

The motive what so ever, the act of terror will not be accepted.  The revenge and killing Uman fellow is not the act of religion but it is happening through out the history of religion.  World trade centre bombing may be religious motive but the attack was done as revenge of Christian backed leaders of the west.

‘The west is doing its best of destroy Muslims’. 202 News week coated that on Friday 26th February 1993 at 1:35 P.M. caller claiming to be from the Serbian Liberation Front, tells NYPD the blast is no Accident.’

Whoever did it is a form of terrorism which cannot be legalized by any political motive action.  Both Christianity and Islam are engaged in terrorist action one way or another.  The West is using direct military power in the name of protection which had killed innocent people of Islamic World.  It is also a terrorism done by the power.  They tried to legalize it in the eye of innocent people of the world.  Most of the Super powers are backed by the Christians and Muslims are in the verge of revenge.  Terrorism is not the way of religions.



Religion Has taken a special place in the heart of the human being.  They do not to listen even think what lesson has given, what they learn from religion? The lessons which they learn have not applied in their action.  If the religions have given the proper lessons to the human being; all these crusades, fighting, hatred would have not been developed. A million people had in Rwanda within few months; those who are responsible to kill on the basis of ethnic also are religions people.  After genocide, most probably they might had gone to their church or Mosque for confession.

Observing all these examples of religions wars, we have a foundation to say that these religions have failed to teach the lesion of co-existence, mutual respect and social harmony.  Certainly there is something wrong with these religions.  They are preaching deep seated enmity between their own brothers and sisters.  Only their religion is good, others are not, is the prime lesion in their religious teaching.  Especially the missionary religions  seems sympathetic to the deprived people and they provide some sort of assistance; start converting people into their faith which is the cause of social conflicts.  All these a actions are not the form of religions.  For super nature or God, every entities are not discriminated, all of them deserve the same respect.

The history of religion is full of exploitation; if someone thinks, differently, he or she are punishable as had done to the Dr. Martin. , the thinker of protestants.  The planet is for human beings not for particular religion who won to make slave to the people of the world by the force of sword.

If the religions are for human being; all these religions should be overhauled to develop the real religions where humanity, peace, co-existence, social harmony and mutual respect can be flourished.

If the present form of religions are continue, everlasting crusade will be continue even in the highly developed technological stage of the humanbeing.  The  highly destructive weapons are piled in the hands of another Muhammad and Christ.  They want to gain the world by force; in this process human being will be wiped out whom they are going to teach their religion ?  Is it not the contribution to the so called religions?





The sum of negation is one of the means of world outlook.  It demonstrates how things are existed   as unity of opposite.  The sum of negation has peeled one of the aspect of the global contradiction, which was over looked in the liberation movement of exploitation, it indicated that the spare of contradiction has expanded in the global concept.  In fact it has added a dimension in the liberation movement for determining the contradiction.  If we want to exit the over looked part in human sphere should not be ignored.

The aspect which was overlooked was negative aspect of human development; where we are standing now under the very hot fire ball.  This is not only the cause of capitalistic block, it is also the share of so called socialistic block.  The misrepresentation of contradiction for social phenomena has led towards human destruction.  'I want bombs' was not the solution of human misery, it helped to add more miseries.  Internal forces for social change are more power full than external forces.  It has misrepresented in the world affairs by the so called socialistic block led by Soviet Union since the period of Stalin.

18.2      NEGATION:

Negation is anti thesis.  'In marxism real historical change explained theoretically in terms of terms synthesis as the dialectical outcome of thesis and anti thesis.203 Negation is the – (minus) in the two poolers of charge,  it represents Negative.  It exist matter to social phenomena; without its proper identification in class struggle, the social liberation movement cannot be accelerated.  In social science it is the contradiction of different classes,  Especially between have and have not, old and new, Producer and buyer, feudal and farmer, employee and employer.  It exists everywhere, it can be defined as omnipresent. 

Ignoring the fact of negation would lead towards mechanical thinking.  In every development, the internal factors are playing vital role but at the same time external factors also cannot be ignored.  These external forces can lead in different quality or they can alter the shape and color of the matter, the same way they can change the direction of social change, if ignored it will be a metaphysical thinking.  Metaphysical thinking is to believe in a existed thing as it is, they do not change.  The same way believing the change only from internal forces also as a form of metaphysical thinking.


18.1                SOCIETY AND NEGATION:

Society cannot put in a straight line, it has its mode which has taken shape during the course of social phenomena.  It is changing in every step forward and carries positive and negative aspect as its life.  The contradiction does not remain the same, some time it will react as antagonistic way some time not. So to look into the society from the angle of negative aspect, you might see the totality.  In totality it is playing its role as chemical reaction in Chemistry and minus in Mathematics.  Negative is the part of the motion. 'Motion itself is a contradiction' 204 Observing only positive aspect cannot drive the social change as a whole,  the mistake where many leaders had repeated and tried to suppress their negative aspect at the end total effort, sacrifices became meaningless.  So the negative has been playing important role as positive in change;  Look at the example of electrical circuit; in electricity if negative and positive is not connected, the desired output will not achieved.  It is important to find out the proper connection to carry out the proper function.  In social science the negative aspect should be determined to mobilize the society further, if the negative aspect of the contradiction has not properly identified, it will not move forward as desired way.  In society, it is not easy to identify the proper negative pole where we cannot test like in electricity.  There are many components which allowed electricity to follow in only one direction commonly known as diodes.  These parts will let you know whether you have properly created your circuit or not but in Social science nothing will lead you in right poles as in electricity.  The way of finding the negative aspect is only through observation of past experiences of social changes. Some time determined pole not be as such a negative pole; because the components of social changes behaves differently in different situation and condition.  If the nature of components of social change is not identified properly, effort will be ended up as fiasco.


It is not guaranteed every social change would forward the society, some time it will push backward as well.  It is happening in the social history, if look at the history of the world, it can be identified quickly.  The emergence of Nazi was a positive change for the people of German for the particular time; so they had voted to the Hitler by the majority of them in 1932.  It was over looked aspect of negation in the social phenomena.  The social change should be in the direction for the development of the society.  The development of the society as the form of imbalanced way would lead towards disastrous result as in German and Socialist Russia.

The present super powers as a form of imperialism have led entire living entities in disappearing track but their people are well fed and well housed.  Here the contradiction between people and imbalanced physical development emerged.  As change occurs the form of contradiction also changes.  The imperialists do not want to disclose the disastrous aspect of their physical development.  they just want to show up the positive aspect of their development.  They have been developing mass destructive weapons at the cost of entire living thing.  In this global village, the shape of contradiction also changes.  The specific contradiction should be identified for positive change or for the liberation from exploitation.

Change takes place own its own and changes can be altered by the intervention as happened in Vietnam. During the course of social liberation negative are ever looked. Where the change is taking place thinking only for the positive aspect is a mechanical thinking. It should be avoided for the suitable change as liberation from exploitation.


'---Life is therefore is a contradiction which is present in things and processes themselves and which constantly originates and resolves itself ; as soon as the contradiction ceases, life, to come to an end and death steps in.'205

Contradiction is omnipresent and can be countered in every sphere of life. For an example, if we go to buy a pair of shoes, many pairs of shoes are examined and checked. Some time we return back without it: Why has it happened. The contradiction between buying and not buying, the negative aspect of not buying dominated the buying aspect in the particular situation. This situation might be internal or external. The thoughts are coming in the disappearing as a form of come and go: the negative is attached with come as go, and the vice verse, advantage with disadvantage, profit and loss, war with peace, saving with expenditure. It indicates that 'in contradiction each is the of other's existence and it transforms itself into its opposite…'206  The another example in social change can be seen during the struggle between proletariat and capitalists; working class are ruled by capitalist; after take over by the working class, capitalist will be ruled by the working class. The way the negative appears and follows by positive. Our thoughts and idea are in our command but social contradiction is out of the command of an individual. So identifying the negative aspect as major and minor of social contradiction should be properly indentified for social liberation movement. Sometime minor contradiction emerges as major of sublimes with major. It will manifest in practice, without making mistake the target should be determined for social liberation.

Observing of negation is as important as positive aspect of contradiction. The global contradiction should be determined in this global village. The contradiction which is peeled between existence and disappearing of human being will lead in the new direction of the social movement and after liberation for development. The planet is for all entities of the planet.

















1.       Young Scientist: Vol.19, Page–14. Published by World Book Company. Chicago

2.       Ibid. Page: 15

3.       Veda Jyoti (derived from Atharva veda XII – 1.12) -1991-    July/August. Issue 64 page:7 Published by Veda Niketan, Durban, South Africa

4.       Shrimad Bhagavatam Geeta: Fourth Chapter, 7th and 8th verses. Published by: Patna Pustak Bhandar, Kathmandu, Nepal. page no: 59. 2048, Vikram Sambat (1991. A.D)

5        Some thoughts on Hindu Religion: Dr. Veer Dev Bista. Page No: 82/83, Published by: Escort Arya Samaj, Natal, South Africa. 1994. (derived from Atharva Veda 17.1.7)

6.       Ibid : page 9.

7.       Veda Jyoti: Veda Jyoti: Page-10, Issue 64, Published by Veda Niketan, Durban, South Africa.  1991.

8.       Cambridge Encyclopedia of life Science: page: 27, Basic theory of Darwin, Natural selection.

9.       Gotra: Branches of family; It is common practice and belief in Hindu community.

10.     AIDS : Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome:

11.     Introduction to biology: D.G. Macken; page 204, John Murray, London. 1984.

12.     Gangase Bholga Tak: (From ganges to Bholga): Rahul Shankrityan; page No.49. Published by Kitab Mahal, Elahabad.

13.     The mind of Swami Vivekananda an anthology and an study: page 16, By Gautam Sen. Publisher: Jaico Publishing House, Bombay.

14.     Introduction to Biology: D. G. Mackean; John and Murray, London. Third edition-1984. Page No.204.

15.     Origin of state and Property: Engles: A summarized not from the writer and same concept have mentioned by other writers as well in their different writings.

16.     Veda Jyoti: July/August-1990, page 13. Publisher: Veda Niketan, P. Box 1770, Durban 4000, South Africa.

17.     Some thought on Hindu Religion: Dr.Veer Dev Bista, Publisher: Excort Arya Samaj, Escort, Srimad Vagwat Geeta- Cathurtho Adhya – 8 th version: publisher:Ratna Pustak Bhandar,Bhotahity Kathmandu, Nepal.

18.     Sir Issac Newton's famous finding' Gravitation.' The Earth Science, Page 340, Samuel N. Namowitz. D. H. Heath and company Massachusetts, Lexington, Toronto-1978. (In this page it has explained the effect of gravitation to low and high tide.)

19.     It is a medicine Used to remove or to kill the worm from the stomach of humanbeing.

20.     Concept of God On Veda: Page 7, Derived from Yajurveda verse 8-40th chapter. Publisher: Veda Niketan, Durvan South Africa.

21.     Ibid page 7.

22.     CDT. Foundation Course: M. Finney P. Fowler: Page 75, Collins Educational, 19900. U.K.

23.     Young Scientist: Volume: 19, Publisher: World Book Company Chicago.

24.     Global Warming: Page 13/14: Publisher: Sierra Club Books: Sanfrancisco: By Stephen H. Sechgneider.

25.     Ibid: Page 19.

26.     Sustainable Development – The Hague Report: Page 12, Publisher: UNDP: 1992.

27      Ibid: Page 13.

28.     B.B.C. World Service Television: 23-5-1003.

29.     Global Warming: Page:182: Stephen H. Scheider. Sierra Club Books Sanfrancisco.

30.     Srimad Bhagavatam: Translated By: A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhypad. Publisher: Bhaktivedanta Book Trust.

31.     Science for today and tomorrow: Page:74,97.M.A.Atherton, T. Duncan and D.G. Mackean. Publisher: John Murray.1990.

32.     Shrimad Bhagavatam: Canto-3,Page 204,Verses 15. Translated by:A.C. Bhakti Vedant Swami Prabhupad: Publisher The Bhaktivedant Book Trust.

33.     Sustainable Development: From concept to Action: page 8:The Hague Report: Prepared By: Jan Pronk and Mahbubul Haq. Publisher: UNDP.

34.     Action: Environmental Health Magazine, Published in Harare: 1992.

35.     Introduction to Biology: B. G. Mackean: Page 53. Publisher John Murray, U.K.18\984.

36.     Ibid: Page 237.

37.     Primary Science:- 5, Page:26.Pyblisher: Macmillam Botswana. The diagram is drawn on the basis of this book.

38.     Physic: By Beiser.

39.     The mind of swami Vivekananda: An anthology and a study PageL37.By Gautam Sen Publisher: Jaico Publishing House, Bombay.

40.     Bichar Bigyan: Khaptad Swami: Page:2, Publisher: Suchana Bibhag, Kathmandu, Nepal.

41.     Mankind Search for God: Page 110,'Watch Tower Bible and Tract society, New York-1990.

42.     Meal time prayer:Page:6, Publisher: Veda Niketan , Durban, South Africa.

43.     Bichar Bigyan : (Science of Thought ): Page-27,Publisher:Suchana Bibhag, Kathmandu, Nepal.

44.     Young Scientist :Vol.13,World Book Company, Chicago.

45.     A History of Economic Theory and Method: Page :268,B.ekulund Jr. Robert F, Herbert, Publisher: MC Grawhill, Book Company.

46.     The mind of Swami Vivekananda an anthology and a study: Page :51,By Gautam Sen, ( Original Aldous Huxel ),Publisher: Jaico Publishing House, Bombay.

47.     Shrimad Bhagvat Geeta: Austho Adhaya,1  and 10 th verses. Publisher: Ratna Pustak Bhandar, Bhotahity Kathmandu- 2048 B.S.( 1991 A.D.)

48.     Earth Science: Page 26, Samuel N. Namowitz, Publisher:D.C. Heath and Company.  Massachusetts, 1978.

49.     Physic: By Beiser.

50.     Young Scientist :Vol-13,Publisher:World Book Company, Chicago.

51.     Earth Science: Page 27, Samuel N. Namowitz, Publisher: D.C.Heath and Company: Lexington, Massachussetts, Toronto.- 1978.

52.     Solar System: By John Courtis;

53.     Earth Science: Page 301, Samuel N. Namowitz. Publisher: D.C. Health and Company.

54      Solar System : By John Courtis.

55.     Earth Science : Page 316, Samuel N, Namowitz, Publisher: D.C. Heath and Company, Chicago. 1978.

56.     The mind of Swami Vivekananda .By Gautam Sen, Publisher: Jaico Publishing House, Bombay.

57.     Only One Earth, Care and Maintenance of small planet: Page 100, ByL Barbara Ward and Rene ' Dubos. Publisher: Pelicon Book,1972.

58.     Sustainable Development : Page-9, The Hague Report Publisher: UNDP, New York.

59.     Mankind's Search for God: Page -129, Explains about Nirvana and Enlightenment . Publisher : Watch Tower  Bible and Tract Society , New York,1990.

60.     Race, Science and Society: Page no: 114, George Allen and Unwin. Publisher: UNESCO, UNESCO Press

61.     Ibid page 114.

62.     Ibid page 114.

63.     The mind Swami Vivekanada and an Anthology and a study: Page 10, By Gautam Sen, Publisher: Jaico Publishing House, Bombay.

64.     News Week: Page No: 21, April 26, 1993, Publisher: News Week Inc. (For depth knowledge on it, recommend for further reading)

65.     UNFPA: Page 1-3, Publisher: UNFPA information and External Relation Division. New York

66.     Ibid page 1.

67.     Collier's Encyclopedia: Pest. Page No: 616. Publisher:

68.     Children's Britannica: Pests. Page: 297. Publisher:

69.     Only one Earth, Care and Maintenance of small planet: Page 108, By: Barbara Ward and Rene Dubos. Publisher: (Pelican Book).

          Penguin Books Ltd. England, Australia and New Zealand.- 1976.

70.     Collier's Encyclopedia- Pest. Page 616. Publisher:

71.     B.B.C. Television, 6-5-1993, 5o' clock GMT.

72.     Only one Earth. The care and Maintenance of Small Planet: page 27. Barbara Ward and Rene Dubos. Publisher: Penguin Book Ltd.-1976

73.     Swami Vivekananda, An Anthology and a study: By Gautam Sen, Jaico Publishing House, Bombay

74.     Collier's Encyclopedia: Pest. Page No: 616

75.     The Language of Trade: John H. Harter. Publisher: US Information Agency: Page: Page Market

76.     Ibid Market Forces.

77.     Ibid ICA.

78.     History of economic theory and Method: Page 155, Rober B Ekelund Jr, Robert F and Herbert. Publisher: Mc Graw Hill Book Company.

79.     Veda Jyoti- Page 5, Issue 64, Publisher: Veda Niketan, Durban South Africa. 1991

80.     Sustainable Development: The Hague Report, Page 8; Publisher: UNDP: 1992.

81.     Ibid page 9.

82.     Encyclopedia of  Modern Technology: Edited by: Dr. David Black Burn and Prof. Geoffrey Holister, Page 141, Hutchinson Reference.

83.     Ibid Page 143.

84.     Ibid page 142.

85.     News Week, Oct 11, 1993. Publisher News Week Inc.

86.     Encyclopedia of  Modern Technology: Edited by: Dr. David Black Burn and Prof. Geoffrey Holister, Page 141, Hutchinson Reference.

87.     Pollution and Environment: Page 16. By Lean Mary, Publisher: Mac Donald Educational Simon and Schuster, International Society.

88.     Ibid page 16.

89.     Encyclopedia of  Modern Technology: Edited by: Dr. David Black Burn and Prof. Geoffrey Holister, Page 143, Hutchinson Reference.

90.     Young Scientist- Vol-19. Publisher: World Book Company, Chicago.

91.     Small is Beautiful: Page 129. A study of Economics as if people mattered. By E.E. Schumacher. 1973, London.

92.     Sustainable Development: The Hague report- page 9. Publisher: 1992.

93.     Pollution and Environment: By Lean Mary, Publisher: Mac Donald Educational Simon and Schuster, International Group. (Sir George Porter, Winner of the Noble prize in Chemistry. His statement coated form Pollution and Environment.)

94.     Society Today: page 192, Michael Williams. Publisher: Macmillan Education. London.

95.     Shrimad Bhagwatam: Canto-3 Page 398. Translated by: A.C. Bhakti Vedanta Swami Prabhupad. Publisher: The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust. New York, Los Angeles, London, Bombay.

96.     Ibid page 398.

97.     News Week. April 26, 1993, page 43. Publisher: News Week Inc.

98.     From Sex to Super consciousness: Page 68, By Oso Rajneesh. Publisher: Orient Paper Backs Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, Bombay 1989.

99.     Ibid Page 68.

100.   Ibid  Page 70.

101.   Ibid Page 75.

102.   Society Today, Michael Williams: Page 192. Publisher: Macmillan. London.

103.   Ibid Page 65.

104.   Ibid page 65/66.

105.   News Week: Page 43, By Jerry Adler, April 26, 1993. Publisher: News Week Inc.

106.   Prem Chandra: An Indian Progressive writer; Derived from a criticism of Gaudan.

107.   Botswana Guardian, March 4, 1994, Publisher:

108.   News Week, Page 43, 26th April 1993. Publisher: News Week Inc.

109.   Botswana Guardian, March 4, 1994, Publisher:

110.   The Citizen, Daily Newspaper: Johannesburg, 9th June, 1993. Publisher: The Citizen, Johannesburg.

111.   News Week: Page 43, By Jerry Adler, April 26, 1993.

112.   From Sex to Super consciousness: Page 65, By Oso Rajneesh. Publisher: Orient Paper Backs. A division of Vision Books Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, Bombay 1989.

113.   Shrimad Bhagwatam: Canto-3 Page 627. Translated by: A.C. Bhakti Vedanta Swami Prabhupad. Publisher: The Bhakti vedanta Book Trust. New York, Los Angeles, London, Bombay.

114.   South African Destabilization: Page 1, Produced by: The UN Department of Public Information/ Press Summary, Kitwe, Zambia. 13th October, 1989.

115.   Finance Development. Page 2, March 1994. A quarterly Publication of the IMF.

116.   South African Destabilization: Page 8, Produced by: The UN Department of Public Information/ Press Summary, Kitwe, Zambia. 13th October, 1989.

117.   Ibid page 8/9.

118.   Basic Fact About The United Nations: Page 215, The Law of the sea, where one of the article is for land Locked countries; New Convention of the Conference at UN headquarter on 30th April 1982, with 320 Articles. Publisher: Department of Public Information, United Nations, New York. 1992.

119.   Right to Work and Right to Economic Development In Nepal- page 6. The paper presented by Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of Nepal, Mr. Ganesh Raj Sharma.

120.   Ibid Page 6.

121.   Basic Facts About The United Nations: Page 55, Publisher: The United Nation Department of Public Information, New York 1992.

122.   South African Destabilization: Page 7, Produced by: The UN Department of Public Information/ African Recovery, Press Summary, Kitwe, Zambia. 13th October, 1989.

123.   Spot Light. Vol. 13. No. 51. Page 9, May 6-12, 1994. Publisher: Madhav Kumar Rimal.  Kamal  Pokhari,  Kathmandu, Nepal. It has mentioned about the refugee problem faced by Nepal.

124.   South African Destabilization: Page 6, Produced by: The UN Department of Public Information/ African Recovery, Press Summary, Kitwe, Zambia. 13th October, 1989.

125.   Ibid. Page 6.

126.   Society Today, Michael Williams: Publisher: Macmillan Educational, London.

127.   One in Ten: UNICEF, Technical Program, Page 1, Publisher: UNICEF. New York.

128.   Against the Threat of Another World War: Page 85, Boris Ponomarev. Publisher: Progress Publisher, Moscow 1983.

129.   Ibid. Page 41.

130.   Ibid. Page 14.

131.   A History of twenty eighth Century, Page 15. By: Bryn O' Callaghan. Publisher: Longman- London, 1987/93.

 132.  Against the Threat of Another World War: Page 85, Boris Ponomarev. Publisher: Progress Publisher, Moscow 1983.

133.   Ibid. Page 70.

134.   Ibid. Page 28.

135.   Ibid. Page 71.

136.   Bases Abroad: (The global military presence) Page 3, Robert Harkavy, Publisher: SIPRI (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute) Oxford University Press 1989.

137.   Ibid. page 4.

138.   Ibid. page 5.

139.   Ibid. Page 7.

140.   Countdown to Space War: Page 6, Bhupendra Joshi and Christopher Lee. Publisher: SIPRI.

141.   Ibid. Page 7.

142.   Ibid. page 6.

143.   Ibid. Page 7.

144.   News Week, March 13, 1995. Page 48. Publisher: News Week Inc.

145.   Herbicides in War: The long term ecological and Human consequences page: 3, Publisher: SIPRI.

146.   Ibid, Page 4.

147.   Ibid, Page 5.

148.   UN General Assembly, 1984, Wed 7, UN Bulletin on Disarmament. Mr. Mastamad, Afghanistan.

149.   Herbicides in War, The Long term ecological and human consequences: page 20, Publishe4r: SIPRI,

150.   Ibid Page 20.

151.   Bases Abroad: page 267, Robert Harkavy, Publisher: SIPRI. 1898.

152.   Ibid, Page 267.

153.   Ibid, Page 269.

154.   Against the Threat of Another World War: Page 185. Boris Ponomarey, Progress Publishing House, Moscow, 1983.

155.   Count Down to space war: Page ½ , By: Bhupendra Jashani and Christopher Lee. Publisher: SIPRI.

156.   Against the Threat of Another World War: Page 185. Boris Ponomarey, Progress Publishing House, Moscow, 1983.

157.   Book of Facts: By: Asmovs-Under military.  Published In Great Britain 1980.

158.   B.B.C. News, 1st June 1993.

159.   Small is beautiful: Page 131, By: E.F.Schumacher 1973, London.

160.   Against the Threat of Another World War: Page 185. Boris Ponomarey, Progress Publishing House, Moscow, 1983.

161.   Ibid. Page 40.

162.   Daily New2s, April 20, 1994: Page 4, Department of Information and Broadcasting, Gaborone, Botswana.

163.   Tari: Israeli Dele3gation, UN General Assembly. Wed-7, 1984 (30th Session) UN Bulleting on Disarmament.

164.   Church, Synagogue and Temple: page 1, Kathrin Milne, A New Citizen Book.  Way land publisher, London. 1974.

165.   The Mind of Swami Vevekananda an Anthology and a study: Page 21,

166.   Ayodhya Episode-Chronological Account: Received from Hindu Society, Botswana as Pamphlets-1993.

167.   Wars and Battles – World Famous: By Rajendra Kumar. Publisher: Pustak Mahal, Delhi.

168.   The Quaranic Foundation and Structure of Muslim Society: Dr.Muhammad Fazl-Ul-Rahaman Ansari: Page 27, Vol-I, Publisher: The world Federation of Islamic Mission, Islamic Center, Karachi.

169.   Wars and Battles – World Famous: By Rajendra Kumar. Publisher: Pustak Mahal, Delhi.

170.   Ibid.

171.   Ibid.

172.   The world Book of Encyclopedia: Vol. 1.

173.   Quaranic Foundation and Structure3 of Muslim Society. By: Dr. Muhammad Fazl-Ur-Rahaman Ansari: Page 7 & 8.  Publisher: The World Federation of Islamic Mission, Islamic Center, Karachi.

174.   Ibid. Page 8-9.

175.   Man Kind's Search for God.  Page 292. Publisher: Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of New York. Inc. 1990.

176.   Quaranic Foundation and Structure3 of Muslim Society. By: Dr. Muhammad Fazl-Ur-Rahaman Ansari: Page 7 & 8.  Publisher: The World Federation of Islamic Mission, Islamic Center, Karachi.

177.   Coller's Encyclopedia. M. Page. 83-91.

178.   Mankind's Search for God: Page 292, Publisher: Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. 1990.

179.   Coller's Encyclopedia. M. Page. 83-91., 180-183 Ibid. Most of the related fact are coated the Vol. M. page 83-91.

184.   A short history of Catholic Church: Page: 1, By: Philip Hughes, Publisher: Burns and Oats.

185.   Ibid. Page 4,

186.   Ibid Page 29.

187.   Wars and Battles – World Famous: By Rajendra Kumar. Publisher: Pustak Mahal, Delhi.

188.   Ibid page:78.

189.   The Orthodox Church, By : Sergein Hackle.

190.   A short history of catholic Church: Page: 1, By: Philip Hughes, Publisher: Burns and Oats.

191.   News Week. Dec 13, 1993. Publisher: News Week Inc.

192.   Prem Chandra and Rastriya Ekata. Page 22. By: Dr. Kamal Ranjan, Publisher: Parijat Prakashan, Patna.

193.   Ibid. Page 24.

194.   Asian Bulletin,  Vol-18, No 2, February 1993. Page 39. Publisher : Pao Tai lTen, Taiwan.

195.   Ayodhya Episode-Chronological Account: Received from Hindu Society, Botswana as Pamphlets-1993.

196.   Ibid. 05.

197.   Ibid. 06.

198.   Contemporary Trend In World Terrorism: Page 36. Edited by: Anar Kurz, The Jzffee Center for Strategic Studies, Telaviv University. Publisher: Praeger Publisher, USA and Canada.

199.   Ibid. Page 43.

200.   Mankind's Search for God: Page 294-295. Publisher: Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.

201.   Contemporary Trend In World Terrorism: Page 58. (See Note 198 for Other detail).

202.   News Week. March 15, 1993. Publisher : News Week Inc.

203.   Theories of Comparative Politics: Pg.16, By Ronald H. Chilcote. Publisher: Wet View Press, Boulder Colorado 1981.

204.   Selected Works of Maotsetung-Vol.1. Pg.: 316, Publisher: Foreign Language Press, Peking.

205.   Ibid Pg, 316-317.

206.   Ibid Pg. 338.

















 Human Beings-the Biggest Power and Fear of Earth


Human Being in Disappearing Track







Dr. Nimananda Rijal




Ashok Pandey

Ayuska Parajuli

Mukti Rijal






ASEAN       -         Association of South East Asian Nations.

EC               -         European Community

GDP             -         Gross Domestic Product

ICA              -         International Commodity Agreement

LTA             -         Long Term Agreement : On International Trade in                           Cotton Textile.

MFA            -         Multi Fiber Agreement

MPH            -         Mile per hour

NATO          -         North Atlantic Treaty Organization

OECD          -         Organization of Economic Co-operation and                              Development. The Organization Formed from the 24                     developed countries. The review International                               Economic Issue.                              

SAARC       -         South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation.

USA             -         United States of America

UK               -         United Kingdom

WTO            -         Warsa Treaty Organization.









          I am in great debt of my wife Mangala for providing me support and encouragement during the period of writing this book.  My daughters Prabalta and Prashamsa were deprived from the time which they deserve to spend with their father during the long hour of writing; they have tolerated and provided assistant whenever asked.  So I would like to extend my gratitude to my daughters.

          I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to Dr. K.Belbase, Mrs. Muna Belbase, Dr. Bedari, Mrs. Meera Bedari, Mrs. Bhattacharya, Mr. S. Rajbhandari, Mrs. Mithila Rajbhandar, Mr. J.J.Banjade, Mrs Pratima Banjade, Mr. B.L. Shah and Mrs. Bimala Maskey for listening and providing suggestions in the gatherings of Nepali community of Botswana where I used to put the debating issues in the topics which I was writing during the time.

          To Mrs. Geetharam who the red entire document and provided valuable suggestions, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude for her dedication to bring the book into existence.

          Last but not least, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to Mr. Kalika Timilsina, Mr. Devika Timilsina, Mr. Mukti Rijal, …  and for reading entire document and providing suggestions.

          Finally, I would like to extend my gratitude to … for typesetting and for the entire staff of …. Who took the responsibility for printing this book.



Copyright 1996.

@: Copyright is reserved to the writer and publisher. This who tends to retrieve any chapter of this book for publication without the written permission will be liable to face public prosecution and claims of damages.



-             Acknowledgement                                                            I

1.          Introduction                                                                     1

2.          The Earth and human being    2

3.          Incest and degenerating human races     3

4.          Material development and disappearing human being    5

5.          Desire/need and disappearing of of human being    7

6.          Internal factors for dismentalling the earth and its        

             Effect on human. 9

7.          Ocean and humanbeing                                                                                15

8.          Food Production and humanbeing                                                                                17

9.          Effects of external forces to the earth     19

10.        Utilization of non-renewable resources and humanbeing                                                                                22

11.        Use of pesticides/chemicals and effects on human generation                                                                                   27

12.        Protectionism and free market  30

13.        Nuclear energy/nuclear waste and effects on human  33

14.        Sex, morality and humanbeing on disappearing track     38

15.        Emerging of regional powers and destabilization of         

             Neighbouring countries.                                                                                    45

16.        Arm race and human on disappearing track     52

17.        Religion and humanbeing on disappearing track     64

18.        The sum of negation                                                                                      77

             Notes.                                                                                             81


1.                  INTRODUCTION:

Existence and disappearing both remained as two sides of a coin throughout the natural phenomena of this planet, when something emerges another disappears. Today around forty-five thousands of animal species even more plant species are in danger of dying out,1 Dinosaurs had ruled this planet about 300 hundred million years, today it remains as fossils. In the extinction and emerging process many animals are in danger of disappearing sooner or later. Human being is a developed animal who is ignoring the fact of being of themselves on disappearing track. Now humanbeing is as an insane elephant on their technological development and advancement. There are many factors of leading the humanbeing towards disappearing track, some of these are analyzed in detail in this book.

The golden lion Tamarin lives in the rain forest of South East Brazil. It is becoming very rare as people destroy more and more of its forest.2 Likewise Giant Panda are found only in bamboo forest in the mountain of South west of China. Panda eats the shoots and leafs of bamboo, in late 1970, the bamboo forest bloomed, when it gives flowers, the bamboo do not produce shoots and leafs,  So the panda were starved to death by nature. It happened even for pet animals at the time of draught in African continent .

The great Indian Rhinoceros found in the North Western India and Southern part of Nepal.  It is in danger as subtropical forest destroying rapidly and inhabitants like Rhinoceros are endangered.

Some of these animals are the examples; many more animals are in danger. The cause of disappearing would be different but some of them are disappearing due to human error. Invasion and changing climatic conditions. Human being themselves have been creating their own track for disappearing and some of them are created by nature for over throwing the infected or damaged part of natural system.

How human being disappearing, it is a very concerned question for 21st century; the human have declared the contradiction between nature and human being but social injustice, conflicts are growing like a veld fire. It indicates that human being is not developing in right direction. As a regulation of removing infected part for preventing further damage to the natural system, human being will be removed for regenerating new creation.


The earth is a planet of this universe and human being is a creation of the planet. It is pointed out by a Hindu philosopher that ' MATA BHUMI PUTROHUM PRITHIVYAH ' (this earth is my mother and I am a son of this earth.) A Hindu philosopher reveled himself as the nature (Krishna) and said whenever virtue subsides and wickedness prevails, I manifest myself to establish virtue, to destroy evils, to save the good, I come age to age.

The symbolic form of nature as Krishna had interpreted virtue (Dharma) in terms of human behavior. It includes 'let us live to others, love to live and acknowledge the existence of other entities in the planet.' These basic forms of virtues are determined by the nature to the human being for living in co-existence.

The earth existed since millions of years but human history is around fifty thousand of  years , The earth is a planet in this solar system where as there are thousands solar system in the universe, This thought will encourage the younger generation for exploring other solar system if the planet allow to exist them.

The evolution of human being in the planet one of the supernatural phenomena, It had taken millions of years, In the process of evolution thousands of years are as a fraction of a minute, The existence of human being is an infant for the evolution process of this planet, A duty of the mother is to create an environment for the development of their offsprings, It the off springs violates the created boundaries of the environment, simply they will be in trouble and mother will neglect the disobedient child. Human being is crossing the boundaries without knowing the consequences and the ideal ways of life.





'May all beings be happy, may all attain bliss; may all see happy days, may no one be subject to suffering.' This was the prayer of those old sages but now the prayer has narrow2ed up to 'AHAM BHAVANTU SUKHINA' May I only live happily.

The internal evil force of humanbeing AHANKARA (ego). 6 It has been manifesting for 'me' and subsides for 'we'. Ego is revealed with creating boundaries, ethnic groups and religions for assaulting the very mother planet.'  The human assault on the earth not only threatens the very earth but also entire forces of nature of life, of life itself which will cause the death of man himself.'7

There is no difference between human being and animals to the planet, as a mother she cannot discriminate her children.  If the human being fails to respect the relationship for mutual co-existence, the nature will manifest to over through her infected part.


Today sex and sexual exposure has taken a major role in every sector of life from marriage to selection of clothes, shoes, ornaments and entertainment. Sex is the creation of nature which should not be given priority in life; at the same time it should not be obscured from the exposure, a balance should be drawn between sex and life.

Sex is beautiful itself but the beauty of orgasm has been exploiting by the human being since its origin; where and how to use sex as a driving force of life has not been observed.  It is over used and exploited.  Since the origin of human being, incest is taking place, incest problem is genetic problem.  One of the characteristics, which define cells and organism is being alive.  It is their ability to reproduce the offspring similar and identical to their parent, because they make what they possess the ability to make the same kind of proteins as did their parents in a similar and precisely controlled way through out their life cycle.  These characters inherited from parents are said to be inheritable for genetic.' Different ver5sion of particular gene might arise by mutation.'8

Gene determines the original characteristics of human being. Due to incest human characteristics are dehumanizing.  The symptoms of dehumanization are rape, killing, creating white terror by the power of gun nationally and internationally, not only creating terror for their human fellow they would be ready to eliminate entire entities from the planet.

If we go back to the Athenian history, Athenian children of the same father but different mother was allowed to marry. Marriage between uncles were also accepted and indeed some time encouraged. Plato wrote a law about incest.

In a close society marrying kit and kin is common because of unavailability of others to marry. Almost every society has suffered from encaustic problems. The result of incest is not pleasant which experimented in rabbits, rabbits lost their originality in size, strength and behavior. So it may affect the reasoning and analytical power of the higher race.

Dehumanization is growing rapidly due to mutation. According to the Hindu philosophy same 'Gotra' should not be get married. Their next generation would be unhealthy. Children are the future of humanity. If they are abnormal in thinking, reasoning and creating activities. The future of human being would be in danger.

Immune system of each and every person is very week and it should be protected for surviving. If they loose their thinking power, they will be destroyed even from common viruses. Since the late seventy's human' is struggling to be protected from 'AIDS'.

It is horrifying us which might be the early waring by the nature.

'Struggle for survival ' is s basic rule to exist in this nature bit we are weaker animals as compare to other animals. Humanbeing applied their thinking power to be a super animal. If they loose their creative power, they will remain as history for another developed creature.

Physical development cannot determine the psychological development, exploiting, poisoning, murdering, genocides are some examples of dehumanization which had  made history and still now it is in the process of making history.

Since the evolution of humanbeing, incest practice was common. 'People got married to their own tribe, not from out side. 'Why incest practice became common.' It can be said, one who can create have the clue of destruction. The very rule might be implemented on humanbeing through incest practice.


The human being's development exploring natural resources for scooting the life and maintaining supremacy among all animals, The population increased geometrically then we created an environment to be super among ourselves. Men were forced to exploit the hidden wealth of the nature, to exploit the earth, they need equipments and machineries. To supply for the demand of the society we reached at the edge where ourselves are endangered. Exploring other planets, understanding the micro magnetic forces of the universe are some of the examples of the material development.

Material development and human development are antagonistic with each other, the developments which men enjoying are the be-product of human brain. The nature has blessed it with unlimited power to create.

Modern sophisticated materials and human life are synonyms. Very few technocrats and labors are sweating to run the present world. Rest of the humanbeing is paralysed. Within thousands of years it will come stand still. One day artificial machines(robots) will replace the present labour force which are demanding food, shelter, education, medical care. Where would be the situation of humanbeing where labour force demands only lubrication?

We humanbeing  are preparing to go beyond motion, 'Motion is the source of life, 'If motion stops life goes off. The present form of material development is measured by artificial machines and now we are competing with each other for using these machines, preparing indicators of development, ranking the people from developed and under developed world, humiliating each other and spending just to identifying either rich  or poor.

We are highly developed living being knows how to imitate and to create than other animals. At present we are depending on machines even to do simple additions. Why should we exercise our brain if there is a calculator in your pocket? The man will not be able to calculate himself, he heeds calculator, his brain is paralyzed for calculation. A four year child starts thinking life miserable without television, housekeepers thinks life miserable without dish washer. These are some example of technological advancement. It is depriving us to conduct the life the way which nature want.

'Since few organisms live to maturity than are produced there must be a "struggle "for survival; which organs are not in use will disappear slowly. 'The very simple evolution of human hand is one of the example, as indicated in theory of  evolution, the hands were the front leg of Rama pithecus, homo sapiens. It is believed that the present from humanbeing is the evolution of homo sapiens. The front leg of homos sapiens were used for climbing  trees, picking up fruits, collecting foods and killing animals and many more activities. Due to constant practice of generation to generation, the front leg became as hand and humanbeing started walking upright using only two legs.

Limbs that are in constant use will become stronger and stronger, that which are not in constant use will be paralyzed during the course of time. How the artificial equipments are in use for sophisticated life, the same way we are termination ourselves as a slave of artificial equipment .These equipments which makes our life easier and lighter, are actually pushing us on the track of extinction.


The nature has its own systems of communication, some people say is co-incidence. If provides simple facts which are very important to observe. Before a tempest the atmosphere would be very calm. Our fore-father were able to predict the changing nature without the help of any modern equipment. Another way of communication where by we are seasoned to survive any type of weather condition. It also provides very sophisticated type of communication which is sent through different channels, before earth quake animals feel uneasy and some of them even makes wounds–cow moo and even cockroaches never remain in the premises, it will come out to save their life from the disaster. Many animals understand the signals of communication sent by the nature. Telepathy also is a form of communication.

We have our own reasoning, analytical and generalizing power. The nature has provided different types of receiving and feedback channel. The nature's communication system is more developed than technological development of mankind. Providing the example of calculator man, what the nature wants to tell us, 'human you should not be a slave of your own creation'.

The exploiter and exploited both are in a sense equal sinners- the exploited should have the courage to raise his voice against the exploiter. 'PARITANA YA SADHUNAM VINASHYA CHA DUSHKRITAM'.'To up hold good and destroy evil is Dharma 'the duty. 'It should be realized by man mohterwise  he is denying his own right in this world .Each and every person got their own right on earth, no matter he is rich or poor, cleaver or stupied, employer or employee, producer or consumer. The whole universe if exits in motioning the human is paralysed by their creation the existence of humanbeing is in danger.


Natural  phenomens are also affected by internal and forces, which are the cause of social and physical  changes. The need and desire of humanbeing are also unlimited in the limited planet.

The fulfillment of desire and necessities of the society yp to a certain level aimed by the society is considered as development. Society has developed to a stage where individual or personal possession or acquisition have been guiding principal for all social action. The Single mindedness or selfishnessed to the situation to exploit man for accumulation wealth and power. Fellow men f\are \forced to survive under animals. They are mechanized as machines and waiting for the final tickets. Exploiter they do not want of think, fex poited one have no time to think for the benefit of the human race and their planet.

'BHU SHETRA.JIEEVSANGYA YADANADI NIHAVANDHANAM.      'The earth is for different activities of humanbeing where they are bonded themselves by the result of activities. It further explains that we do not try to look forward about the future of our future generation. Our activities are so self centered that we think that the earth should be here until I am here.

Industrial revolution has taken place indifferent time in different time in different countries. The factories are forced to full fill the demand of the society and we need everything for being better than others, which created competition for material development. But we ignored the limited capacity of the earth whether she is capable of not to accommodate us with our unlimited material development in the cost of her breast.

Why breathing is difficult-nobody is interested on happenings. After the industrial revolution, factories of all over the world are producing carbon dioxide (CO2) twenty four hours of the day; it is happening since last 150 years.

The earth ha its own rules and boundaries to exist in the planetary system. Excessive activities might be violated her rules. Acid rain which has got the capacity of turning the world as a desert which is a product of excessive human activities,

The earth has her own dimensions which were discovered by different scientists. Newton discovered the 'Bravitational force', of the earth. It had provided the thought of external exploration, we have un limited way of expansion and the earth has limited dimensions. Certainly the result would be disastrous when the earth refuses to cope with the advancement.

If an inherited part is decayed simple the nature will remove it, In the present context, humanity at large can be considered a worm for the planet .The planet will remove the worm as 'Vermox or Zentel' removes the worm from the stomach of the human.

Every atom has it's own magnetic area, if they are charged they attract with another atom and creates violation; likewise, the earth has her own and shielded by her existing rules, if these shields are broken, the existence of the planet in the same balanced form will be in danger. Human existence is with the existence of the planet. Rules are the rules of the nature as a form of supreme power; many religion has taken it as God. The definition of God is given in 'YAJURVED'.

'The supreme being is omnipresent, immutable and pure. He is formless, there is no need for Him to assume a physical form to excite. His will, for He pervades all living thing. He is immune to diseases and suffering. He does not have blood vessels or pulse. The supreme entity manifest absolute purity. He is never tamed by any sin. He transcends desire, hatred, attachments and anger, There are some cannot touch him. He is omniscient. He is infinitely wise. He is all encompassing. He is self existent, eternal and everlasting (SANATAN).He is the creator, preserver and dissolver of the cosmos.

If you dive deep down the described form of the God can be viewed around you which is the nature. The universe is in order, If the order is disturbed due to human error for accumulating wealth and paralyzing themselves, not only the humanbeing by all entities of the planet will be in danger.


Creating and constructing is not an easy task; it demands a lot of thinking for balancing internal and external forces, If the internal force is weaker than external force, the construction or creation collapses, It is known as structural failure, It has a disastrous result, 'Some famous examples of structural failure including the Tay bridge in Scotland and Tacoma narrow bridge in U.S.A. which were collapsed when exposed to winds of 42 M.P.H.

The same principle is working for balancing the natural system of the earth. When the internal structure get destroyed, the external forces will easily invade the earth, The internal factors which are dismantling the earth are Global warming, depletion of Ozone layer, Deforestation, Excessive mining and Pollution.


6.1        GLOBAL WARMING:

The term global warming basically known as 'green house effect'. The earth is warmed by the sun. most of the heat is sent back or radiated into the atmosphere, carbon dioxide traps some of this heat, preventing from escaping into space which keeps the earth warm, if there is too much carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere, it will become too hot. It is called global  warming.'

The sun is the prime source of climate and the source of life of earth. The sun provides energy source in the form of light, 'about 25% incoming energy from the sun is absorbed in the atmospheric zone and another 25% reflected back to space by the atmosphere, mostly from clouds. The energy again sent back to space  from the surface of the earth which is trapped  in the atmosphere by the gases released from the earth.

Excessive production of carbon dioxide and other gases from the chimneys of the factories and oil rigs makes a layer of carbon dioxide, it is clearly visible in the atmosphere, the blue sky gets obscured. The regularities of the earth gets constipate..'Any changes in the chemical composition of the planet's atmosphere that will lead to a change in its climate. The earth do not possess the same climatic condition in the past, it took billions of years to develop a balanced tree of climate where animals can survive. Due to global warming, snow melts and the sea level rises up. Low level lands are in danger of drowning .It will destroy the land.

'Industrialized countries are consuming 75% of the total energy consumed by the world. The population of the world is around five billion and 1/5 of the world population is with the industrialized countries. Artificial energy production is the main cause for depositing the huge layer of carbon dioxide around the globe. 'Air lines are also responsible for 3% percent for global warming. Due to high movement of people one country to another, one continent to another, the demand of air lines is increasing, if Air lines increase their service to full fill the growing demand, by 2020, air lines will be responsible for 30% of global warming.

The figure shows the thick layer of gases in the atmosphere of the planet, where escaped heat is trapped.


As human are self centered and profit motive. We are out of the conscience to control the global warming .  It is increasing in alarming rate.

The effects of the global warming are in many areas of earth. The rise of sea level, increase in the density of the sea water which contains most of the liquid for balancing the earth. Some vegetation will not survive, yielding capacity will be destroyed or the quality will be destroyed. Human health is mostly affected, some animals will not exist, ecological system will be changed, In this changing situation many animals would disappear.


Many people have been thinking humanbeing can adapt adverse conditions. But it is not true for the climatic change, because they need a constant type of condition of the earth even to survive. Weather and climatic change effects in human health in different ways. 'Firstly, the incidence of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases are already highly co-related with extreme climatic conditions.

Many researchers have indicated heart related problem increased due to climatic change respiratory irritation increases if temperature rises. Many diseases are seasonal, the natures communication is in a symbolic form, which warns us. If you destruct the balance of the nature you would be in danger.


The impact of climatic change would be in rainfall pattern, it will be irregular and some time long drought will hit certain areas of the world, The result : herbivores will extinct .As an early warning system of the nature. It has been happening since many years in some part of the world. Many animals during the time of draught. People survived with imported food. If draught hits around the world for 7-8 years what would happen? Definitely the existence of humanbeing will be threatened.



Pollution will rise dramatically due to rise temperature of the earth. It will create inhaling to the humanbeing, impure inhaling is a cause of degrading of humanbeing. If the human body does not receive proper energy, how it can work properly. Irritation, illogical decision, tyranny and crime,  many more, many more improper the various ae the symptoms of degeneration of humanbeing. Pure oxygen would be difficult to get from the nature.

Plot thought for classifying humanbeing. All entities were honored equally in the East. 'The supreme personality is situated as the supreme soul within the cores of hearts of living thing whether moving or non moving, including men, birds, animals and indeed all living entities in the form of trees. If human being were aware of their role for mutual existence in this planet, the situation would have been controlled, but in contrary ,they have concentrated to maintain their supremacy exploiting the natural balance of this planet. It happened due to high aspiration of humanbeing, now the problems reached at the apex where we do not have the capacity to control.


To understand and to reach in the core of the relationship between humanbeing and plant, the following diagram would help .

How beautiful are the creations of nature. Inhaling and exhaling air is just an example. The exhaling air of humanbeing is required for the plants likewise exhaling air of the plants is required to the animal kingdom. How dependent with each other are for their internal combustion force-which is a form of life. This reality should be understood by the humanbeing as taught by Hindu philosophy. A Hindu philosopher pointed out that there is no need to born these poor tree any longer. Let what ever trees still remain- be happy, indeed, you should be happy. Now there is a beautiful will qualified girl named Marisa, who was raised by the trees as their daughter, you may accept this beautiful girl as your wife.

The value tried to establish between humanbeigh and plant is becoming more significant in the contemporary society. Plants and animals are interdependent. Since the beginning of human history, trees are playing vital part for development, Timber is utilized as to form shelter even in the modern world. Most easiest form of material is wood. We have been destroying the trees very rapidly this is done by humanbeing to accommodate uncontrolled population who become most inhabited animal in this planet. 'Over twenty million hectors of tropical forest are being cut down every year.'

The nature has provided super consciousness to human, who is blind to understand the effect of disappearing interdependent living thing.


Forest are providing shelter, food, air and breeding ground for all animals. All living thing need to eat,  breath and reproduce; for these activities all living things are interdependent. Animal helps animal and animal helps plants likewise plant helps animals. An injury to one is an injury to all. Let us think once how are they helping with each other.

Animals help animals: Strange thing happens in nature for surviving. A bird honey guide attracts the badger to break the hives. Here both animal and bird are working together for surviving.

Animal helps plants: Very simple example is bee, it helps to many plants for pollination. Pollination is the act of carrying pollen from one plant or flower to another plant or flower of similar plant or flower. It is a creation of nature because bee moves from one plant to another in search of nectar, during this process they are helping to pollination. ‘Did you know that there are over 900 types of fig tree and each one is pollinated b different type of wasp.,34 Likewise all animals helping plants indifferent ways.




The relationship which nature has created is the law for interdependent and creating sound ecosystem of the planet. All animal deserve foods from plants directly. The diagram will explain about the food web in detail.



Birds                                                                                                   Lizards


             Snails                                                                           Insects


                                                      Land plants

‘If the population of one of the animals in a food web is altered, all the others are affected.’ 35  The nature is in the balance to create conducive environment for mutual coexistence. The materials are stable in the natural system, for example: Plants need good soil, for formation of good soil organic materials are needed,   Dead animals are decomposed by bacteria and fungi which makes good soil structure to grow healthy plants for animal consumption. So basically, in nature there are consumer, producer and decomposer. These are working together for recycling the natural materials.

Many link exists between plants and animals. They help each other with food, reproduction and defense. But this also means that the removal of just one plant or animal can disrupt the lives or even kill many more.

The result of deforestation will be most of the animal lost their breeding ground, soil erosion, irregular rainfall and landslides. It will affect on the food production which will force people for migration. People will loose their value and norms for surviving. Surviving will be basic norm for human being. It will lead towards disappearing track for human being.




The water element in the earth anatomy can be compared with blood stream in the human body. The water part of the earth is called hydrosphere. Ocean, ground water, running water and lakes are the main parts of the hydrosphere. For keeping the balance of this planet, hydrosphere also as pivot but human being neglects the important part of the planet as if these are made for their disposal. During 2nd world war thousands of tons of gunpowder was poured in the oceans. Poisonous waste  from the industries were dumped in the river, lake and sea. Oil tankers have been exploding almost every month and some time deliberately toxic oil was dumped into the sea. The industrial waste and untreated sewage system turned the ocean water poisonous.

Some of the lakes and rivers and coastal areas of the sea is highly polluted. The metallic element such as lead, mercury and others are left in the river which turns the fish and other sea food as poison. All sea food should be checked before supplying in the market. We act according to our will and wish forgetting the consequences. Hydrosphere balances the temperature and moisture contents of the planet. The chunk of hydrosphere is highly polluted. The polluted moisture affects this planet. Decomposed material mix with water when water gets evaporated it automatically pollute the air which we feel and depended as combustion for energy.

One of the most widespread forms of water pollution is the oxygen deficiency brought by the eutrophication.’36 Due to eutrophication, the oxygen level in the sea water depleted as a result living animals in the water finds it difficult to survive. Unknown diseases develop and mercury poisoning becoming common as mercury related waste released directly into the river.

If impure blood cycles around the body, what would be the condition of the body, the body malfunctions and indicates that it is sick. The same way, our planet is sick because of its blood streams are highly polluted. How this impure water system affects the entire entities of the planet will be explained providing a flow chart of water cycle.



7.1        THE WATER CYCLE

                                 Clouds form

                                                                Water vapour condensed


 Polluted atmosphere

                                                                Water vapour rises

Ground rainfall

River flow into lake, swamps and sea               water.

Flow chart 37


The water cycle is very simple, polluted water gets evaporated and falls as rain. When the water evaporates, other elements are carried with the evaporation which decomposed and mixed with the water. So the rain pours down impure water gets absorbed in the ground and comes out as sprinkle. To understand the nature of polluted even rain water and underground water, the particles which are acting in the atmosphere should be understood. ‘There is a tiny particle called Neutrino, the greek symbol NU. The neutrino has an electrical charge either no mass or very little but it is able to possess both energy and momentum and has an intrinsic spin’.38

These neutrino are the product of beta decay ; such kind of charging and decaying process are common in atoms world. H+H+O = H2O. Atmosphere is highly polluted and universe is flooded of neutrino ; such there is no way of escaping from polluted atmosphere.’ The neutrino penetrates the earth as if it was not there.’39

When the atoms are charged by the electrical power in the atmosphere , some atoms are discharged with the rain water , which carries impurity in the rain water.

   If the sea water is highly polluted, the purifying process of the nature would be failed and human do not have he capacity to purify the raining water. The nature has warned us providing acid rain.

The sages were survived with water and air for a long ti when they were in entrance for thinking spiritual findings.  ‘The thought is micro and things are mire micro which we do not possess the knowledge of it’.40 Still some saints possess the power of desired death.41

    In the polluted atmosphere, the mental is imbalanced. In the imbalanced mental state thinking power would be imbalanced.



‘O food giver (nature) provides us with healthy and energy giving food. Grant happiness to those that give in charity. May all living being be pleased with energy giving food ,.42 This is a meal time prayer whose energy depend on food.

Pure blood is needed for the better function of brain. The food which is consumed is digested in the stomach. The fibrous part of the food turns into the discarded part, some parts turns into blood and helps to build up the worn out tissues. In the forming process, the semen formation is very micro part of the blood. For formation of healthy semen, Satwik (pure food) should be consumed. The brain needs pure blood, unhealthy food cannot produce pure blood; only Satwik food produces the pure blood.’ Due to the labour of the brain or mental labour of the human being are the factors of decreasing the energy of the blood. So heart needs to send the blood towards needed area.

The process of thinking depends on the types of food consumed. According to Hindu philosophy, mainly three types of food are available;  Rajo guni;  Satwo guni and tamo guni. Rajo guni food produces a kind of spirit of work but it does not long last and consumes the energy of the brain very quickly. Sato guni : this type of food is useful for the brain. These food are milk, fruits, wheat, ghee, grapes, apples, green vegetables and light foods. Tamo guni : this type of foods add fat in the body, makes dull and it cannot provide the strength to the brain.

We can say that there is a connection between brain and food consumption. But the first question comes; how could you determine the real good quality of food which is healthy to consume? You may think, this is a silly question in this scientifically developed world. What do you think?

Human being is under the threat of ‘Radiation’. The earth as such is under the threat of radiation. After the ‘Chernobyl’ disaster some part of the Eastern Europe was highly affected. The food production was highly radioactive which was condemned for human and animal consumption. The radiation absorbs the soil and remains for long period of time.

‘To fullfil the demand of the society, intensive farming technique is applied. Combine harvester gather tons of grain from enormous field’.44 World population is increasing in alarming rate; so intensive farming should be done to meet the growing demand; for bumper harvest Chemicals and fertilizers are used without limit.

Intensive farming technique is after loss and profit; they are driven yo maximize their profit. So they are using different types of chemicals to protect their farm. ‘They kill indispensable earthworm in the opinion of growing the fertility of the soil and to impair the nutritive quality of the plants that grows on it’.45

Mostly industrialized countries are after intensive farming technique because very few % of farmer should produce the food for large number of people. High chunk around 95% people are employed sector in the industrial sector. So some of the people of industrialized countries have not the natural test of the food; The test is altered according to used fertilizers, consumed food by the animals; test of milk changes as provided feeds. Fruits are produced in genetic engineering concept. We are consuming many fruits without seeds; but it is an form of impurity of fruits. The way we are producing the foods was not asked to produce by the nature’. These production is determined by demand and supply’.46

‘The discipline that organizes the mind, the life breath and senses is sattawik (yogi). Action performed without love or hat, without desire for its fruit, the mind that knows the difference between work and renunciation, right and wrong, bondage and liberation fear and fearlessness is Yogi’.47 To find such kind of person in this impure world is most difficult. Impure food consumption produces impure blood which receives by the brain and such brain with full of impure blood can nit determine the sattawik path of life. So the genocide becoming common in the present world. The impure food production also contributing for human degeneration, degeneration is a step forward on disappearing track.


To understand the affects of external forces on earth we should understand the nature of an atom. It will help to understand the position of earth in its solar system.

9.1. ATOM

‘Atom is the smallest part of an element that has all the properties of an element’.48 More than 150 years ago, English chemist Dalton had given this definition of an atom. Today, we know that an ‘atom’ is made of more  smaller with three different components. If you look at an atom of element , you will see small particles that are spinning around the nucleus, the orbiting particles are ‘electrons’. In the nucleus there is another particles called ‘protons’. It is heavier than electrons. Each protons has a charge of electricity, it is said negative charge of electricity.

Atoms are the constituent element of a compound. Those are combined together in different ratio. The formation of water is given as an example. The symbol of water is ‘H2O’49 There are two particles of hydrogen and one particle of oxygen. These particles are elementary particles and possess an electromagnetic force.


‘Each atom is made up of electrons circling around a nucleus. The nucleus is made up of protons and neutrons’,50 Three different elements structure is given in the diagram.

Hydrogen                            Helium.                               Lithium

O proton (+)                        0 Electron(-)                               0 neutron

Diagram 51                                                                      (Neutral)


Ordinary hydrogen ha a nucleus of just one proton. It is the only atom without neutrons. A single electron is spinning around its nucleus. In every element the method of formation looks the same; the different is adding one proton at a time for each new element. If the protons are increased the same numbers of electrons are also increased. So in each atom , the numbers of protons and electrons are equal. For each increased electrons, a new orbit shell comes into existence.

‘Imagine that an atom is like a tiny solar system. You can think of nucleus as the sun and electrons as the earth and other planets circling around the sun’.52

The earth is just like a particle of a matter in the solar system which is functioning its own way for existence. The earth has its own gravitational force; to go beyond of its boundary extra force needs. There is gravitational balance between earth and sun. In the balance point, many artificial satellite are kept and started functioning as the Moon or those are moving around the fixed orbit of the earth.

Every ‘atom’ has its own magnetic field. So they are capable of attracting another particles. Polar molecule attract each other electrically. If some of the particles are affected by external forces, there will be internal imbalance of the particles.

If the internal force is weaker due to destroying different components of the earth, the other planets, asteroids can affect the gravitational force of the earth. If an asteroid attracts towards the earth, the existence of the present earth will be in stake, the earth might be dismantled and the position of the earth might be pushed back further from the sun. The point where the earth is positioned in the solar system is vital for developing living things. If the earth’s position is changed, the present life of the planet will be destroyed. Once it happened in the history due to the asteroid which is called as the Ice Age. The Ice age is after the Dinosaurs epoch. Due to high acceleration of asteroids, every living creature of the ground was destroyed.

The solar system and position of asteroids.









The path of all planets around the sun is elliptical. They move in different speed and they will not be in straight line forever. The diagram shows their position in the solar system.

‘ In the milky way and outside the solar system, there are millions of bodies that do not follow regular paths. They hurtle through space until they are pulled by the gravity of some large body; some of them are very big, these bodies are called Meteors. Some burns out due to the friction of atmosphere and some does not’.54

If external forces have stronger or weaker gravitational force, it will be the cause of collision. The second collision will be the change in orbiting path of the planet. The Halleys comet changes the axis of orbiting. If it comes to collide with the earth, the earth will be dismantled.

The position of Halley’s comet.











The earth is a form of matter, the combination of matter dissolves and attracts  with each other. In planetary system, earth is an atom, sometime or other it comes under destruction. Whatever has formed must be broken that is the rule of nature. ‘ Destruction is inevitable’.56 but the time is not predictable.



Human being themselves are the product of this beautiful planet; their attitude toward their mother is rough. Mother has an obligation to grow them up and the off springs deserve the right to survive on the lap of their mother. All off springs are sharing the common resources of the planet. But the human being is the most selfish animal among all living entities. They have created their own boundaries on earth.

Many economists and political economist have scratched their head to create economic thought for the development of human being or for that particular society where they have grown up. They are provoking free market economy, free market policy where human being are not free to move from one place to another then how can we imagine about free market.

Market is the place where people have choice of purchasing and selling. But the present situation of the human being is as caged bird in his own birth place           (Planet). If you want o move out of your cage, you have to bear the bullets or solitary confinement in other side of the demarcated line ; tribes are divided and killed on the offence seeing or meeting their relatives. It is a living fact which is happening in the so called boundaries of all the countries.

Free market, free competition for surviving the better way than others are the provocations of superior mentality, in reality super powers are not followed the course, what they preached for; they have protected their interest to maintain their supremacy; if you are barrier of the super power’s interest, you will get power full punch on your face. So there are so many trade barriers under free market economy which are protected by heavy machinery, in real term military capabilities.

Resources are exploited under the name of development, the cost of development is unbearable for the planet because every country, society want to explore the hidden resources and trade.





Natural resources are the asset of this planet. Gold, oil, diamond, platinum, silver, aluminium, copper, iron, mica, magnesia and many more like natural gas, water trees and others. The list of the materials would be long; these are exploited the human being.

The resource which are under the category of extraction from the earth are non renewable resources. These materials are formed as a structural part of the planet.

These non renewable resources are not divided equally in all part of the world and some resources are found more in one part where as another part is without any underground resource. The planet is for all entities but resources are to those who explored them and utilized them without the concern of all entities of the planet. There is no yours and my place, the planet is for all living beings.

Middle east is rich because of exploitation of underground oil reserve. The oil is a resource of this planet, but these are exploited only by the few and the consequences of the exploitation of these resources should bear by all entities. The wells of oil are burning with emission ‘SO2’57 carbondioxide ; it is also another cause of acid rain. Utilizing natural resources and accumulating and developing mass destructive weapons and destabilizing neighbouring countries such as ‘Gulf war’ is one of the result of unworthy exploitation of natural resources.

Most of the energy consumption is done by developed countries , which is one of the another cause of acid rain and depletion of ozone layer.

Some of the countries are exploiting their natural resources such as minerals and selling it in the world market; Excavating process not only steals the part ; it also weakens the total structure of the planet. They are accumulating their asset on the expense of the planet.

When the earth was formed the nature did not distribute the natural resources equally. Excessive mining damaged the balance of natural system. Due to imbalanced distribution of natural resources some human are enjoying and some are struggling for survival. The figure below shows how our fellow beings are suffering.

‘-1.3 billion people lack of access to safe drinking water. These are from under developing countries.’

‘-2.3 billion people (around half of the world population ) are suffering with lack of satisfactory sanitation facilities.’



The development pace of the development was not accelerated at the same time of the different part of the world. Each part of the world had its own development period. It was not accelerated at the same time. Some parts of the world’s people were engaged in spiritual development. Because they were content with their social set up. These were mostly from the bank of Ganges. These people were self sufficient while some other part of the world people were living as nomads. They did not posses simple skills of agriculture.

The people who were living in the fertile plain of the Ganges were highly devoted for spiritual development and developed the oldest religion of the planet as Hindu religion. Veda (source of knowledge)  were written. Veda provide the highest philosophical background of the hindu religion.

Buddha left his palace n search of ‘Mukti’ enlightment. Around ¼ of the world population are following his way of life. Buddha left his palace around 800 B.C. , in the west plato was struggling to create his ‘Republic and law’ around 600 A.D. Athenians were dividing human being as inferior and superior as Barbarian and Athenian.

Athenian were sent out to create colony, they were practising eunism thus they were growing in population and in military power.

When sailing mechanism developed some of the European countries started controlling nearby places. Britain became the colony of Dutch. Portugese started the business to the east. They had used their military power for overthrowing the ruler of the countries. The same way German expanded their colony and later stage by the British ruler and became a country of never sunset. Almost half of the world was ruled by the British empire.

Looking at the past ‘Hindus has been more successful than any other civilization in elaborating a philosophical and religious system.’

‘Thirteen century ago Islam formulated a theory that all aspects of human life- technological, economical, social and spiritual are closely related- a theory that has been only recently been rediscovered in the West in certain aspect of Marxist thought.’

‘The west, for all its mastery of machine, exhibits only the most elementary understanding of the use. Potential resource of that super machine, the human body; in this sphere. related question of connection between the physical and mental, the east and far east are several thousand years ahead. They have produced the great theoretical and practical summer  represented by yoga.’

These examples indicated that some parts of the world were engaged in spiritual and mental development while some other part of the world (west) were engaged to expand their colonial system and mechanism development.



The colonial system tried to overthrow the culture of the people and they tried to overload their imported culture, slowly endogenous culture subsided as time passed on the culture developed to suit with contemporary society.

Free flow of ideas for balance development stopped which was grounded under the yoke of colonialism. It appeared being a most harmful for human being. The colonial master left their cultural way of life ; it happened in most of the colonial countries.

As a result of colonialism, the people of same creed were divided and social conflicts started. Some of the new generation became anglo...

Colonial master were after exploitation of natural resources. Most of the valuable minerals were taken back to their countries. The exploited money was used to build roads, buildings, schools, Hospitals and many more. They developed their educational system for technological advancement. When they were mining, the mining technology was in primitive stage and they mined very roughly as a result most of the resources were discarded and dumped.

They misused the non renewable natural resources. Precious stones were transported to their country. They took accumulated wealth back to their country and indigenous technology was stolen and refined. They sold the same technology in high prices to the colonial countries.

Human value was degraded, slavery system was introduced and killed the natural talent of the people. The status of women was degraded as second class citizens. It is still in the concept of men, which was brought by the colonial system. Women were regarded in some part of the world as Goddess and possess high honour in the society even though they had gone through some dark stages of the history.

The study of local language was not encouraged and method of educating the people was changed by force and in most of the countries they did not provide proper education, they promoted missionary schools, especially those run by Christian missionaries.

Racism developed very highly, men started to hate their fellow beings according to the caste and creed, some of them were considered below the animals. ‘ Separate benches were kept in railway station for the natives in India by the colonialist’.63 Some of the ugly face of racism  still can be seen in South Africa, Toilets, Area, Restaurants, Schools were separated for White, blacks, and Asians. The newly formed democratic government is trying to abolish it but the mentality of the human nature will take time to rub it out. Still racism exist in its full peak, every year racism related crimes are increasing in European countries’. Los Angeles riot in U.S.A is a part of racism related riot’.64 where many Asians shops were burnt out.

The colonial power was exploiting both natural and human resources. They have developed as industrialized countries which are producing the high priced goods from the exploited materials. Officially, colonialism is not existed but economically they are controlling, even they possess the power of over throwing the government; if the government do not serve their interest.

Men have the right to utilize the resources which are renewable for their existence but when question arises for non renewable resources should be considered for human race, the hidden so called resource is not only the right for particular country or race. If the human being is the creature of this planet, every effort should be utilized to upgrade the quality of life but not in the cost of human existence.

3.6 billion people do not have not enough resources whereas 1 billion people have more than enough. The nature is trying to balance it but human is creating more problems themselves. If one human is in misery then another human also in misery. Look at the example of AIDS. It is attacking regardless of colour, continent, countries and developed or under developed.

 If the human continue to exploit non renewable resources further for another 100 years at the rate of present consumption, most of the resources will be vanished from this planet. The core of the planet will be weaker, volcanoes and earthquake will be frequent whereby the human existence will be threatened.



The human population is increasing very sharply, the projection of human population is given below.



4           almost                                                            





   1800  1930  1960  1975  1990  1996



‘In 1800, the world population was 1 billion’.65 As shown in the projection, the world will be 6 billion by 2000. The urban population is in explosive situation. By 2000, almost 2/3 of the population will be living in the urban areas. Urban areas are growing in the developing world around five and half time faster than in the developed world’.66

It indicates that many people are going out from the agricultural activities even in the third world. Especially in the third world, resources are little to cope with vast number of population. So agriculture related business would be one of the most flourishing business for the next century.The people will starve, to full fill the demand of the food supply bumper harvest would be required. Most of the grass land of the world including America, Canada,Ausrtralia and Newzeland should be ploughed. To control the pest, pesticices should be used. It has been using since many years and the use of pesticides will be increased dramatically.

11.1      PESDTICIDES;

Any substance used to control or destroy a pest population.Repellent also is classified as pesticices. 'Pest may be regarded as animals ,plants or other orgamism that at a time or in some situation are considered to be underirable for health, economic or aesthetic reasons.

The use of pesticides has increased and stabilized the yield of farm product. It has also beneficial in controlling the incidence  of malaria and many other deseases which are transmitted by insects.

'The use of pesticides is growing very rapidly since 1930. Which affects the food grain as poisonous mercury. It get concentrated concentrated more as they move up each stage of the food chain. For example, if a fich is affected by the mercury, who eats the affected fish, they will also we affected by the poisonous mercury. 'It is believed and suspected around 1950 the DDT has the same effect as mercury.

The natural system is interrelated, eradication of insect that might effect wild life, poisoning of birds. The men themselves are in danger as other insects by the pesticides. 'The pesticides effect has been shown in the ground water also,'



Some pesticides are highly toxic and short lived but some of them are permanent… These toxic are non degradable once which have all the various compounds of mercury, arsenic and lead.

Pesticides are poisonous and these are frequently used every where such as kitchens to kill cockroaches and insects. In the garden to kill ants and other insects, in the bed room to kill mosquitoes ,in the library to kill book worms. It shows that human life synonyms with the pesticides.

These pesticides affects directly to the nervous system of human; slowly it is affecting in the brain system and most dangerous part of the pesticides is affecting in the genetic system. It is the cause of deaf, dump and immature of child birth; in 20th century, immature child birth became common.

Whole world is breathing poisonous.'72 million liters of deadly chemicals was poured in the forest Vietnam during the Vietnam war.' There are many expert. Who we are convinced that natural ecosystem are profoundly disturbed by pesticides and who predict that the earth will progressively become unsuitable to human life if present trends of pesticide use are continued .

Due to deficiency in human chromosomes, the world population would be handicapped one way or other. The cost of this is not countable where the entire human existence would be in stake.

'Both body and mind belong to the nature and must obey the nature's law.' Otherwise the destruction would be nearer.

'The mid 1980 world wide sales of herbicides exceeded four billion US dollars per year'. It indicates that how much humans are consuming pesticides to make their life more comfortable and safe. Each person is spending around 80 cents per year. The majority of pesticide user are from developed country. If the  human do not use the pesticides wisely, the natural system would be broken where the human existence would be in stake.




Many economic divided the economic stage for the development of the country. The question is not with theperticula country as limitation of the mother planet becoming narrower and narrower. So the impact of international economic reflects in the natonal economy. It is complex and interdependent, IN tis complesworild of economy every countries are trying to protect their economic system using their different ways of controlling. Some countries declared closed economic sister; forexap\male before Rajib's era of India. Some country they do not declare but they are imposing different yare of trade agreements so that their market would be in their hand very minute ,USA 's economic system can be taken as as example.

12.1      MARKET.

'The area within which buyers and sellers interact of effect economic change', is market . The access of the market is the prime source of the developing economy . If the market is closed the exchange or the heart of the economy is not beating. The market is accessible or not accessible; it happened due to market division between so called development countries. Even they are not behind to create their puppet type of government in third world countries for accessing their market. It indicates that there is no free trade in the world. The free trade is controlled to sell their low quality product in the global market, the aid package will some together with the trade agreement.

Different type of trade agreement and treaties are made to control the free trade. To keep the people in illusion, they are provoking free market or market economy, where the people's movement is restricted, how can we practice free market economy. The concept of free market economy no longer serves the real meaning. The reality is different in the global market.


'A nation of country that relies heavily upon market forces to determine the levels of production and consumption , investment and savings, these are determined by supply and demand . The government is depend on heavy taxes.

The general term of free market is to determine production upon demand and supply and market forces determines all factors of economy within their boundaries.

In the global term it is not the free market economy, If the market is controlled how the market forces determines supply and demand. Behind this free  market scene heavy military capabilities are guarded to protect their interest. Human resources are also a major part of any economy system buy these resources are restricted to sell their skill and labor in the global market . The free competition for free market is restricted in the so called free market concept. The contempory concept of free market economy serves only to those countries .Who possessed capacity to break the boundaries of different agreements such as MFA. LTA. Tariff Agreement etc.

The free market economy provocateurs are not ready for real free market. They have created trade barrier such ad ICA.


International understanding usually reflected in a legal instrument relating to trade in a particular  commodity and based o terms negotiated and accepted by most of the countries that export and import commercially significant quantities of the commodity,' Export quotas are introduced to protect domestic product. If is highly introduced in developed countries between trade with other developing countries.

Some the developed countries have subsidized their product just to export the product in the global market, France subsidized the agriculture product: many other developed countries subsidized their product either way round.

The developing countries do not have proper irrigation system and modern scientific technology for their agriculture production, how can they are forced to sell their raw materials in cheaper price to developed countries and returned back to them in higher pieces. How these developing countries can cope the competitiveness of the global trade. In one had developed countries are restricting to import imposing different agreement and on the other hand they are creating technological gap between developing and developed countries. In the name of development, they are forcing to utilize their defined product which do not control by any trade agreement even with the quotas. Free flow of refined product in the third world market or countries. If there is imbalance of development ; there is no free market economy.

Some of the economist pleaded for controlled up to the certain stage of economic development. According to them economic stages are; 'Barbaric, Pastoral, Agricultural, Agricultural manufacturing and Agricultural manufacturing commercial. They have suggested between the two last stage required economic protection until the final stage was reached.'78

In the world market there is no place of free entrepreneur people, they are suppressed by the so called developed economy, a caret weaver of Nepal has a very prosperous market in the developed countries by the/she is controlled by different barriers. Let the human resource compete with each other force prosperous development by it is not happening. They are controlled and made limited by different barriers and boundaries.

Third world countries are depressed by slow economic development and  they are loosing the ground of international market. If they are coming up with the market strategies; they are suppressed with so called developed technology; what ever they produce, the thing is available in good quality in their local market. Which is imported from developed countries. Thus third world countries are suffering from developed countries. There is a lot of technological gap between third world and first world countres, third world countries became the fostering ground for developed countries, in word they are exploiting weak situation of the third world countries.

Developed countries had exploited the natural resources in excessive way.  It helped them to prepare their technological background and third world market.  They do not want to enter with the free trade agreement especially with the third world.

Free market do not serve any type of restriction, it deals only with the supply and demand of the market forces.  If there is any type of agreement between two parties.  It falls under the controlled economy. In this concept threre is no free market economy in any part of the world.  Every country is protecting their own product.  This is a great barrier of producing qualitative and competitive product for the consumption of human being.  Developed countries are provoking free market economy; but they have prepare to control their market.  Their concept of free market is to prepare the market for their product.  If their interest is not served; they will create market terrorism especially for third world companies and countries.

To maintain the supremacy and to divide the market of the third world, they are creating conflicts civil wars etc. It will help them to sell their weapons, which is the beggest industry of the developed countries.

'Supremacy is a form of dictatorship which is guided by their vested interest to maintain the supremacy.79 It is Ahankara, (ego) a quality manifest in the behavior of the human being.  In some country people are dying by starvation and in another country people are busy to dump their bumper harvest; here the quality of human being is manifested.

'About 10% of the planet potentially fertile land has already been turned in to desert or waste through human interference while further 25% is in danger.80

Human being is not concerned about the planet, they are concerned about their development.  The same thing is happening in the concept of free market concept; So called developed countries are not interested for real free market which will benefit entire human population of the world and will be carried balance development without putting in danger the planet and human species but they are concerned for creating their market only.

'The developed countries which environmental damage they have done needs to spend 60 billion US dollar a year just to maintain the present situation of the planet.'81 But they are ignoring the fact what they have been damaging the planet.  This situation is created from so called free market economy where there is no balance development, they have kept the existence of human being on stake.


Energy plays a vital role for development of any country. The supply of the fossil fuel is limited and it is non renewable. In early 1970, some alarming projection were made. According to the projection, if current rate of economic growth continued, there would be a devastating shortage of fossil fuel by the year 2000.

The rise of the oil price in 1974 caused a back in demand and economical growth in many industrialized countries. So, alternative resource of energy was developed as ‘Nuclear power’. Many industrialized countries established nuclear reactors.

‘The earliest work on nuclear was done in U.S.A and nuclear power was first used to generate the electricity in the early 1950 in Britain. The nuclear power station has been built in most industrialized countries, even some of the developed countries like Brazil. It is believed that still it is the cheapest, safest and most economical means available at present to generate the electricity on a large scale’82



Uranium is mined in America, South Africa, Australia and Russia. The crude ore is crushed and chemical as solvents are added. The chemicals are used to make yellow cake- a mixture of uranium oxides. A very small (7/1000) part of uranium is known as U-235.

Uranium is used to prepare the power by harnessing the power of the atom which undergoes under chain reactions. This is the process of charging and bombarding the atoms of Uranium. If the process continue unchecked and the uranium packed densely enough, a nuclear explosion would take place. In a nuclear reactor, the density of uranium fuel and the rate of reaction are carefully calculated to ensure that it burns evenly. The energy given up in the fission process is used to heat steam which drives the generator turbines’83


All materials used in nuclear cycle are radioactive. ‘The involved materials, including towels are contaminated with products such as Strontium-90, Caesium-137, Plutonium-239 and Americum-241; which are not safe for thousands of years’84
The effect of radioactive materials on the living thing is called radiation. Radiation is a very powerful form of energy that is absorbed by everything around. A certain level of radiation is acceptable for living thing. If it is more than the certain level then it is very dangerous. It affects the chromosome which carries the hereditary factors of animals, the effect remains for hundred years.



Nuclear reactors are closely monitored by experts and it is built in a very safe manner. It is a kind of illusion because every constructions are not safe for long run. Every material has its own life span and decays within certain years. So reactor fraction of time, the present physical form of the planet would change. The place of India where the earthquake was hit known as safe place for earthquake, but an earthquake which recorded 6.4 Richter scale and devastated the area.’ ‘Around 10 thousand people died’.85 such kind of accidental threat always faces the earth.

13.4      HUMAN ERROR

Human being is surviving under different stresses, emotion, frustration, ego, hate and others. These who are involved in nuclear reactor highly trained professional even though they can make errors. Human errors are supervisory errors, detective errors, inaccurate reading scales, weak construction and material combination errors. These errors can lead towards disastrous accident. The ‘Chernobyl’ accident is a lively example.

‘After the 7th day of Chernobyl accident, large area of Europe received significant contamination, as rain washed radioactive elements out of the radioactive cloud. Children in Eastern Europe were particularly at risk’86

The Chernobyl is taken as human error, no matter who they are, they must have been affected with the present situation such as family breakdown, bureaucratic processes, unhealthy working situation, personality clashes and mentally imbalance. The human negligence always existed due to the certain circumstances in the working situation.


Every material has its own life span, the life span of the material can be shorter and weaker if it is used in abnormal environment or condition. The same story might be applied to the material which are used to build the nuclear reactors. The nuclear reactor might be broken quickly than the expected period where the expert might not even thought of it. The used materials condition should be checked time to time and must be replaced within certain years. It is not cheaper as they claimed. The nuclear reactor should be renovated time to time. In some cases, they have to reconstruct the reactor. If the accident occurs, entire living thing will be affected which might be one of the cause for disappearing human being.


The used fuel in the nuclear reactor has to be transported away for dumping. The common practice to reduce the level of high levelled radioactive is by evaporation. The process is not safe at all because the radioactive cloud can be formed and it will affect the whole environment if it is not re condensed. Evaporation process is safe might not be told in this stage because radiation can not be reduced by evaporation, it will transform the level of radiation one to another form. After the evaporation, the high level radioactive substance are stored in special cooling tanks. In some countries fused into pillars of dense glass for final disposal.

The high level radioactive materials such as Plutonium-239 and Strontium-90 is transported in heavily screened containers by rail or ships. If these rails  or ships get involved in accident, the total area will be contaminated. As the construction of nuclear reactors are increasing, the rate of radioactive accidents cam also increase. The projection of increasing nuclear reactors is .given below which was projected in 1973.

‘In 1973, 40 plants were in operation, 56 were built which were ready for operation, 101 were planned. By 1980, 401 plants would have been operated throughout the world.’87

The nuclear reactors construction pace is not accelerated as projection, even though some of the countries major electrical energy is nuclear energy.’ In 1986, 366 nuclear reactors were at work in 26 countries providing different % percent of total energy required by the country.’88

France            65%

Sweden           42%

Japan                        23%

U.S.A                       16%

Russia            10%


These countries are the developed countries, their energy requirement is very high comparing with the rest of the world. It indicates that the nuclear waste is produced in substantial quantity and these large number of nuclear plants waste are transported through different cities, town and villages. Those cities, town and villages might have been running private companies. There is a trend, especially in capitalistic society, they estimate the margin of profitability; in another word ‘cost effective approach’. It is found both in private and public sector. If the reactors waste dumping is too costly, why should they be ventured on it but they have seen the high profit margin keeping the secret of dumping hazardous waste material. To make it cheaper, human value and in long run human existence is in the cost.


Nuclear dumping is another issue in nuclear business. Different countries are adapting different methods for dumping the nuclear waste. Some countries like Sweden built large scale underground stores for dumping their nuclear waste. They claimed it is built in geologically stable ore.

Low level waste which may range from reactor coolant to paper towel are discharged into the sea or buried. Some countries have not decided what to do with the nuclear waste ‘They are investigating the possibilities of disposal in the sea or either by dropping in containers designed to penetrate ocean floor in the less deep areas.’89

‘The waste from nuclear power station in U.K (United Kingdom) and France sent to a nuclear re processing plant, where the waste is separated into different radioactive part. Some low level waste is pumped straight into the seda.’90

The produced energy is used for heating houses, running factories, trains, radio, fridge, television etc. The countries which are involved for using nuclear energy cannot escape of it because they are involved deeply for creating jobs. Enough energy source is a most important factor for economic growth and development. The more they produce the nuclear  energy, the more dangerous effects are growing. The future generation is in stake due to highly exposure of radioactive materials.

The effects of radiation explained by K.C. Morgan, he emphasizes that ‘the damage can be very subtle, deterioration of all kinds of organic qualities such as mobility, fertility and the efficiency of sensory organs.,91

Te affect of radiation will appear from generation to generation. The new generation will be affected more because the movement of radioactive materials are growing rapidly. Many ships with heavy loads of food and materials cross the sea where they have dumped the radioactive materials who has given the guaranty. The effects of radiation is not in consuming the fish, especially sea fish. Most of the exporting area, they do not check the effect of radiation unless it is brought in attention. The fact is nuclear energy source remained as synonym of human life.

Not only nuclear waste, other waste are also human health hazardous. ‘ The OCED countries produced 300 million tons of hazardous waste in 1990, 70% of it is dumped in land  fill.’92

Sir George Porter, a noble prize winner of chemistry said that ‘man has grown up enough to be trusted with nuclear reactors.93’ and Illegal dumping of nuclear waste is increasing. It is a dangerous practice for human beings which might throw human being aside from the planet.


Most of the people are afraid of talking about sex. They think talking about sex is a sin but it is nature’s gift to the living beings for keeping up their generation. Human being is a super conscious animal, among them, sex is taking place frequently than other animals but they are not ready to realize it as a force of driving their life. It is the factor of creating family’. Marriage involves in exchange of love and affection.’94 As told, sex is the prime factor of love and product as offspring are the blooming buds of love.

Coitus is an outcome of emotional feelings- attracting the opposite sex. Animals even tiny insects experience this feeling. Many wars were fought for sexual reasons. Once women were the chief of the clan and they were free to have sex with whom they desired. As development increased and leadership shifted from woman to the man, they were not ready to accept it. On the other hand, woman were captured from other clan, they were forced to have sex with men because they were the ones who captured them. The power struggle started between woman and man. War was fought which slaughtered sisters, brothers, mothers, sons, daughters and fathers. In the war, they captured their own sisters, wife and mothers; then they started to keep their own personal wife to satisfy the sexual desire. Later o, it developed as family relation but women were highly suppressed, it still exists in every type of society and in every corner of the world.


Culture, it is a reflection of the social behaviour which has been brought in from generation. People were living in the forest as nomads but they set some norms their day to day activities and other social pattern, such as marriage, sexual behaviour, celebrations and feasts. Basically festivals were centered around entertainment, the entertainment was centered around sexual exposure. Many rituals were made for sexual pleasure; circumcise can be taken for an example.

Sexual behaviour was determined upon availability of opposite sex. Many tradition maintained to show up sensual part of the body to attract opposite sex. Marriage traditions are maintained as society progressed on in sexual behaviour. Today we are the witness of polygamy and monogamy societies. Even traditional dances are centered around arousing sexual feelings mad many dances are created for stimulating sexually. Sex becoming the center of human being, sex is required no one will deny it but what should be the sexual behaviour of the contemporary society has been remained as prime concern. Many rules and regulation are made on it.


Sex, which can not be talked frequently in the public places, still human deny what the real thing is, they will enjoy talking about their dogs, but not of sex. Everybody is a product of sex. The art of sex has been developed but the young are prohibited from acquiring tat knowledge. Some of the thoughts on sex, which has prevailed in the society are:

1-                 SEX FOR REPRODUCTION

Sex is required for maintaining the life cycle of human being. During the time of Plato ‘EUGENICS’ was practiced for producing healthy child. Spartan had selected the healthy child for the country, others were given away. The child was mainly for the country, after the age of five, the parents had to surrender the child to the country; the country had the responsibility of training, educating and grooming them as responsible young citizens. They were free after a certain age. Since, they were groomed as required by the country whereas in the East it was mainly for child production.


‘ When Kasayap was meditating, Diti, his wife appeared and she desired of sex; she expressed ‘O learned one, cupid (Kama) is taking his arrows and distressing me forcibly as a mad elephant troubles a banana tree.’95


Here, she was very open with her husband about her sexual desires, this happened because her husband was present, she was so conscious that she did not beg for sex for her bodily requirement, but for a son. So she was ready to have a sex at right time even though Kasayap Muni was meditating in a trance. She said ‘you should be kind towards me by showing me complete mercy. I desire to have sex and I am much distressed by seeing the opulence of co-wives, by performing this act you will become happy.96



Biologically, sex is required, no one denies it but here question arises how to use sex for fulfilling biological requirement. People are mostly involved emotionally during sexual activities in the name of love. Love with the opposite sex manifest as love making session but the sexual activities are taking place without love. Frequently, in every part of the world, brothels are registered by the government, and men are using them to satisfy their sexual need.


Human being are independent animals and are highly conscious but they are misusing their independence. In some countries, very few people are stick only with only one partner, some of them have more than four sexual partners in their life time. Very few men and women are faithful with each other. A new survey in America showed that ‘7.3% is the median number of sexual partner per man.’97  It indicates that sex is taken as bodily requirement.







Enlightenment is Mokshya or salvation where hatred, attachment and ego are vanished in their action (karma). Sex is described as a source of reaching nearer to the salvation if it is used in proper way and direction. ‘Ego vanishes in copulation,’98   Egoless character is a form of enlightenment, for a moment we have reached in the form of agelessness and ‘timelessness is created’99  At the moment of real copulation neither past and future remains- where two souls are united. ‘The intense desire of the being is to know one’s real self- to know the truth. To know the original source which is eternal, which is timelessness, to unite with which is above time, pure egolessness.’100 This is the form of enlightenment, it is only possible me  the art of copulation in short time and space.’ Even after a life time of sexual experience a man is not able to detect that in an intercourse, there is a fitting experience of Samadhi, a peeping into super consciousness, and that is the gravitational force, the super attraction.’101


The thought of enlightenment prevailed in the decade of 1970/80. To create the vacuum of the moment is not the form of enlightenment; ‘it should be realized in the form of husband and wife where husband becomes the god and wife becomes deity, only in this form the power of sex will be realized as a form of enlightenment. We as human beings have mis-utilized the vibrant energy of sex.


14.3      THE FAMILY


We might wonder what could be the relation of sex and family, the origin of family begins with the division of work for surviving. Whether there is real family or not, sex is taking place which is a natural instinct- the product of this instinct is a child. The child needs a  lot of time from the adults and proper care for helping them to develop. It is the beginning of relation of sex and family. In the later stage of the social development, personal wife came into existence which is needed to perform the cooperative works for the existence of the family. Wife and husband are the guiding forces of the family. The family chart indicates the cycle of the family which has been running from generation to generation.














Stage of no 7 is the beginning to setup a new family. In fact, step no 4 of the family cycle is the new generation. The inherent capacities transferred from the old ones. So the new born baby should be free from defects but it is not possible for the contemporary society because the family concept is going to be minimized. Not only this, every minute of a woman is raped also.


Three billion people are under stress for daily living, almost all people are affected one way or another. Mostly, sex is taking place in distressed, hatred, irritated, frustrated and emotional stage of mind. In this stage of mind, if the child is conceived, the child will not be developed properly, especially in the stage of mind.


‘In Britain only 1.25 million children are with single parent.’103 ‘The children are distressed both psychologically and emotionally. In society like Britain highly industrialized and individualistic society have to be good income to live better life.’104 This is an example of developed country what would be the situation of developing countries; 3/4 of the total population of the children are suffering from mental and physical distress. Girls under the age of 16 are abused sexually. Some children are living in the society where drugs and gangs are dominating the society. Some other children are living under the barrel of guns; these are social problems which affect the young brain.


We are free from an early to mix with the opposite sex and no longer restricted for choosing someone from our own village as life partner. The kind of attitude that said a woman should be virgin on marriage has been disappearing from almost all parts of the world. It is disappearing rapidly as living conditions are going to be difficult. An American survey shows that ‘the median age, the white men lost their virginity at the age of 17.2 years.’105 the society is in the middle of the transitional phase whether old tradition and values are restricted and new values have not established.


Both married and unmarried indulge in sex since teen age. One of the famous Indian literary write ‘Premchand  knew about the sex at the age of 13.’106 It displays that many children are exposed with the sex at an early stage of their social life. Comparing with other society, Indian society does not accept the involvement in the sex especially to their children even though they are exposed to it. what would be the situation of the children where the sex education, sex shops, pornographic magazines and television shows  are sexually motivated. The vibrant sexual desire is becoming the guiding factor for their social life. In this situation how a child can except a sex as a positive major  of life.




Human being is confused in the powerful world of sex. They have degraded below the level of animals for sexual behavior. Animals have their own pattern and entered into the wilderness; most common sexual behavior are:

Homo Sexual: The sexual contact between man and man. It is widely expanding and they put their views as human right. Is it the human right?


Lesbianism: Homo sexual woman; sexual contact between woman and woman. It is also expanding as veld fire. ‘In the western countries, there are homo sexual clubs.’107 Kinsey study of 1948 of American sexuality stated that ‘homosexual accounted 10% of the population.’108 ‘The New York Times once estimated that they are more than one hundred thousand homosexual population in San Francisco only.’109


These two forms of sexual behavior are known as Gay. These gays are the reflection of the degrading generation. They are asking homo sexual as human right. What form of human right is it? This is left to decide ourselves. Is it another form of human degeneration?


Human animal sex: performing sex with animals, human a conscious animal fulfill sexual desire with other animals especially dogs are in the fore front.’ The poor animal is stimulated to have sex with man. At least animals have kept their boundaries but human have became wilder.


Rape : Forceful sexual intercourse between two individuals which is becoming quite common in our world today. ‘For example, the rape case in |South Africa happens once in 83 seconds.’110 What would be the situation of rape around the world? Specially women and teenage girls are highly victimized. Among most of the cases, around 85% are not reported.


Artificial sex: To satisfy the sexual desire, artificial sexual equipments are used such as vibrating machine as penis or as vagina for men.


Masturbation : Stimulating sexual organs oneself for fulfilling sexual desire and practiced by both sexes.


Oral sex:  Stimulating sexual organs as a form of sex. ‘An American survey showed that 43% of black man performing oral sex while 62% reported receiving it and 79% of white men reported performing oral sex while 81% reported receiving it.’111 It shows that oral sex is common.


All these forms of sex are not the art of copulation. The forms which are mentioned are dehumanizing behavior of the human being.




The question arises what is moral. Sometime moral is described as time and situation but in this context of sexual morality can be taken as human behavior. Sexual desire which can be controlled and used if needed cannot be explained as biological need. If it is regarded as biological need, should not be performed with others than husband and wife. Ditty represents the sexual morality.


If the sexual trust is not established between husband and wife, the entire society will be robbed and deserted. It robs the happiness, develops misunderstanding, lightens the value of love and the concept of family will be eradicated. Family is the most important for up bringing the offspring. Without the proper love of mother and father, the child would be developed as lost human being.


Observing the sexual behavior of the human, it can predict the future of the human being. The sexual morality is lost and in the name of free society, the human values and norms are lost. The human being is indulging around the sex which an unfortunate reflection of human generation. ‘The libido is more vibrant than lightening and more powerful than nuclear energy’...112 is misunderstood and used it without love. Sex no more represent the ‘action of love where the woman are tortured for sexual satisfaction.’113 There is something wrong in the social order, which should be change. In the changing process, the human being might be endangered.




Due to the fast economic development and protection by the super power; some of the countries are raising their head as regional authorities. Some of them are members in regional organization. Regional organizations like EC, SADC, ASEAN and SAARC. The objective of these organizations is to enhance regional co-operation. Under the cover of these regional organizations, regional powers are emerging and some of them have applied in Security Council for permanent membership. Some of the regional organizations were formed to control the growing popularity of socialism. These are aligned forces to combat against communism in regional basis. The guidance and shelter is provided by the capitalistic block. The main objective of these regional powers changes as world’s political situation changes. The emerging regional powers are after grabbing the regional markets.


These are American military bases in Europe, it is justified military presence saving them from the danger of communism. So, USA is controlling the building up military capabilities in European countries. The regional powers are under the banner of super powers. It would be easier to control the small tiny or powerless countries through their puppet powers and they will share the available market.


Super powers are manufacturing mass destructive weapons such as chemical and nuclear weapons. They are armoured with long distance chemical war head missiles and large military capabilities. The regional powers are trying to build up their military capabilities following the route of super powers with the ambition of being super power.




In most of the cases, regional powers are engaged to destabilize their neighbouring countries so that the neighbouring countries’ economical and trade affair remain as aligned with them. South Africa is a regional power in Southern African territory. South Africa always promoted trade with neighbouring countries and tried to make them economically dependent on South Africa. Making economic dependency is a form of neo-colonial system. To promote trade and investment peaceful society is a prime factor, so these regional powers are provoking peace. In reality, if neighbouring country does not accept their neo-colonial policy then the destabilization process starts.


These regional powers are aligned with the super power either way round so that they will feel secure to exploit the backward technological situation of the neighbouring countries. They will object the self reliance policy of the developing countries because the self reliance policy is a threat to the market of the developed super powers.


Almost all neighbouring countries of South Africa possessed very high potential for development which was taken as a threat by the apartheid regime and they destabilized the neighbouring countries. The cost involved for destabilizing is very high. ‘South Africa’s military aggression and destabilization of its neighbours cost in the region 10 billion US dollars in 1988, over 60 billion US Dollars and 1.5 million lives first nine years of 80’s code.’114


Sound development is the process of sound social system. Where society feels insecure, tension then the citizen condemns the government and the government blames the people. Thus distrust will be created between the government and the society. This is one of the cause of civil disorder and the development process will be stopped.


21st century is a trade century, the war between trade to trade. The super power will be threatened by the economic development of the third world countries. The fostering market of the third world will be grabbed by the developed countries if the third world is not aware of it. in this economic war fare, local expertise will be developed and the countries basic infrastructure will be established and the living standard of the people will be uplifted. Society will be changed from saving oriented to consumer oriented society. In this economic war fare, every small countries possess the power of economic development. ‘Hongkong, Singapore and Thailand are the example.’115


Regional powers are emerging in every corner of the world and they have seen the value of market creation. So these powers cannot tolerate the neighbouring market going out of their hand. India has a regional power in Southern Asia, Iraq and Iran in Middle East, Netherlands and German are emerging power in Europe, Canada, Mexico and brazil has regional power but the are trapped by their big brother USA.


The regional powers have their ambition to be a super power which will cost billions of dollars for military expenses where as human being is suffering from malnourishment around the globe.


The basic nature of the super power is to squeeze the world underneath their palm. If there are many super powers, they will divide the world into their territory. In this dividing process, another world war may break out. Third world countries will be bones between many bull dogs.







Nepal’s trade dependency with India dropped 60% within twenty years. The second was to some extent nationalistic politics of Nepal did not allow for fulfilling the vested interest through t he government of Nepal. Thirdly, Nepal was exposed in the international market. These facts were not bearable to the regional power India. If India want the peace, co-operation and development of neighbouring countries then such kind of transit treaty would not have been imposed on Nepal. It displays that India wants to control the neighbouring countries trade applying various means.


The same way the situation of Sri Lanka can be assessed. Sri Lanka was a very peace loving country with majority Buddhist. The Tamil descended from India created problem. The people who live there might have some problems but could have been solved in the negotiation table but India was not interested on it. India wants to prolong the civil war between Tamil and Sinhali so that a prosperous country which might as threat for trade of India. If they divide the tiny country in ethnic basis what resource will remain in Sri Lanka. Iraq’s invasion over Kuwait is one of the lively example of destructive nature of regional power.121


In the ambition of being super power, they will exploit their natural resources at any cost. What cost will py by man for over exploiting the natural resources. it is out of their conscience. Due to this ego (Ahankara) of the regional power, thousands of wells of oil were burned or destroyed in Kuwait and Iraq. Those burning wells were polluting the Northern hemisphere of the planet. The regional powers and super powers are not concerned about it. Who is going to pay the damage? Is it payable damage? Certainly it is not a payable damage. It is threat for animal existence in this planet.





This varies from place to place, country to country and region to region. For example, ‘Lesotho is a land locked country with no independent economy and four hundred thousands of Sotho are working in South Africa. Main source of income is tax revenue and tourist from South Africa. South Africa has launched murder raids, kidnapping and some sabotage attacking against South African refugees and their friends. Nearly, five hundred death resulted between 1980 and 1988’116


In Swaziland, destabilization process was different between1980 to 1988. ‘Swaziland’s transport link to Maputo have been sabotaged to deter shift in export and import routes., Botswana also have suffered from South African destabilization policy- Botswana has lost one hundred lives and spend 225 millions of US dollars for defence. Botswana is a land locked country, as a result, Botswana has to depend on South African ports for exporting goods from South African port. ‘The net cost of Botswana of higher South African prices and reduced custom proceeds amounts to about US$ 300 million over 1980-88, while net excess transport cost are roughly $50 million for the period.’117


Similarly, destabilization process  in Southern Asian countries, where India stands as more than regional power. Pakistan and India’s dispute over Kashmir has been a war zone and both of them are trying to destabilize each other. A war was fought in 1972, where many lives destroyed and billions of US Dollars was spent. Both Pakistan and India has been spending their resources directly or indirectly to build up military capabilities. Both of them are suspicious on each other.


Small land locked countries like Bhutan and Nepal are in vulnerable position. In 1989, there was a dispute between India and Nepal on trade and transit treaty. India wants to combine trade treaty with transit facility. There is no any link between trader and transit. Trader depends on the economical situation of the country. So these two different aspect should not be linked together. ‘ Land locked states would have the right of access to and from the sea, would enjoy the freedom of transit through the territory of transit state.’118 The UN charter have clearly stated that transit is neither facility nor sympathy, it s the right of the land locked country. India violated the UN charter. If the land locked country want even to explore sea, international community should have considered on it. Vast oceans are another important natural resources, these resource should be utilized even by the land locked countries.


‘A treaty was signed in 1950 between Nepal and India by governments giving national treatment on the basis of reciprocity.’119But it was not honoured by India and relation reached almost in critical phase. ‘During 1989, India imposed unilateral trade embargo which ultimately brought drastic change in the political system and the form of the government in Nepal.’120  Nepal had to bear cost of billions of US dollars including close down of many factories and the high cost of petroleum which was transported by aeroplane.



Creating terrorism in another country is another face of regional powers. Terrorism has different nature. Driving away minor groups which migrated from neighbouring countries and have been inhabited for hundreds of years. Driving away Nepalese origin population from Assam state of India is one of the main example. Driving away population have to settle in Nepal. The cost is high. Creating civil war in Mozambique became the heavy burden to the neighbouring countries especially for Malawi. ‘Malawi’s economy devastated  mainly because of the sabotage in Mozambique. It has forced 90% of Malawi’s trade to distant port of South Africa. The mass terrorism that has brought nearly seven hundred thousands Mozambican refugees to Malawi.’122 it is not needed to involve directly even they can use their puppet government of neighbouring countries or they do not initiate to solve the problem which was created due to the misunderstanding between the neighbouring countries. India for example remained as spectator in the driving away process of Nepalese origin people from Bhutan. ‘Around one hundred thousand Bhutanese refugees are living in different part of Nepal. Refugee problem comes directly to the next country. India drove away the Bhutanese refugee towards Nepal. It is a part of terrorism created by the regional powers.s



Creating market monopoly is a part of market terrorism, to create monopoly any type of trick can be applied. So small scale industries would not survive in the neighbouring countries which is a great barrier towards self reliance. Self reliance is needed in the early part of the economic development of the developing countries. If we don not accept the self reliance policy, the world economy, monetary system would be controlled by a small number of capitalist. Regional powers are invading directly or indirectly in the market of the technically less developed neighbouring countries. Nepal’s economic problem is to compete with the Indian products that are cheaper in the market. The same type of problem is in Southern African countries. South Africa is providing is in Southern African countries. South Africa is providing more qualitative product in the market than the manufactured in the country. They are not only providing cheaper goods, they are also trying to control trade with the developed countries. If these regional powers feel as threat t their international trade from neighbouring countries. Directly or indirectly they will create problem to the neighbouring countries. Countries like Nepal will be forced to export their products by air transportation which is a costly affair. As a result, demand will be less in the international market. The national economy and unemployment rate will be increased dramatically.

 Nepal has been exporting handmade woolen carpets in the European market. In early 90, Nepal’s carpet is labeled as product of child labour but the fact is different. Nepalese carpet producers were sending carpets in the Netherlands for washing which was costly. To cut down the cost of carpet to be competitive in the world market, Nepalese established carpet washing plant. As a result, the washing plant of the Netherlands threatened as well as some jobs of Dutch people. So they publicized child labour to the buyer in European countries. The point which I would like to clear that Nepal was selling the carpets since many decades and the buyer in European countries never raised the issue of child labour. Certainly the child labour as a form of exploitation should not be accepted. They know child labour is slightly better as a form of training than child abuse of their own developed country. When they felt threatened, their business and job market due to the development developing country then they raised the question of child labour. This is a characteristic of Hegemonism and it is a part of market terrorism.

The countries which are destabilized throughout the world have done to create their market. Let us look at the example of Angolan civil war. Angolan civil war has been going on since past twenty years. How and when it will end is up to the decision of their aligned super or regional powers. The war against the Angolan people and its economy is ruined. ‘In Angola, South African forces intervened openly and massively along side of its proxy force –UNITA- that was supplied by US.124 This civil war ‘displaced over 1.5 million people, and made refugees of 500,000 (five hundred thousand) more. Angola has the largest number (40,000) of limbless people.’125

Another example of Chile: ‘Chile is a country of South American continent where socialist allied regime nationalized the American owned copper industry. The Western Bank  cancelled their loans, the American government reduced its aid to almost nothing and the CIA and a group of multinationals engaged in a destabilization campaign which brought right wing government to power.’ The same story repeated in Jamaica, ‘where the Prime Minister Michael Mainly increased taxation on the Aluminium ore which is exported by Western multinationals. These company helped finance the election campaign of his right wing opponent, Edward Seaga.’126

All these ate the examples which are brought for overlooking the existing situation of human being. The threat are posed by the human fellow. The powers are trying to exploit the natural resources for their own benefit. If a weaker country tries to uplift their situations, they are suppressed. It is a clear content of dehumanization. These powers are busy for developing their military capabilities whereas millions of people are malnourished, dying from starvation and sleeping under the sacks. This is a clear evidence that human being is degrading.



‘At least 20 (twenty) million people have been killed in 150 (one hundred and fifty) armed conflicts since 1945.

Casualties: ‘First world war 5% civilian was killed. Second world 50% of civilians were killed and in Lebanon war 90% of the deaths were woman and children.’127


‘A twenty mega ton thermos nuclear bomb exploded on a clear day at a ground level on a large city would create a fire ball one and half miles in diameter, with temperature of twenty to thirty million degrees Fahrenheit. Every thing in the town area, the streets and the earth below and all living thing will be vaporized at six miles from the epicentre. All people will instantly be killed by a huge silent heat flash travelling at the speed of light. Glass would melt and building will collapse when hit by a supersonic shock wave and wind of 300 hundred miles per hour.

Even mild wind of 20 miles per hour would carry fall out as far as 1500 miles where everyone exposed could receive a lethal dose within 24 hours. Sub lethal dose would produce an increased incidence of still births, foetal malformation, leukemia and cancer. In subsequent generation, genetic damage would probably appear.’128



Man used arms to defend themselves against wild animals. It developed as killing wild animals and accumulating foods. In the stone age, axe was used to kill large animals bigger than their size. As thinking  ability and the population of human being increased, the use of available materials developed to protect their life from different threats. Thus human being became a dominant animal of animal kingdom.

Fire played a vital role for self defense, the method of controlling fire and producing fire was one of the significant achievement of mankind. When the population of human being increased, they need more area for collecting foods and they have to be more stronger than other clan of tribes. They started to produce more weapons to protect them from others.

The present situation of huge stock pile of destructive weapons is the result of being super between their human fellow. So that they will be able to control more territory than others which is reflected as their development.

During the first world war, very few human lives were sacrificed comparing to second world war. During first world war, there were no stock piles of destructive weapons. So destruction was less.

‘During the decades of 1947 to 1978, USA alone had spent over a trillion dollars on armaments which is three times more than the figure of its participation in the second world war.’129




In the history of the development and evolution, many Emperors of different territories tried to rule this planet by their military power. Dutch, British, Germans, Japanese, Mogulas, Byzantine and many more ruled different countries.  At that time there was an obligation to defend their country from being yoke if imperialism. So the people developed the arms which can protect them from other rulers. It was a symbol of development and power. Even tiny countries made canons to protect their country. Many wars are fought to get free from colonial powers and they have succeeded to some extent. After second world war, many countries of the third world became free and people saw the tragedy f being under developed. So the government started to develop the arms military capabilities and some of them again emerged with imperialistic ideas. They tried to be the boss of the world. Since the October revolution of Soviet Russia in 1917, the cold war era started. The era was known as arm race era.

Together with the demolition of the colonialism a new progressive ideology emerged threatening the rotten social system. Society always progresses towards the truth and justice. To demolish this emerged power, the imperialist formed a group to control the threat of social progressive force.



Russian October revolution emerged as a threat to the capitalists and their values. So the west and allies were more frightened. The progressive force was growing like a veld fire all over the world with the change and liberation. These progressive forces were attacking the imperialism and colonialism throughout the world. Liberation movements were growing. As a result many countries were liberated and towards the end of 1970 almost all colonized countries were free. Newly established socialist countries were under attack of imperialism and colonial power. The imperialistic forces tried to overthrow newly born socialistic system using old revisionist forces of the country. Even it happened in Soviet Russia. In 1921 and 22 around two million active counter revolutionaries flooded to Paris, Berlin, Istanbul and in the capitals of other bourgeoisie countries and continued to fight against the land of Soviets from there.

Soviet Union built up their military capabilities to protect socialism. So west allies were more frightened by the emerging forces if workers and they build up their capabilities to suppress the movement of working class. In 1932 most of the German voted for Hitler. Vote of the communist were also rising. Hitler claimed that only he Nazis could prevent a communist from taking over. Basically the world divided into two polar, socialism versus capitalism.

Capitalism basically based on exploitation of the labor forces and creating monopoly on the world trade. They were highly concentrated to exploit the natural resources of the third world countries. The division of society was between exploiter and exploited class. The founder of Marxism established the relationship between two historical process; the emancipation of the working classes from bourgeois oppression, on the one hand struggle of the oppressed nations against colonialism on the other. Lenin stresses that ‘the replacement of capitalism by socialism is a historical epoch comprising whole series of democratic and revolutionary movements, including the national liberation movement, in the underdeveloped, backward and oppressed nations.’

The main role of October revolution was to spread national liberation movement. The colonial power backed by imperialistic power were suppressing the national feelings and at the same time colonialism was hampering in independent economy, culture, etc. During the second world war the western power attempted patriots of Egypt, Syria, Algeria, Madagascar, Malaya and the countries of Indochina.

The Soviet army had made major contribution to defeat the imperialistic power. One step forward and two step backward policy was utilized when the red army fought against the German fascism. ‘The Soviet Union lost 20 million lives in the war against the Nazis (Hitler) defending themselves and rest of the world.’

‘In December 1960, 15th UN General Assembly session adopted an historic declaration on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples.’ It was a heavy blow to the imperialistic power and they failed for direct rule as a colony and adapted a new method which is known as Neocolonialism. Under this method , these imperialistic powers are controlling the economy of the third world countries so that they will move around their orbit. In one hand imperialistic powers are lowering down their flags, on the other hand they are attacking massively newly emerged forces of working class. To full fill their desire and creating the market for their product they engaged to build up the arms and organizing capitalistic forces against the working class of forces. Globally military presence of the imperialistic power is the main aim of controlling the growing popularity of the working class, the formation of NATO in 1950 is one of the major step of military organization of the capitalistic forces. The massive aid and military presences of USA determines the guaranty of security of Europe. ‘An elaborate system of formal alliance around the Eurasia rim land a supplemented Washington’s bilateral or otherwise multilateral securities to Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Australia and New Zealand.’

The people liberation movement were in full swing and Soviet Union have supported some of these liberation movement and provided some facilities. The liberation movement no longer remained the peoples movement, the two super power had over taken. So ‘The Soviet Union leap forging of the old containment ring has eventuated the acquisition of facilities with varying degree of access in numerous third world locals Algeria, Angola, Cuba, Ethiopia, India, Kampuchea, Libya, Mozambique, Peru, South Yemen, Syria and Vietnam.’

All these military presence and their allied made the world as a ball of two big powers; for influencing the under developed countries, they have piled the destructive weapons and sold for their puppets. ‘The basing access co-relate with a close arm supplier client relationship- featuring a sole or predominant major power role.’ Some resources reported that ‘US bases has been reduced to about 700 from 7000 during World War II.’

During the peak stage of ideological conflict, national liberation movements were interfered by the super powers and prolonged the civil war; Angola, Vietnam and Mozambique were the victim of the super powers. The world was a battle ground for testing their ideology. These super powers and allies are contributed to the most if the human misery in the 20th Century.

Intervention on the liberation movement is a tragic aspect of human life; the social conflicts are for the betterment of their society. It sprouts as exploitation grows in the society. These conflicts cannot be controlled by the arms and cannot be liberated by the foreign military power. Liberation is an internal phenomena of the society. The society should be ready for the liberation from exploitation then the society will be liberated; no one can control the liberation which is driven by the united power of the people. Every aspect of the liberation movement should be uplifting the life of the people. If the society is dedicated for their own betterment; what the use of interventions. The imperialistic powers do not want to see the society other than their developed; they considered it as threat for them.


16.4      SPACE RACE

In 1955, both USA and USs had announced their attention to launch a small scientific satellites by 1057 as contribution to the international Geo-physical year but the American had no idea. The Russian launched their first SPUTNIK successfully then American took it as their political and prestige value. ‘Let us get this particular show- not on the road but off the ground.’140 After three weeks, the Sputnik did not send the signals, the USA continued the wok on the Navy’s space project at the American Eastern test range at Cape Converal Florida. ‘On third November Soviet launched Sputnik-2’141 To make it more attractive, they had sent a dog in it. ‘On December 6, 1957 just two months after Sputnik-1, the American were ready to lift off into marathon race.142 \it failed to inter into orbit. The Soviet Union launched another model Luna-2 landed in the moon after 34 hours of lift off.’Up ti 1959, there were 35 space launches-19 of them failed all those 19 were American143

Both super power have taken their space 0roject as their political  and ideological prestige. Scientifically advanced countries had influenced in the arm production and selling.  The American get to blow in space projects; so they organized and ordered for increasing the arm budget in their alliances es specially in NATO countries.  Other side USSR was suffering from defending the new social order and economy was not fostering as technological advancement.  Both powers had spent quite substantial amount in their space projects.  They are using their, satellite for different purposes most of them are collecting information for spying with each other and they were creating terror to the people.

After six years of NATO’s birth, the socialist block organized under WTO in 1955.  This was established as competitive force with NATO.  The people of USA and USSR were not willing to see the arm race between two super powers but authorities were creating scandals of attack from each other.  To justify the expenditure on destructive weapons, they have given the name of ‘national security’.

Now, the space is full of satellites most of them are lying as wreckage. ‘In 1989 NASA scientist were astound to discover a cloud of debris’.  144 There is no count who and how many satellites are sent to the apace.  The future generation will be survived in the debris of the wreckage if this planet allow them to survive.

16.5                CHEMICAL WAR ; 1960 -1980:

People want change to make their life more easier and better, which has been happening throughout the history of the mankind.  The same way Vietnamese revolt to overthrow the feudal system of Vietnam. Moe interesting thing happened, USA took interest to control the people’s desire for change as if it happened in their own country.  They deployed US army, started bombarding the areas where most people were living.  They have taken the ground for testing their newly invented chemicals which they spread throughout the forest of Vietnam.  The US strategy is to bombing in massive area and intensive chemical and mechanical forest destruction. The ultimate aim manifested as testing effectiveness of chemicals in war.   In short this US strategy represented the intentional disruption of both the natural and human ecology of the region.145.

‘More than thousand chemicals were tested in the USA during second world war.’ 146 The USA eventually expanded a volume of more than 72 million of liters ; the major anti plant agent that were employed by the USA , in Indochina War.  They were color coded’ orange, white and blue. 147 The chemicals were used for military purpose, First, UK attempted to use chemicals as military weapons in Malaya.

Some of the third world countries also have the access of chemical weapons.  Large quantity is stocked in Iraq and Germany.  In the world more than 150 thousands tones chemical weapons and 55 tons of highly toxic nerve agents are stock piled.  A large part of it is deployed in Europe.  Even some of the cult group have used nerve agents in Japan. These nerve agents are very deadly weapons which can kill millions of people by few kg.  The American have put in to service UX the most powerful organ no phosphorus toxic agent.  Whether taken through respiratory organ or applied to the skin one Kg. Of that agent can kill almost four million people.148 Such kind of deadly chemical weapon developed and stock piled around the globe.  Due to security region, all countries do not expose what they have possessed but most of the regional power shave these type of chemical and biological weapons.


The people and the forest of Vietnam became the testing ground where we can see the effects of chemicals on human and in entire ecological system of Vietnam.  The chemical weapons destroyed most of the flora and fauna and wild animals of Vietnam.  Short term effect could be eradicated but it has left the long term effect on human.  Adverse effect of chemicals are chromo some defect and mal formation of fetus.  The used orange agent it contains Dioxin.  ‘\human exposure to dioxin occurred both directly at the time of spraying and indirectly through the diet owing its lengthy environmental persistency and its more or less environmental mobility (with movement occurring up food chains which culminates in human).  148 \if any chemicals enters in food chain as a form of poison it will effect to the new generation.  The war for new generation which very dangerous to the human existence.

An intensive study showed that ‘Dioxin is an extra ordinary potentic disfunction, It is shown in laboratory mammals to be Carcinogenic (causing cancer), Tera togenic (causing birth defects) and its lab

Oratory test has shown that it is potentially Mutagenic (causing genetic is DNA or gene damage.150

It showed that only one super power can make subsequent damage in the environment.  What about other super powers, they have not sat back as spectators; they have also developed chemical weapons for their own security.  \it explicated that use of chemical weapons even to possess only might be a threat to the human existence.  Let us look at another examples of \nuclear weapons displays around the globe which are more destructive than chemical weapons.





Development of the nuclear war head is entirely the game of two blocks.  They have produced nuclear war heads to maintain their supremacy and to fool around their puppets.  They are relying their security on nuclear related technical facilities which are deployed in different military bases which are in the strategic points of the globe.  Most of the development have done by own country but they have full range of capacity to cover the globe within no time.

‘The USA and its NATO allies had continued to deploy nuclear armed.  Hercules air defence missiles.  There are 320 Nike Hercules missiles in Germany only.151  These Hercules are the old models which can strike around 160 miles in average.  As time pass on the developed technology is improved with more accuracy so These old model was replaced by conventional.  Improved Hawk and patriotic missiles. These new improved missiles are deployed around the globe especially in the NATO allies such as Belgium, German, Italy, The Netherlands and Turkey.  Some of these are also deployed in South Korea.

So called power balance concept have robed the happiness of mankind; if we come to know about the power play of these two super power blocks then we will realize the position of human being in this planet.  Not only the USA, The same route also followed by the Soviet \union.  ‘USSR also deployed several models of nuclear armed SAMS : ABM-1B Galosh, the SJ-04/08, SA-Gammon.  The Soviet \union deployed a total of 2500 SAMS, many of them are nuclear capable.153.

In 1983, Ronald Regon said that one day the America ‘might make ballistic nuclear weapons.’ 155  He wanted America to go ahead in all aspect of technological development especially weapons and the tone of language spoken was as the supremen reality of the universe.  \let us read the another tone of Regon,  ‘We will maintain sufficient strength to prevail if need b. And they (new nuclear missile system\0 ae our best hope in ...winning).

All these examples shows that nuclear was head have taken the measure for war winning The war with whom ? It might be with the existence of humanbeing.  They had linked arm development with the national security’ where as the developed arms possessed the capacity of destruction of entire planet and its living thing.

Nuclear bombs Neutron bombs and atom bombs are the achievement of so called superpowers.  They can destroy the world’s entities about 13 times as one source coated.  These superpowers are ready to fire the fire balls. If they feel their interest is jeopardized in any part of the planet.  These super powers are capable to monitor the activities of any part of this planet.  They can detect very tiny things from their spying satellites.


Basic aim of the war is to win and rule.  The powers had made targets for entire population of the world and it will increase even to capture other planet in the modern war.  It had clearly shown in the second world war’ at the time of second world war, the USA had have few atom bombs and use against the people of Japan. This is a historic example where the law of war was broken and civilian were made targets. Time to time fascist powers had threatened the human lives during the wars.  What the plants of Vietnam had done to the people of America, why the forest of Vietnam destroyed massively by chemicals.  Were those innocent child, animals, women and elderly people enemy of the American soldier and people ? Certainly, they were not.  When an imperialistic power involves in the civil war they destroy every an; fascist will make thing in because the ethics of war is eradicated from their vocabulary.

There is no such measure to control the technically advanced war against the civilian; fascist will make the major target to the civilian.  The word ‘ethic’ is removed during the war.  The ego of super power will not let them down; so they will use any available means to destroy adversaries.  It will use any available means to destroy adversaries.  It will not destroy only their enemies, they will also be destroyed.

During second world war, n 7th December 1941 ‘Japan used suicide air craft Eagle 353 destroy the American warships and military. They killed 2403 militaries and destroyed 18 US war ships in Pearl Harbor in America.157  In the Gulf War (16th January 1991) the milk power producing factory for children was bombard by USA AND ALLIED.  It indicates that the word of humanism is eradicated from the dictionary of the super power. What had done by the children of Iraq to USA and its allied. The child of Iraq will revive the history.  Will those children forgive them ?

Affect of radiation will appear after long time. During the Gulf War radio active weapons were disposed and the effect appeared in 1993. ‘American soldiers who were involved in Gulf War were affected by a mysterious diseases.  It is believed that they are highly affected such as memory loss.158  What is happening at the side of Iraq is unknown.

An American nuclear physicist A.W.Weinberg has given some sort of explanation for understanding the destructive nature of nuclear products such as weapons and reactors.  He said that ‘there is an understandable drive on the part of men  of good will to build up the positive aspects of nuclear energy, simply because the negative aspects are so distressing.159

These super powers are keeping the entire entities under the very hot fire ball which we humanbeing ignored to  feel it we labeled it as development.  We people also part and partial of it. Have we ever organized protest marches when our countries testing and developing nuclear and chemical weapons ? Certainly no we became proud of it; my country developed nuclear weapons, so we are great.  These Ahankara pushed to the entire human being under the fire ball. The existence of nuclear war heads, nuclear bombs and other bombs are threat to the existence of humanbeing.  The history pointed us that there is no ethics for war the only ethic is winning.

People are not concerned what is happening around their environment; the governments are misunderstood the power of people.  They have been exploiting the weak point of the people. We have elected the government ; it does not mean that they are doing the right thing; because there is no transparency between government and people.  In the name of creating jobs they have made big industries only for producing mass destructive weapons.  The people want to overthrow the corrupted and based on rotten system ; they are protected by these super powers and supplied arms instead of controlling arms.  The people have to be vigilant as watch dogs to the wrong doings against the humanity.

Kuwait was captured by the Saddam Hussain, what the children of Iraq had done.  The milk factory was bombard;  why was it done ?  It  proved that in the war there is no ethics ; the 20th century wars were fought without regulations.  Most of the victims were women, children and elderly people.  The nuclear weapons producer do not understand that the weapons and bombs do not recognize the producer and adversaries.  It is made only for destruction.

16.7      POST COLD WAR:

Cold war was the main source of arm race.  During this period both block did understand the language of power.  Powerful one is determined who possess the most destructive weapons.  These unbridled powers are the one who brings poverty, main nutrition, unemployment, genetic disorder and they tried to create horror around the globe. If they had used the amount which had spent for arm development, the world world would have turned to be a paradise. Once Brezhney said that ‘we are forced to improve our defence, I repeat we are forced to do so because we are faced with an unbridled arm race.’ 160  These unbridled arm race was robbing to mankind 400 (four hundred billion) a year and 1 (one) billion a day.161

After collapsed of Soviet USSR, which was trying to establish a socialism in the country, cold war era came to the end but more violent social order are emerging; Somalia, Yugoslavia, Rwanda, Pressure on North Korea and many more are the examples, Still the super power and its NATO allied are seeking social control by using military power.  \use of military power for peace and prosperity is not the solution. It is the domination.  If any society feels dominated, it will manifest as revolt after some time, still people trying to be escaped to be slave of the power.

These super powers do not want others to develop the nuclear war heads because on human Tarian ground but the reality is different. \if they are really committed to humanity, why are they not committed to dismantle the nuclear war heads which they have possessed, Simply they do not want to develop as their parallel force in the third world countries.  Always they want make the third world countries depending on them even for small matters of their own.

Can we believe that during second world war who did not hesitate for killing more than one hundred thousand people of Japan and left with genetic damage for thousands of people, will not use another Nuclear bombs if their interest is jeopardized.

Scientist have seen the external threat from asteroids and these super powers want to destroy the asteroid using nuclear war heads but it is a utopian thinking .First of all asteroid  should be destroyed in the space itself which is posing the threat to the  earth. If it enters in the zone of earth, there is no use of Nuclear war heads: if they have time to do so also they will not save the planet and entities. The reality is they are not ready to dismantle the existing nuclear bombs and warheads. They just want to justify for keeping their nuclear war heads.

Now USA and its allied are after China and North Korea. In their eye these countries have some sort of different social system which are proved better for the majority of the people and it is not based on the exploitation of the individual people. Recently "China entered and market competitor in the global trade and they said that it is a socialistic market economy. Under the social system of  China, the economy is growing around 1 to 2% of their GDP. Arms industry is one of the biggest industry of these super powers. If these industries closed sown due to lack of demand , they will loose a huge income for the country and unemployment will b increased dramatically. So they want to maintain the arms production. To maintain the arm production, they will try to create market creating terror around the globe. 'USA is supplying patriotic missiles to the South Korea. 162 It is justified that  they have sold these because of protecting from the attack of North Korea. This is a form of creating terror for selling their arms.

'Science has made the danger more eminent but real problem lies in the minds and hearts of men, we always have the opinion to choose between hope and destruction but of our hand for ever, 163 .But the choice is almost taken out of our hand.



Religion it cannot define what it is but it is absorbed in the humanbeing. ‘There are thousand religion around the world. Some religions among the primitive tribe of New Guinea for example or the isolated jungles of south America, may not even have been discovered yet by civilized man.164.  They have also find the way to be transcended as other religions.

In the materialistic world religion is regarded as ‘Opium’ (marx) and for its counter told as ‘Tonic’ (Vivekananda) Both of them have their own justification.  What direction the religions have been taking to direct the action of the humanbeing ; it should be examined.

‘History is full of examples of wars being fought in the name religion, particularly religion being propagated by the sword of riots and deep seated enmity between the adherents of different religions and of heirs of various sects;165 Human being is highly motivated in the spiritual world as manifested in the religion.  They already to sacrifice themselves in the name of God or religion; the action which are to perform can be performed only with psychological attachment.  It indicates that religion is deep rooted in the heart of the humanbeing.

Being the early religion, Hinduism had with stand with different blows from different invasion over Indus valley.  The people of Indus valley developed the first civilization, they have practiced over thousand years before invasion from others; Some western writer tried to bound the Hindu religion in the time frame.  It cannot be bind in the time frame.

The ‘Hindu’ is derived from ‘Indus ‘ valley and the religion ws practiced since the emergence of religion.  According to the Hindu philosophy, the time cycle is divided into four (age).  Two different leader of hinduism regarded as God, Rama and \Krishna led in two different Yuga.  The fact unveiled that Rama’s yuga was Treta and Krishna’s yuga was Dwaper.  To commemorate the memory of Rama, his son Lava, Kush and king of Saravasti, king of Kaushal built a magnificient temple at the palace of Shri Rama’s birth place Ayodha.  It was renovated by Maharaj Yudhistry of Mahabharat fame in 3100 B.C.’166

The Yuga of Krishna begins after two different Yugas elapsed.  The people of those Yuga had lived in different places and developed own their way; they might had gathered only for religion conversations and to celebrate the festivals.  The Buddha enlighten through his own way, but the Nepal.  It displayed that this area; (Mokshya) During the time of Buddha (around  2600 B.C. ) Kapilvastu (present one of the district of Nepal) was a developed city which is discovered and preserved by the Archaeology department, government of Nepal.  It displayed that this area; present South East Asia was the fostering ground of spiritual and physical development.

The hindu religion had passed the very dark stages in the history; it was forced to be confined in the hand of exploiter.  This was the cause where the society divided into different groups; it is known as caste system.  There religion utilized by feudal as a means of exploitation.  Still some conservative Brahaman of India and Nepal have this feeling; even they did not hesitate to say the Veda should not be read by the untouchable and women.  If we scrutinize this statement through vedic literature, the vast Hindu religion was used as means of exploitation by the exploiter during the age of feudal system; still this system existed in the under develop economic system.  It sow the seed of conflict in the society; the caste system kept the society in the darkness which is the set back of Hinduism.  Many saint and sages tried to profound the vedic culture where every human are regarded equal.

The scholarly people were fought to overcome from the dark stage and succeed explaining the fact of vedic concept even though Hinduism diverted into many branches and prepared ground for philosophical thinking for all sorts of religion and philosopher.

The social conflicts which are evloed by the name of the religion are the set back for all religions.


‘The West Asia, the birth place of three leading religion of the world Christianity, Islam and Judaism is living today under the shadow of persisting tension, terror and strife’167 The fact of terror and killing between Israeli and Palestine can not be separated from religious conflicts.  It can be tracked back to two hundred years as historical conflict.  Mostly the centre of origin of three religion had sparked the conflicts all over the world; it is carried out in the name of religion.  So it is important to understand why the West Asia became the battle ground for long time ? It is associated between Islam and Christianity backed Judaism.



It is a problem of political thinking based on religion.  It can be seen in one of the statement made; The rise of the Islam is perhaps the most amazing event in human history. Springing from land and a people alike previously, Islam spread within a century over half the earth, shattering building up a whole new world the world of Islam.168

When the Jews were expelled from the land of their birth place presently the area which is occupied by Syria, Lebanon and Jordan.  The Jews forced to live their homeland and they settled all over the corners of the world wherever they could find the place.  It present, the place where Israel located is called Palestine.

The Jews homeland question raised and tried to solve by the League of Nation which is known as ‘Balfour Declaration’ of 2nd November 1917.  The declaration was promising to lay down the foundation for Jews national home in Palestine.  The declaration ‘expressed its willingness to create a Jewish state out of the British controlled territories of Palestine and Jordan.  However the plan could not be carried through ......169

The Jews were executed by Nazi Germany, ‘Holocaust’ is the famous scandal in the world of religion.  So the demand of the creation of separate Jewish state gathered momentum in 1947. ‘The UN general assembly recommended the creation separate Jewish and Arab state in Palestine on the expiry of British mandate. Following this recommendation a Jewish state of Israel was proclaimed on 14th May 1948.’170

Around seven hundred thousand Arab lost their home and forced them to live as refugees in tents in the desert of neighbour countries especially in Jordan, Lebanon and Syria.  The declaration tried to solve the problem of Jewish but another side? it was over looked.  The USA declared its recognition as independent separate state as Israel ‘The following day, 15th may 1948 combined Arabian Armies of Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon invaded the newly born Jewish  state.  A cease fire was enforced on 7th January 1949 but by that time Israel had made 50%  increase in its territory. Major war was fought in 1956, 1967 and 1973’ 171

The war which was not desired by the people were fought and destroyed the peace of the people since the establishment of the Israel.  The West Asia remained in tension and terror of declared and undeclared wars.  In 1964, Palestine Liberation Organization which is well known as PLO, Its main aim was to restore their home land and the PLO succeed in focusing the attention of Palestine problem worldwide.  ‘In 1974 Arab government and UN formally recognized the PLO as representative of displaced Palestine.172


The same organization as UN allowed to form the Israel nation and it recognized PLO as displaced Palestine people’s representative.  Is it not enough to be suspicious in its intention ?  What they want to do to the people of West Asia ? More bloodshed and violence, terror and developing hatred each other.

The Palestine problem is not attached only with settlement problem; it should be examined from the angle of religion.  The Islam movement do not want to allowed other religions to be taken over by displacing their followers.  So the counter attack launched within the second day of declaration independent state of Israel.  The Israeli are backed by the West and its allied forces – mainly dominated by Christianity where they do not want to lose.  Bombarding over Lebanon in the name of terrorist, killing with each other is the present situation of West Asia.  This is the symbol of present human relationship in the world.

The seed of conflict disseminate between two human fellows; one day, they should be ready to live together sharing the common territories of land and sea.  If the religion cannot teach peace, friendship, mutual coexistence between different faith and values, what we expect from such religions.



The history of Islam is full of war, They have conquered by the sword.  The life of the prophet Muhammad and Islam should not be singled out for exploring the Islamic world.  The holy Quran was revealed through the prophet Muhammad who was illiterate but generous and purity in manners. He orphaned at the birth.  At 20, he was already a successful business man and soon became the director of camel caravans for a wealthy widow.  When reach 25, his employer recognized his merit, proposed marriage even though she was 15 years older than him.  He married her..'173  It indicates that he was sympathetic to humanity.

When reached at the age of forty years, he started preaching his thoughts as he was revealed.  The earliest converts to the Islam were his bosom friends and people of his households who all intimately acquainted with his private life.'174  At his time,  those rice Arabs were worshiping many idols and prophet Muhammad's message humiliated to those rich Arabs which was as against worshiping of idols.  So he and his followers were kicked out from Mecca, his birth place.  He went Medina. 'This emigration or hijrah, in 622 C.E. (A.D.) marked a significant point in Islamic history.'175  There he became a ruler and spiritual leader.

'He was forced to fight in defence of the freedom of conscience which he preached, he became an accomplished military leader.  He won some spectacular victories.'176  'He conquered mecca (630 C.E.or 8th A.H. Muslim Year) and ordered to destroy three hundred and sixty idols of Kabba,  all the idols and house hold gods of Mecca and round about were destroyed.'177  He cleaned out destroyed idols from the Ka'bah (Kabba) and 'established it as the focal point for pilgrimages to Mecca that continue down to this day.178  This was one of the major victory of his expansion work.  He continued it throughout his life.

PERSIA. The Sassani empire in Persia was in a state of anarchy, following its long struggle with Byzantine empire.  Byzantine empire was seriously weakened, more the majority of native Christian population of Syria and Egypt had embarrassed with Byzantine and the Byzantine orthodox church.'179 This situation led to the Arab as Islam foe expansion in these areas.  The Islam was in full swing of war and expansion. 'Muhammad sent a troop to invade settled Iraq, the expedition was against Christians and Arab tribe the motif of invasion was religion.  He declared holy war (JIHAD) those who died in the war were regarded martyrs. '180 Even after the death of prophet Muhammad in 632 A.D., the expansion of Islam continued by his successors.

After four years of death of Muhammad the Arab had won the battle against Byzantine emperor – Heraclius. 'In 641 A.D. Arab army took Egypt,  the richest province of Byzantine.  In 649 A.D. Muawiyal seized the Cyprus.  Ommiad forces attacked great city of Constantinople present Istanbul, they lasted for seven years 674 – 680 A.D.'181

CONQUEST IN CENTRAL ASIA.  The Islam forces under Ommiad Viceroys eastern Iran and Transoxiana was conquered during 700-715 A.D. In Transoxiana and Afghanistan, the Muslim found flourishing.  They destroyed Buddhist centers.  The Muslim armies raided into territories and intervened the affairs of central Asia. 182  It indicates that they were confronted with well established religion Buddhist in Central Asia, ' AHIMSA PRAMO DHARMA. 'concept of non violence is one of their noble truth was destroyed by the sword of Islam.

The same way they wanted expand the Islamic movement in India.  They had invaded Sindha, the lower valley and delta of Indus river and 'subjugated it in 710 A.D.' Islam did not expand in the people of India as other part of their conquer areas where they felt only sword is not enough to win.

WESTWARD MOVEMENT :  Islam spread like a veld fie in North Africa and westward.  In 670 A.D. Kairovan in Tunesia was founded as the Arab base ;  By 675 They conquered Morocco.  With the conquest of Visigothic kingdom in Spain they had foot hold in Europe during 705-715.183

These example of wars clearly disclosed that the Islam was expanded together with the sword.  The sword does not recognize humanity, it propagates tyrant where others are suppressed.

Christianity also followed the same route to defend and expand their religion.  A religion expanding by the sword, what are they trying to teach their disciples? What moral and values would they develop?



The concept of religion is given as to convert the people in to their faith. They have been working as missionaries throughout the world since its inception.  They have divided society into many pieces and cultivated deep rooted enmity between their brother and sister.  Early history is a history of struggle.184  The struggle was to establish the Christianity in Europe.  It began worldwide movement during the time of Alexander the Great.185

In most part of the Europe, Paganism was inherent religion. Pagan they worship in Temples and they believed in natural Gods. Natural Gods are fire, sky, sea, thundering etc. In Rome during 98-117 B.C. teaching of Christianity was a crime.  Who tries death penalty was announced but there were loop holes for practicing Christianity because the Magistrate was not bound to search the Christians.  During 379-395 anti pagan government resumed, Theodosius forbade all the sacrifices and closed all the temples in 391.  A further step was taken prohibition of private exercise of Pagan.  In 392, Rome voted officially abolition of Pagan.  'Theodosius was a Christian Emperor.  He made Christianity law of land and given a place for bishop in the state and recognized their jurisdiction in all the matters.186  Christianity was forced to adhere for the people of Rome by the converted Emperor.  So there were blood shade in the history of religion.  The most famous example is crusades between Islam and Christianity.



The war between Islam and Christians were fought during the period of 1096-1291, almost two hundred of years of war; most probably this should be the longest war in the human history. At the close of 11th century, the religious head of Christian, the pope called upon all the Christian countries of Western Europe to wage a holy war to recover Jerusalem and other Christian holy places in Palestine from the Muslims.  Muslims and captured these places in 1076.  This led a serried of religious wars between the Christians and the Muslims.   The war is known as crusades. …. They had fought mainly eight wars but in all wars Christians had defeated.  The most illustrative crusade was children's crusade.  This defeat gather the momentum in the Christian world for revenge and some Christian put forth a proposal to send children's army for returning their captured holy places in Jerusalem.  The basis of their proposal was a statement in the Bible where in it said that a small child would lead the Christians.  Consequently a French shepherd gathered an army of (30,000) thirty thousand children while (20,000) twenty thousand German children under the leadership of Nicholas marched to Jerusalem.  But it turned out to be a fiasco.  Out of the French crusading children only one and out of German children 200 survived.  Some perished on the way a while others were sold in to slavery by the Muslims.188

The war between Muslims and Christians had outbreak number of times and in number of places which had led to sacrifice from children to adult.  The children who did not know the religion had sacrificed in the crusade.  It would not be forgotten in the religious history of mankind.

The religious conflicts caused by the Christianity can be traced back since the origin of Christianity; especially from the concept of Jesus Christ.  The church was not founded for the comfort of its members.  Jesus told his followers to spread hi9s message to all nations beginning at Jerusalem and early Christian risked their life to do do.189  It disclosed that the missionaries were encouraged for spreading their faith through any means.  In Europe the Saxons were slaughtered by Bhristians.  Establishing their religion was their main task which was provided by their God.

'The religion is not only creating wars between different religions;  They are creating social conflicts inter religion as well the fight between protestians and Catholic in Northern Ireland is one of the famous example' 190 It indicates that there was a revolution between catholic and protestants want to convert catholic to protestants.  It carried up to 21st century where many lives have been sacrificed, 'The rift increased as Dr. Martin Luther from Germany reformed the way of doing things in the Christianity.  The Pope send a troop to capture the Martin Luther and political situation did not allow it.  After Martin Luther almost all part of the Christianity started thinking in the new direction which is developed as Protestants.' In 1993 Protestants killed more people than IRA in North Ireland.'191

If they are creating war between themselves what would be the situation with other faith; certainly they will not tolerate. They had done to the Pagans in Rome.  The religion was spread by the help of colonialism.  First powerful military invaded and captured the country than they started converting people in to Christian faith.



Islam and Christianity known as missionary religion.  The aim of missionary is to destroy others with different means and tactics and establish their faith in the society.  Thus these missionaries are creating religious conflicts between their fellows, neighbours, and tribes.  The same story have been repeating many time in India. India was ruled by many famous Muslim rulers.  Once Muhammad (not prophet Muhammad) vowed himself to attack India every year and 17 times of his attack is illustrated in the history of India..... In 1009 A.D. he attacked the temple of Thaneswor and robbed a lot of jewels and money, the status of Chakra Swami taken away to Gajani and thrown in the public place.192 lt mosque ‘When Muslim ruler ruled the India, They tried to destroy the temples and built mosque ‘When Barber, a conservative Sunee, attacked over India ; he had given the name of war as Jihad.’193

It indicates that the claim of Rama’s temple is not only the cause of rioting between Muslims and Hindus, the Islam is a missionary religion, when they attacked they had attacked in the name of holy war and Hindus they do not want to be invaded by the other religious faith.  The struggle to gain the temple of Rama is an example of religious manifestation of humanbeing of 21st century. The conflict of Rama’s temple is known as Ayodhya conflict.



On December 6, 1992, Once more Hindu Muslim conflict break out for regaining the place of Rama where the Babri ld. ‘One source coated that 16th century shrine reduced to rubble after hindu hard liners swarmed over it, tearing out stones and bricks.’194 The conflict spreads all part of India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and other part of the world.  The Muslim started demolishing Hindu temples.  Many more lives were sacrificed in this riot.

This conflict did not outbreak all of sudden, it has a long history which should be looked at.  In place of Babri Mosaque, the Rama’s temple was built ‘ by the King Kaushal to commemorate memory of Shri Rama.  He built it in the birth place of Rama and the temple was renovated by the Maharaj Vikramaditya on 57 B.C.’195  Many invaders over India desecrated the temple of Rama.  ‘Salar Masud desecrated the temple arund 1030 A.D. but local hindus renovated it.196

In 1528 Mir Baqui, commander of Moghal invader destroyed the temple after a fierce fighting with Pt. Devideen Pandey,  King of Hansbar Sri Ravijaya singh and Maharani Jayaraj  Kumari.

He tried to build the structure of Mosque.  Hindu launched four attacks and around one hundred thousands of lives lost.  During 1530-1556 ten more battles fought; during the time of Akabar 1556-1665 A.D. twenty battles were fought  He had permitted to hindus to build Rama Chabutra for worshipping Rama.

During the time of Arangzeb 1605-1707 A.D. thirty more battles were fought.  Aurangzeb regained the control and destroyed the temple, killed ten thousand hindus. During 1798-1857 around eight battles were fought for gaining and regaining the temple of Rama.

In 1857, when the independence struggle of India started, Hindu and Muslim unity realized.  The independence fighter and Shanta tried to bring the harmony between Hindu and Muslim community.  They fought for independence.  Muslim decided to handover the Rama’s birth place to Hindus.  ‘1860 British allowed Muslims to enter the structure and Hindus continued to worship at Rama’s  Chabutra outside the structure 1912-1923.  Hindu fought two fierce battles and 1934 hindu possess the site.  Muslim discontinued to come there but the British ruler who want to divided and rule the country rehabilitate the Muslims at the place.  Thus 1528 to 1934, it is believed that there were more than 77 armed conflict and  more than three hundnred thousands (3,00,000) Hindus sacrificed their lives to restore shri Rama Janabhoomi temple.197  Even after 1934 the dispute continued.

Many wars fought for restoring the temple of Rama which have been upbringing; the social conflicts even in late 20th century; it might be continued for centuries.  The colonial powers left the seed of social conflicts all over the world in different from.  They had utilized the weaknesses of the society.  India and Pakistan fought a very dangerous battle over Kashmir; it was a left over part of the colonial system.  The country divided into two different section Pakistan and India in the name of religion.

The religion becoming the powerful means for dividing the society and country.  In former Yugoslavia, the major conflict is over the religion which have dismantled the old powerful and peaceful Yugoslavia into pieces.  Many thousands of people lost their lives.


In the name of religion fighting, the terrorism activities are carried out in Ireland and West Asia. ‘The major act of terrorism attributed to Protestants was the planting of bombs.  In Dublin in may 1973 in which 33 people died the largest single killed in bombing.  Protestants groups have also been engaged in criminal activities such as arm robberies ........’198

Since the advent of Islam  shi’ism have provided the fuel for movements of protest and rebellion’..199  After the death of prophet Muhammad the Islamic world divided into two different section.  Sunni and Shi’ite; it happened for selection of successor of Prophet Muhammad.  Sunni believed the principle of ‘elective officer’ and Shi’ite believed true successor comes from blood line and through their cousin and son-in-law.  According to them Aliibn Abi Talib ‘who married t prophet Muhammad’s favorite daughter, Fatimah.  Their marriage produced Muhammad’s grandson Hasan and Husayn.  They believe ‘Ali as the legitimate successor but the first three caliphs had cheated him out of his right ful office’... ‘Shiah believe that there have been only 12 true Imams, and the last one of these, Muhammad al-Muntazar, disappeared (878 C.E.).’  They expected him to be appeared ‘as the Mahid (divinely guided one) to restore true Islam, conquer the whole world and usher in a short millennium before the end of all things.200

How the Shi’ism starts in Islamic movement has provided a thought for Jihad.  Once ‘the a former Iranian ambassador to Lebanon explains that government have been the biggest obstacles for starting Islamic movements in the world.’201

The motive what so ever, the act of terror will not be accepted.  The revenge and killing Uman fellow is not the act of religion but it is happening through out the history of religion.  World trade centre bombing may be religious motive but the attack was done as revenge of Christian backed leaders of the west.

‘The west is doing its best of destroy Muslims’. 202 News week coated that on Friday 26th February 1993 at 1:35 P.M. caller claiming to be from the Serbian Liberation Front, tells NYPD the blast is no Accident.’

Whoever did it is a form of terrorism which cannot be legalized by any political motive action.  Both Christianity and Islam are engaged in terrorist action one way or another.  The West is using direct military power in the name of protection which had killed innocent people of Islamic World.  It is also a terrorism done by the power.  They tried to legalize it in the eye of innocent people of the world.  Most of the Super powers are backed by the Christians and Muslims are in the verge of revenge.  Terrorism is not the way of religions.



Religion Has taken a special place in the heart of the human being.  They do not to listen even think what lesson has given, what they learn from religion? The lessons which they learn have not applied in their action.  If the religions have given the proper lessons to the human being; all these crusades, fighting, hatred would have not been developed. A million people had in Rwanda within few months; those who are responsible to kill on the basis of ethnic also are religions people.  After genocide, most probably they might had gone to their church or Mosque for confession.

Observing all these examples of religions wars, we have a foundation to say that these religions have failed to teach the lesion of co-existence, mutual respect and social harmony.  Certainly there is something wrong with these religions.  They are preaching deep seated enmity between their own brothers and sisters.  Only their religion is good, others are not, is the prime lesion in their religious teaching.  Especially the missionary religions  seems sympathetic to the deprived people and they provide some sort of assistance; start converting people into their faith which is the cause of social conflicts.  All these a actions are not the form of religions.  For super nature or God, every entities are not discriminated, all of them deserve the same respect.

The history of religion is full of exploitation; if someone thinks, differently, he or she are punishable as had done to the Dr. Martin. , the thinker of protestants.  The planet is for human beings not for particular religion who won to make slave to the people of the world by the force of sword.

If the religions are for human being; all these religions should be overhauled to develop the real religions where humanity, peace, co-existence, social harmony and mutual respect can be flourished.

If the present form of religions are continue, everlasting crusade will be continue even in the highly developed technological stage of the humanbeing.  The  highly destructive weapons are piled in the hands of another Muhammad and Christ.  They want to gain the world by force; in this process human being will be wiped out whom they are going to teach their religion ?  Is it not the contribution to the so called religions?





The sum of negation is one of the means of world outlook.  It demonstrates how things are existed   as unity of opposite.  The sum of negation has peeled one of the aspect of the global contradiction, which was over looked in the liberation movement of exploitation, it indicated that the spare of contradiction has expanded in the global concept.  In fact it has added a dimension in the liberation movement for determining the contradiction.  If we want to exit the over looked part in human sphere should not be ignored.

The aspect which was overlooked was negative aspect of human development; where we are standing now under the very hot fire ball.  This is not only the cause of capitalistic block, it is also the share of so called socialistic block.  The misrepresentation of contradiction for social phenomena has led towards human destruction.  'I want bombs' was not the solution of human misery, it helped to add more miseries.  Internal forces for social change are more power full than external forces.  It has misrepresented in the world affairs by the so called socialistic block led by Soviet Union since the period of Stalin.

18.2      NEGATION:

Negation is anti thesis.  'In marxism real historical change explained theoretically in terms of terms synthesis as the dialectical outcome of thesis and anti thesis.203 Negation is the – (minus) in the two poolers of charge,  it represents Negative.  It exist matter to social phenomena; without its proper identification in class struggle, the social liberation movement cannot be accelerated.  In social science it is the contradiction of different classes,  Especially between have and have not, old and new, Producer and buyer, feudal and farmer, employee and employer.  It exists everywhere, it can be defined as omnipresent. 

Ignoring the fact of negation would lead towards mechanical thinking.  In every development, the internal factors are playing vital role but at the same time external factors also cannot be ignored.  These external forces can lead in different quality or they can alter the shape and color of the matter, the same way they can change the direction of social change, if ignored it will be a metaphysical thinking.  Metaphysical thinking is to believe in a existed thing as it is, they do not change.  The same way believing the change only from internal forces also as a form of metaphysical thinking.


18.1                SOCIETY AND NEGATION:

Society cannot put in a straight line, it has its mode which has taken shape during the course of social phenomena.  It is changing in every step forward and carries positive and negative aspect as its life.  The contradiction does not remain the same, some time it will react as antagonistic way some time not. So to look into the society from the angle of negative aspect, you might see the totality.  In totality it is playing its role as chemical reaction in Chemistry and minus in Mathematics.  Negative is the part of the motion. 'Motion itself is a contradiction' 204 Observing only positive aspect cannot drive the social change as a whole,  the mistake where many leaders had repeated and tried to suppress their negative aspect at the end total effort, sacrifices became meaningless.  So the negative has been playing important role as positive in change;  Look at the example of electrical circuit; in electricity if negative and positive is not connected, the desired output will not achieved.  It is important to find out the proper connection to carry out the proper function.  In social science the negative aspect should be determined to mobilize the society further, if the negative aspect of the contradiction has not properly identified, it will not move forward as desired way.  In society, it is not easy to identify the proper negative pole where we cannot test like in electricity.  There are many components which allowed electricity to follow in only one direction commonly known as diodes.  These parts will let you know whether you have properly created your circuit or not but in Social science nothing will lead you in right poles as in electricity.  The way of finding the negative aspect is only through observation of past experiences of social changes. Some time determined pole not be as such a negative pole; because the components of social changes behaves differently in different situation and condition.  If the nature of components of social change is not identified properly, effort will be ended up as fiasco.


It is not guaranteed every social change would forward the society, some time it will push backward as well.  It is happening in the social history, if look at the history of the world, it can be identified quickly.  The emergence of Nazi was a positive change for the people of German for the particular time; so they had voted to the Hitler by the majority of them in 1932.  It was over looked aspect of negation in the social phenomena.  The social change should be in the direction for the development of the society.  The development of the society as the form of imbalanced way would lead towards disastrous result as in German and Socialist Russia.

The present super powers as a form of imperialism have led entire living entities in disappearing track but their people are well fed and well housed.  Here the contradiction between people and imbalanced physical development emerged.  As change occurs the form of contradiction also changes.  The imperialists do not want to disclose the disastrous aspect of their physical development.  they just want to show up the positive aspect of their development.  They have been developing mass destructive weapons at the cost of entire living thing.  In this global village, the shape of contradiction also changes.  The specific contradiction should be identified for positive change or for the liberation from exploitation.

Change takes place own its own and changes can be altered by the intervention as happened in Vietnam. During the course of social liberation negative are ever looked. Where the change is taking place thinking only for the positive aspect is a mechanical thinking. It should be avoided for the suitable change as liberation from exploitation.


'---Life is therefore is a contradiction which is present in things and processes themselves and which constantly originates and resolves itself ; as soon as the contradiction ceases, life, to come to an end and death steps in.'205

Contradiction is omnipresent and can be countered in every sphere of life. For an example, if we go to buy a pair of shoes, many pairs of shoes are examined and checked. Some time we return back without it: Why has it happened. The contradiction between buying and not buying, the negative aspect of not buying dominated the buying aspect in the particular situation. This situation might be internal or external. The thoughts are coming in the disappearing as a form of come and go: the negative is attached with come as go, and the vice verse, advantage with disadvantage, profit and loss, war with peace, saving with expenditure. It indicates that 'in contradiction each is the of other's existence and it transforms itself into its opposite…'206  The another example in social change can be seen during the struggle between proletariat and capitalists; working class are ruled by capitalist; after take over by the working class, capitalist will be ruled by the working class. The way the negative appears and follows by positive. Our thoughts and idea are in our command but social contradiction is out of the command of an individual. So identifying the negative aspect as major and minor of social contradiction should be properly indentified for social liberation movement. Sometime minor contradiction emerges as major of sublimes with major. It will manifest in practice, without making mistake the target should be determined for social liberation.

Observing of negation is as important as positive aspect of contradiction. The global contradiction should be determined in this global village. The contradiction which is peeled between existence and disappearing of human being will lead in the new direction of the social movement and after liberation for development. The planet is for all entities of the planet.

















1.       Young Scientist: Vol.19, Page–14. Published by World Book Company. Chicago

2.       Ibid. Page: 15

3.       Veda Jyoti (derived from Atharva veda XII – 1.12) -1991-    July/August. Issue 64 page:7 Published by Veda Niketan, Durban, South Africa

4.       Shrimad Bhagavatam Geeta: Fourth Chapter, 7th and 8th verses. Published by: Patna Pustak Bhandar, Kathmandu, Nepal. page no: 59. 2048, Vikram Sambat (1991. A.D)

5        Some thoughts on Hindu Religion: Dr. Veer Dev Bista. Page No: 82/83, Published by: Escort Arya Samaj, Natal, South Africa. 1994. (derived from Atharva Veda 17.1.7)

6.       Ibid : page 9.

7.       Veda Jyoti: Veda Jyoti: Page-10, Issue 64, Published by Veda Niketan, Durban, South Africa.  1991.

8.       Cambridge Encyclopedia of life Science: page: 27, Basic theory of Darwin, Natural selection.

9.       Gotra: Branches of family; It is common practice and belief in Hindu community.

10.     AIDS : Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome:

11.     Introduction to biology: D.G. Macken; page 204, John Murray, London. 1984.

12.     Gangase Bholga Tak: (From ganges to Bholga): Rahul Shankrityan; page No.49. Published by Kitab Mahal, Elahabad.

13.     The mind of Swami Vivekananda an anthology and an study: page 16, By Gautam Sen. Publisher: Jaico Publishing House, Bombay.

14.     Introduction to Biology: D. G. Mackean; John and Murray, London. Third edition-1984. Page No.204.

15.     Origin of state and Property: Engles: A summarized not from the writer and same concept have mentioned by other writers as well in their different writings.

16.     Veda Jyoti: July/August-1990, page 13. Publisher: Veda Niketan, P. Box 1770, Durban 4000, South Africa.

17.     Some thought on Hindu Religion: Dr.Veer Dev Bista, Publisher: Excort Arya Samaj, Escort, Srimad Vagwat Geeta- Cathurtho Adhya – 8 th version: publisher:Ratna Pustak Bhandar,Bhotahity Kathmandu, Nepal.

18.     Sir Issac Newton's famous finding' Gravitation.' The Earth Science, Page 340, Samuel N. Namowitz. D. H. Heath and company Massachusetts, Lexington, Toronto-1978. (In this page it has explained the effect of gravitation to low and high tide.)

19.     It is a medicine Used to remove or to kill the worm from the stomach of humanbeing.

20.     Concept of God On Veda: Page 7, Derived from Yajurveda verse 8-40th chapter. Publisher: Veda Niketan, Durvan South Africa.

21.     Ibid page 7.

22.     CDT. Foundation Course: M. Finney P. Fowler: Page 75, Collins Educational, 19900. U.K.

23.     Young Scientist: Volume: 19, Publisher: World Book Company Chicago.

24.     Global Warming: Page 13/14: Publisher: Sierra Club Books: Sanfrancisco: By Stephen H. Sechgneider.

25.     Ibid: Page 19.

26.     Sustainable Development – The Hague Report: Page 12, Publisher: UNDP: 1992.

27      Ibid: Page 13.

28.     B.B.C. World Service Television: 23-5-1003.

29.     Global Warming: Page:182: Stephen H. Scheider. Sierra Club Books Sanfrancisco.

30.     Srimad Bhagavatam: Translated By: A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhypad. Publisher: Bhaktivedanta Book Trust.

31.     Science for today and tomorrow: Page:74,97.M.A.Atherton, T. Duncan and D.G. Mackean. Publisher: John Murray.1990.

32.     Shrimad Bhagavatam: Canto-3,Page 204,Verses 15. Translated by:A.C. Bhakti Vedant Swami Prabhupad: Publisher The Bhaktivedant Book Trust.

33.     Sustainable Development: From concept to Action: page 8:The Hague Report: Prepared By: Jan Pronk and Mahbubul Haq. Publisher: UNDP.

34.     Action: Environmental Health Magazine, Published in Harare: 1992.

35.     Introduction to Biology: B. G. Mackean: Page 53. Publisher John Murray, U.K.18\984.

36.     Ibid: Page 237.

37.     Primary Science:- 5, Page:26.Pyblisher: Macmillam Botswana. The diagram is drawn on the basis of this book.

38.     Physic: By Beiser.

39.     The mind of swami Vivekananda: An anthology and a study PageL37.By Gautam Sen Publisher: Jaico Publishing House, Bombay.

40.     Bichar Bigyan: Khaptad Swami: Page:2, Publisher: Suchana Bibhag, Kathmandu, Nepal.

41.     Mankind Search for God: Page 110,'Watch Tower Bible and Tract society, New York-1990.

42.     Meal time prayer:Page:6, Publisher: Veda Niketan , Durban, South Africa.

43.     Bichar Bigyan : (Science of Thought ): Page-27,Publisher:Suchana Bibhag, Kathmandu, Nepal.

44.     Young Scientist :Vol.13,World Book Company, Chicago.

45.     A History of Economic Theory and Method: Page :268,B.ekulund Jr. Robert F, Herbert, Publisher: MC Grawhill, Book Company.

46.     The mind of Swami Vivekananda an anthology and a study: Page :51,By Gautam Sen, ( Original Aldous Huxel ),Publisher: Jaico Publishing House, Bombay.

47.     Shrimad Bhagvat Geeta: Austho Adhaya,1  and 10 th verses. Publisher: Ratna Pustak Bhandar, Bhotahity Kathmandu- 2048 B.S.( 1991 A.D.)

48.     Earth Science: Page 26, Samuel N. Namowitz, Publisher:D.C. Heath and Company.  Massachusetts, 1978.

49.     Physic: By Beiser.

50.     Young Scientist :Vol-13,Publisher:World Book Company, Chicago.

51.     Earth Science: Page 27, Samuel N. Namowitz, Publisher: D.C.Heath and Company: Lexington, Massachussetts, Toronto.- 1978.

52.     Solar System: By John Courtis;

53.     Earth Science: Page 301, Samuel N. Namowitz. Publisher: D.C. Health and Company.

54      Solar System : By John Courtis.

55.     Earth Science : Page 316, Samuel N, Namowitz, Publisher: D.C. Heath and Company, Chicago. 1978.

56.     The mind of Swami Vivekananda .By Gautam Sen, Publisher: Jaico Publishing House, Bombay.

57.     Only One Earth, Care and Maintenance of small planet: Page 100, ByL Barbara Ward and Rene ' Dubos. Publisher: Pelicon Book,1972.

58.     Sustainable Development : Page-9, The Hague Report Publisher: UNDP, New York.

59.     Mankind's Search for God: Page -129, Explains about Nirvana and Enlightenment . Publisher : Watch Tower  Bible and Tract Society , New York,1990.

60.     Race, Science and Society: Page no: 114, George Allen and Unwin. Publisher: UNESCO, UNESCO Press

61.     Ibid page 114.

62.     Ibid page 114.

63.     The mind Swami Vivekanada and an Anthology and a study: Page 10, By Gautam Sen, Publisher: Jaico Publishing House, Bombay.

64.     News Week: Page No: 21, April 26, 1993, Publisher: News Week Inc. (For depth knowledge on it, recommend for further reading)

65.     UNFPA: Page 1-3, Publisher: UNFPA information and External Relation Division. New York

66.     Ibid page 1.

67.     Collier's Encyclopedia: Pest. Page No: 616. Publisher:

68.     Children's Britannica: Pests. Page: 297. Publisher:

69.     Only one Earth, Care and Maintenance of small planet: Page 108, By: Barbara Ward and Rene Dubos. Publisher: (Pelican Book).

          Penguin Books Ltd. England, Australia and New Zealand.- 1976.

70.     Collier's Encyclopedia- Pest. Page 616. Publisher:

71.     B.B.C. Television, 6-5-1993, 5o' clock GMT.

72.     Only one Earth. The care and Maintenance of Small Planet: page 27. Barbara Ward and Rene Dubos. Publisher: Penguin Book Ltd.-1976

73.     Swami Vivekananda, An Anthology and a study: By Gautam Sen, Jaico Publishing House, Bombay

74.     Collier's Encyclopedia: Pest. Page No: 616

75.     The Language of Trade: John H. Harter. Publisher: US Information Agency: Page: Page Market

76.     Ibid Market Forces.

77.     Ibid ICA.

78.     History of economic theory and Method: Page 155, Rober B Ekelund Jr, Robert F and Herbert. Publisher: Mc Graw Hill Book Company.

79.     Veda Jyoti- Page 5, Issue 64, Publisher: Veda Niketan, Durban South Africa. 1991

80.     Sustainable Development: The Hague Report, Page 8; Publisher: UNDP: 1992.

81.     Ibid page 9.

82.     Encyclopedia of  Modern Technology: Edited by: Dr. David Black Burn and Prof. Geoffrey Holister, Page 141, Hutchinson Reference.

83.     Ibid Page 143.

84.     Ibid page 142.

85.     News Week, Oct 11, 1993. Publisher News Week Inc.

86.     Encyclopedia of  Modern Technology: Edited by: Dr. David Black Burn and Prof. Geoffrey Holister, Page 141, Hutchinson Reference.

87.     Pollution and Environment: Page 16. By Lean Mary, Publisher: Mac Donald Educational Simon and Schuster, International Society.

88.     Ibid page 16.

89.     Encyclopedia of  Modern Technology: Edited by: Dr. David Black Burn and Prof. Geoffrey Holister, Page 143, Hutchinson Reference.

90.     Young Scientist- Vol-19. Publisher: World Book Company, Chicago.

91.     Small is Beautiful: Page 129. A study of Economics as if people mattered. By E.E. Schumacher. 1973, London.

92.     Sustainable Development: The Hague report- page 9. Publisher: 1992.

93.     Pollution and Environment: By Lean Mary, Publisher: Mac Donald Educational Simon and Schuster, International Group. (Sir George Porter, Winner of the Noble prize in Chemistry. His statement coated form Pollution and Environment.)

94.     Society Today: page 192, Michael Williams. Publisher: Macmillan Education. London.

95.     Shrimad Bhagwatam: Canto-3 Page 398. Translated by: A.C. Bhakti Vedanta Swami Prabhupad. Publisher: The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust. New York, Los Angeles, London, Bombay.

96.     Ibid page 398.

97.     News Week. April 26, 1993, page 43. Publisher: News Week Inc.

98.     From Sex to Super consciousness: Page 68, By Oso Rajneesh. Publisher: Orient Paper Backs Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, Bombay 1989.

99.     Ibid Page 68.

100.   Ibid  Page 70.

101.   Ibid Page 75.

102.   Society Today, Michael Williams: Page 192. Publisher: Macmillan. London.

103.   Ibid Page 65.

104.   Ibid page 65/66.

105.   News Week: Page 43, By Jerry Adler, April 26, 1993. Publisher: News Week Inc.

106.   Prem Chandra: An Indian Progressive writer; Derived from a criticism of Gaudan.

107.   Botswana Guardian, March 4, 1994, Publisher:

108.   News Week, Page 43, 26th April 1993. Publisher: News Week Inc.

109.   Botswana Guardian, March 4, 1994, Publisher:

110.   The Citizen, Daily Newspaper: Johannesburg, 9th June, 1993. Publisher: The Citizen, Johannesburg.

111.   News Week: Page 43, By Jerry Adler, April 26, 1993.

112.   From Sex to Super consciousness: Page 65, By Oso Rajneesh. Publisher: Orient Paper Backs. A division of Vision Books Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, Bombay 1989.

113.   Shrimad Bhagwatam: Canto-3 Page 627. Translated by: A.C. Bhakti Vedanta Swami Prabhupad. Publisher: The Bhakti vedanta Book Trust. New York, Los Angeles, London, Bombay.

114.   South African Destabilization: Page 1, Produced by: The UN Department of Public Information/ Press Summary, Kitwe, Zambia. 13th October, 1989.

115.   Finance Development. Page 2, March 1994. A quarterly Publication of the IMF.

116.   South African Destabilization: Page 8, Produced by: The UN Department of Public Information/ Press Summary, Kitwe, Zambia. 13th October, 1989.

117.   Ibid page 8/9.

118.   Basic Fact About The United Nations: Page 215, The Law of the sea, where one of the article is for land Locked countries; New Convention of the Conference at UN headquarter on 30th April 1982, with 320 Articles. Publisher: Department of Public Information, United Nations, New York. 1992.

119.   Right to Work and Right to Economic Development In Nepal- page 6. The paper presented by Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of Nepal, Mr. Ganesh Raj Sharma.

120.   Ibid Page 6.

121.   Basic Facts About The United Nations: Page 55, Publisher: The United Nation Department of Public Information, New York 1992.

122.   South African Destabilization: Page 7, Produced by: The UN Department of Public Information/ African Recovery, Press Summary, Kitwe, Zambia. 13th October, 1989.

123.   Spot Light. Vol. 13. No. 51. Page 9, May 6-12, 1994. Publisher: Madhav Kumar Rimal.  Kamal  Pokhari,  Kathmandu, Nepal. It has mentioned about the refugee problem faced by Nepal.

124.   South African Destabilization: Page 6, Produced by: The UN Department of Public Information/ African Recovery, Press Summary, Kitwe, Zambia. 13th October, 1989.

125.   Ibid. Page 6.

126.   Society Today, Michael Williams: Publisher: Macmillan Educational, London.

127.   One in Ten: UNICEF, Technical Program, Page 1, Publisher: UNICEF. New York.

128.   Against the Threat of Another World War: Page 85, Boris Ponomarev. Publisher: Progress Publisher, Moscow 1983.

129.   Ibid. Page 41.

130.   Ibid. Page 14.

131.   A History of twenty eighth Century, Page 15. By: Bryn O' Callaghan. Publisher: Longman- London, 1987/93.

 132.  Against the Threat of Another World War: Page 85, Boris Ponomarev. Publisher: Progress Publisher, Moscow 1983.

133.   Ibid. Page 70.

134.   Ibid. Page 28.

135.   Ibid. Page 71.

136.   Bases Abroad: (The global military presence) Page 3, Robert Harkavy, Publisher: SIPRI (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute) Oxford University Press 1989.

137.   Ibid. page 4.

138.   Ibid. page 5.

139.   Ibid. Page 7.

140.   Countdown to Space War: Page 6, Bhupendra Joshi and Christopher Lee. Publisher: SIPRI.

141.   Ibid. Page 7.

142.   Ibid. page 6.

143.   Ibid. Page 7.

144.   News Week, March 13, 1995. Page 48. Publisher: News Week Inc.

145.   Herbicides in War: The long term ecological and Human consequences page: 3, Publisher: SIPRI.

146.   Ibid, Page 4.

147.   Ibid, Page 5.

148.   UN General Assembly, 1984, Wed 7, UN Bulletin on Disarmament. Mr. Mastamad, Afghanistan.

149.   Herbicides in War, The Long term ecological and human consequences: page 20, Publishe4r: SIPRI,

150.   Ibid Page 20.

151.   Bases Abroad: page 267, Robert Harkavy, Publisher: SIPRI. 1898.

152.   Ibid, Page 267.

153.   Ibid, Page 269.

154.   Against the Threat of Another World War: Page 185. Boris Ponomarey, Progress Publishing House, Moscow, 1983.

155.   Count Down to space war: Page ½ , By: Bhupendra Jashani and Christopher Lee. Publisher: SIPRI.

156.   Against the Threat of Another World War: Page 185. Boris Ponomarey, Progress Publishing House, Moscow, 1983.

157.   Book of Facts: By: Asmovs-Under military.  Published In Great Britain 1980.

158.   B.B.C. News, 1st June 1993.

159.   Small is beautiful: Page 131, By: E.F.Schumacher 1973, London.

160.   Against the Threat of Another World War: Page 185. Boris Ponomarey, Progress Publishing House, Moscow, 1983.

161.   Ibid. Page 40.

162.   Daily New2s, April 20, 1994: Page 4, Department of Information and Broadcasting, Gaborone, Botswana.

163.   Tari: Israeli Dele3gation, UN General Assembly. Wed-7, 1984 (30th Session) UN Bulleting on Disarmament.

164.   Church, Synagogue and Temple: page 1, Kathrin Milne, A New Citizen Book.  Way land publisher, London. 1974.

165.   The Mind of Swami Vevekananda an Anthology and a study: Page 21,

166.   Ayodhya Episode-Chronological Account: Received from Hindu Society, Botswana as Pamphlets-1993.

167.   Wars and Battles – World Famous: By Rajendra Kumar. Publisher: Pustak Mahal, Delhi.

168.   The Quaranic Foundation and Structure of Muslim Society: Dr.Muhammad Fazl-Ul-Rahaman Ansari: Page 27, Vol-I, Publisher: The world Federation of Islamic Mission, Islamic Center, Karachi.

169.   Wars and Battles – World Famous: By Rajendra Kumar. Publisher: Pustak Mahal, Delhi.

170.   Ibid.

171.   Ibid.

172.   The world Book of Encyclopedia: Vol. 1.

173.   Quaranic Foundation and Structure3 of Muslim Society. By: Dr. Muhammad Fazl-Ur-Rahaman Ansari: Page 7 & 8.  Publisher: The World Federation of Islamic Mission, Islamic Center, Karachi.

174.   Ibid. Page 8-9.

175.   Man Kind's Search for God.  Page 292. Publisher: Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of New York. Inc. 1990.

176.   Quaranic Foundation and Structure3 of Muslim Society. By: Dr. Muhammad Fazl-Ur-Rahaman Ansari: Page 7 & 8.  Publisher: The World Federation of Islamic Mission, Islamic Center, Karachi.

177.   Coller's Encyclopedia. M. Page. 83-91.

178.   Mankind's Search for God: Page 292, Publisher: Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. 1990.

179.   Coller's Encyclopedia. M. Page. 83-91., 180-183 Ibid. Most of the related fact are coated the Vol. M. page 83-91.

184.   A short history of Catholic Church: Page: 1, By: Philip Hughes, Publisher: Burns and Oats.

185.   Ibid. Page 4,

186.   Ibid Page 29.

187.   Wars and Battles – World Famous: By Rajendra Kumar. Publisher: Pustak Mahal, Delhi.

188.   Ibid page:78.

189.   The Orthodox Church, By : Sergein Hackle.

190.   A short history of catholic Church: Page: 1, By: Philip Hughes, Publisher: Burns and Oats.

191.   News Week. Dec 13, 1993. Publisher: News Week Inc.

192.   Prem Chandra and Rastriya Ekata. Page 22. By: Dr. Kamal Ranjan, Publisher: Parijat Prakashan, Patna.

193.   Ibid. Page 24.

194.   Asian Bulletin,  Vol-18, No 2, February 1993. Page 39. Publisher : Pao Tai lTen, Taiwan.

195.   Ayodhya Episode-Chronological Account: Received from Hindu Society, Botswana as Pamphlets-1993.

196.   Ibid. 05.

197.   Ibid. 06.

198.   Contemporary Trend In World Terrorism: Page 36. Edited by: Anar Kurz, The Jzffee Center for Strategic Studies, Telaviv University. Publisher: Praeger Publisher, USA and Canada.

199.   Ibid. Page 43.

200.   Mankind's Search for God: Page 294-295. Publisher: Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.

201.   Contemporary Trend In World Terrorism: Page 58. (See Note 198 for Other detail).

202.   News Week. March 15, 1993. Publisher : News Week Inc.

203.   Theories of Comparative Politics: Pg.16, By Ronald H. Chilcote. Publisher: Wet View Press, Boulder Colorado 1981.

204.   Selected Works of Maotsetung-Vol.1. Pg.: 316, Publisher: Foreign Language Press, Peking.

205.   Ibid Pg, 316-317.

206.   Ibid Pg. 338.
































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