Table of Content



!= Kjfnk/]sf] efF8f] 2

@= lvn afFsL g} 5. 4

#=dnfO{ dfof nfU5. 6

$=u'Gb''|s dfUy] 8

%M xl/of}+n] 6f]s]5. 11

^= kTy/ s'6\g] HofdL 13

.cfdf;+u s]xL If0f 15

*=ltdL ef]s aGg ;S5f} < 18

(=Df]ftLlaGb'sf] ;h{l/ u/]/ cfp . 20

!)= Oo"= xfdL ul/a 5f} t/ n'6]/f xf}Ogf} . 23

!!=Gffos / v]n. 30

!@=Pp6f of]Bf;+usf] 8fo/L 33

!#=d[t cfTdf ;Lt = 35

!$=ants[t nfz. 37

!&= Vff8n. 40

!&=d:of{+Ë+bL / d. 42

!*=lzIff pafr. 45

=!(=/ftf] sf]6. 46

@)= l;x+b/af/. 49

@! b[li6e|d. 50

= @@=cg]sf]6 M ;kgf / oyf{y. 51

@#= hfnL xftx? . 53

@$=ls;]bL 55

@%= /+u. 56

@%=nfx'/] 58

@& =sfFrf] cfFk, d / cfdf 60

@(=sd{kmn. 62

#)=jftf{nfk cfdf;+u. 64

The Questions I Left for You. 65

English Section. 65

1.Dream- Save from war mongers. 66

2.The Questions I Left for My Grand Child. 69

3.Brave - Kanchho. 72

4.Grand Child for You. 74

n]vsLo. 77



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